time availability

[taɪm əˌveləˈbɪlətɪ][taim əˌveɪləˈbɪlɪtɪ]


  • Presence server : A Presence server provides the services to collect manage and distribute the real time availability and the means for communicating among users .

    在线状态服务器:“在线状态服务器”提供用于收集、管理和分发 实时 可用 和用户间的通信方法的服务。

  • The Finite Time Availability of Ideal Gas in Thermodynamics Process

    理想气体热力学过程的有限 时间 可用

  • Performance is largely determined by a combination of three other factors : throughput response time and availability .

    性能本身大体上由吞吐量、响应 时间可用 等三项因素所确定。

  • In the tool selection tie a best tool is selected based on tool performance throughput time and tool availability to implement the corresponding process operation .

    设备选择层综合考虑设备性能、生产 时间以及设备的 利用 ,选择处于最佳状态的设备完成相应的工序操作;

  • The Translator will translate blog entries into any of the offered languages on demand with no lag time between the availability of the English version and the availability of translated versions .

    翻译器会按需把博文翻译成机器所提供的任何语言,不再有英文版本和翻译版本之间的延隔 时间

  • This paper discusses the finite time availability of ideal gas system in constant volume process constant pressure process 、 isothermal process and adiabatic process .

    研究在给定约束的等容、等压、等温及绝热过程中,理想气体系统的有限 时间 可用

  • However financial reform will over time improve the availability of financial assets outside the US and returns on equity investments overseas are likely to be more volatile than fixed income returns .

    然而,随着 时间 流逝,金融改革将使美国以外的金融资产 增加,海外股票投资的回报率可能会比固定收益资产的回报率波动更为剧烈。

  • Rest of the themes will be updated based on user 's interest and my time availability .

    其余的主题将被更新,根据用户的兴趣和我的 时间 可用

  • These features enable you to implement well-factored application structures that provide a balance between startup time and resource availability .

    学习这些功能,能够让你把握好启动 时间和资源 下载的分配。

  • In real classrooms the focus of the lesson and students ' current language competence along with the time availability are taken seriously by teachers when deciding the feedback types .

    在课堂教学中,课堂教学中心内容,学生当前语言水平以及课堂教学的 时间 安排都影响了教师对反馈类型的选择。

  • Increasing the location and time availability percentages requires additional signal margin .

    覆盖 时间 地点概率提升意味着信号场的增强。

  • Finally numerical results and influence of time on instantaneous availability instantaneous break-down frequency and reliability are presented by numerical methods .

    最后,进行了数值分析,研究了瞬时 用度、瞬时故障频度和可靠度 时间的变化情况。

  • Maximum impact and progress in the minimum amount of time or for participants with limited time availability ;

    以期望助其在最短的时间 获得专业 英语最大的进步。

  • While predicting the degree of low temperature of next year input the live materials in previous year the model of predicting roll and predict overcome the statistic model of the shortcoming with short forecast time availability .

    预报下一年温度等级时,将上一年的实况资料输入预测集成模型,滚动预测,克服统计模型预报 时效短的缺点。

  • The security of vector geographical has been enhanced by the topology rules and at the same time the availability of vector geographic data is maintained in the local encryption and decryption process .

    通过拓扑约束规则,保证 矢量地理数据在局部加密、解密过程中的数据 可用 ,提高了矢量地理数据的安全性。

  • Eventually the method combining with the system of reverse chasing was put into practice in the Tunnel engineering of FuLing at first time * Its availability was confirmed in tunnel exploration .

    并将该方法与相遇追逐系统结合起来,在佛岭隧道详细勘查 首次进行了运用, 证实该法在隧道勘察中是合理的。

  • Pay attention to system expandable capability increasing new applications and new functions system process function expandability and system real time availability .

    要注重系统增加新应用、新功能的扩展能力;注重系统处理能力的可扩展性以及系统 实时 可用

  • Cloud computing adds the need for extreme flexibility and geographic dispersion & for any time everywhere availability .

    云计算还增加了对极高的灵活性和地理分散性的需求& 随时随地可用

  • Finally to build an agile network agility evaluation index system based on time availability cost stability and adaption using the AHP method of evaluation network agility .

    最后,从 时间 、成本、稳定性和适应性四个方面构建了应急物资敏捷筹措网络的敏捷性评价指标体系,使用AHP方法评价网络的敏捷性。

  • The practice demonstrated that to use the foam drilling will raise drilling efficiency 31.7 % and net drilling time availability 3.4 % reduce aggregate cost 56.1 % than conventional mud drilling .

    实践证明,采用泡沫钻进要比常规泥浆钻进钻效提高31.7%,纯钻 时间 利用 提高3.4%,综合成本降低56.1%。

  • The Transaction Volume / Response Time and Availability charts display the Web service 's average response time for the transaction volume for a specified duration .

    TransactionVolume/Response Timeand Availability图显示指定的时间段内Web服务的事务量和平均响应时间。

  • It save time and availability to avoid tummy bug because of not disciplinarian bite and sup .

    既节省了 时间,又 有效减少饮食不规律导致胃病的发生。

  • Moreover the new concepts of ecological optimization criterion and finite time availability are presented .

    同时,还介绍了生态学优化准则及有限 时间 可用 等新概念。

  • It supports live migration of virtual machines from system to system in real time and high availability features .

    它支持系统与系统之间虚拟机 实时地动态迁移以及高 可靠性的特性。

  • The finite time availability of a finite heat source is analyzed and some universally applicable ficance conclusions arc obtained .

    文中对有限热源的有限 时间 可用 作了分析,得到一些具有普遍意义的结论。

  • The system is based on C / S structure to ensure the data real time availability and safety .

    系统采用C/S系统体系结构,保证了数据的 及时性有效 、安全性;

  • To monitor the response time and availability of cloud services a client side component is required .

    为了监控云服务的响应 时间 可用 ,必须具备一个客户端组件。

  • PBR strategy is a better trade-off between the system reorganization time and service availability .

    PBR是兼顾系统重组 时间和系统服务 可用 的折衷策略。

  • If these needs are not fulfilled within an allocated time uptime availability will be lower than the agreed to standard ( 99.9 % or 99.999 % ) to the point of adversely impacting system load and in extreme cases crashing the network system .

    如果这些需求不能在一个指定的 时间 得到满足,正常运行时间 可用 将低于承诺的标准(99.9%或99.999%),以至于对系统负载造成不利影响,甚至导致出现网络系统崩溃等极端情况。

  • The tickets have a time availability period and if the host clock is not synchronized with the Kerberos server clock the authentication fails .

    票据有一个 时间 可用段,如果主机时钟与Kerberos服务器时钟不同步,则认证失败。