time sense

[taɪm sɛns][taim sens]


  • As one of the most important parts of Marxism Engels ' concept of time inheriting all the previous excellent cultural achievement and making a clear break with idealism as well as mechanical materialism initiates the concept of time in the sense of dialectical materialism .

    恩格斯的时间观是马克思主义时间观的重要组成部分,它既继承了前人的一切优秀文化成果,又与唯心主义、机械唯物主义划清了界线,创立了唯物辩证的 时间

  • When her fingers were too tired to spell another word I had for the first time a keen sense of my deprivations .

    后来,因过于疲劳,老师的手指再也拼写不下去了,而我却第一 产生出一种被剥夺了心爱之物的沮丧

  • Thanksgiving is used as a time to strengthen a sense of community .

    感恩节常用作加强社会 意识 时机

  • In modern society people should have some good qualities such as self confidence time sense relation and enterprise which are subjective human capital .

    社会的现代化要求人们具有自信、 时间 观念、思考、 理性、开拓进取等现代人的品质,即较高的主观性人力资本存量。

  • Seize the erection of love in memories to look for the time sense of belief .

    在回忆中抓住爱情的勃起,去寻找信仰的 时间

  • Fourth length of service as a teacher affects the formation of personal modernity of primary teacher on the following sense of efficacy sense of time sense of participation concentration on educational theories respect for students and desire of self-development .

    发展愿望;教龄因素对小学教师现代性人格形成的影响主要集中在效能感、 时间 、参与精神、重视教育理论、尊重学生和发展愿望六个方面;

  • Yet it takes some of them a long time to get any sense in their head .

    他看起来像个大小伙子了,是吧?可让他们之中一些人学会 懂事还需要很长一 时间

  • This is a time when common sense compromise and partnership should prevail .

    这是一个 常识、妥协与合作应当占上风的 时刻

  • When we think of another time while feeling a sense of the beautiful Silk but most or regret .

    当我们再想起 虽然感觉是一丝丝的美好的 感觉,但大多还是遗憾。

  • In this case manually building a time dimension would make sense .

    在这个例子中,我们 可以手动创建一个 时间维度。

  • Midnight sun is a state of mind . Time makes no sense in this world . You can leave your watch in your suitcase .

    夜半阳光是一种心境。在这里, 时间毫无 意义。你可以把手表留在手提箱里了。

  • It is the duty of religions and of their leaders above all to foster in the people of our time a renewed sense of the urgency of building peace .

    今天的人宣扬缔造和平的迫切性的、更新了的 意识乃是宗教、尤其是宗教领袖的任务。

  • The numerical analysis shows that the double threshold decision is the best among serial search acquisition methods with invariable detection time in the sense of decreasing the acquisition time by 20-50 % .

    本文所作的数值分析表明:在固定检测 时间的各种PN码步进搜索捕获方式中,以双门限判决方式最好,能使最短平均捕获时间缩短 20-50%

  • Yoga dance can be very creative playful fun and lively while at the same time promoting a sense of calm and well-being .

    瑜伽舞蹈课可以充分发挥创造性,充满乐趣, 同时提升 心智,强健体魄。

  • The paper introduces the specialized sense players have to posses in boxing match and training such as sense of distance sense of time sense of movement sense of attention and sense of response and so on .

    文章介绍了运动员在散手比赛和训练中必须具备的心理学基础即距离感、 时间 、运动知觉、注意与反应。

  • The passing of time brought a sense of emptiness


  • I face it for the first time with a sense of hope .

    面对未来,我生平第一 觉得 充满了希望。

  • There have been many investigations on time sense in the traditional Chinese culture .

    中国传统文化对 时间 观念有过内容丰富的探讨。

  • But at the same time there is a sense that too many financial institutions will be let off too easily and that the moral hazard problem has been intensified .

    与此同时,另一种 感觉是:太多金融机构将过于轻松地逃脱惩罚,从而加剧了道德风险问题。

  • Sense of time efficiency could tell students ' achievement sense of time value and sense of time control affected students ' achievement through sense of time efficiency .

    高中生时间效能感对学业成绩具有一定的预测作用, 时间价值 和时间监控 通过时间效能感对学业成绩产生影响;

  • By combining literature study and instruction of military sports the authors expound that the theory development and system construction of military sports exist the importance necessity and time sense in the present paper .

    采用文献资料与军事体育教学相结合的研究方法,就军事体育理论建设与体系构筑的重要性、必然性、 时代 等问题,进行了阐述。

  • What is needed however is patience time and a sense of conviction .

    最重要的是我们要有耐心、有 充足 时间 坚定的信念。

  • Ways to Strengthen Time Sense for News Editors

    新闻编辑增强 时效 观念的途径

  • Girls very reserved not easy at the same time a sense of security .

    女孩很矜持, 同时容易没有安全

  • It 's high time we talk some sense into her .

    时候我们得跟她讲讲大 道理了。

  • Through extracting properties from isochronous framework established by stratal slicing and making frequency-division interpretation property section with time sense can be achieved .

    地层切片所建立的等时格架中提取属性及分频解释,可以得到具有 时间 意义的属性切片。

  • Time makes no sense in this world .

    在这里, 时间毫无 意义

  • Some researches suggested that during being online the time sense space sense reality perception and self-perception of those with Network addiction would change .

    有研究表明,网络成瘾者在互联网使用过程中, 时间 、空间感、现实知觉、自我觉知会在使用互联网时发生改变。

  • And I think there was a time when that sense of dominion was used as justification for using those resources only to serve human needs .

    我想,有一段 时间 ,这种统治 ,被人们当做使用资源的借口,仅仅为了满足人类的需求。

  • Comparative Study on the Selective Reaction Time of Visual Sense of Students in Middle and Primary Schools in Changchun City

    长春市中小学生 视觉选择反应 的动态分析比较研究