time discount

[taɪm ˈdɪsˌkaʊnt][taim ˈdiskaunt]


  • Pricing and optimization of inventory system for a finite time horizon with discount rate

    有限计划 内带有 折扣的库存系统的优化及其定价

  • Optimal Payment Time under Permissible Delay in Payments with Cash Discount

    延期支付条件下的最优付款 时间确定:考虑现金 折扣 情形

  • Strategy of Backorder and Inventory Based on Lead Time and Discount

    基于提前 价格 折扣的延迟交货和库存策略研究

  • For various people there are various demands in network accounting policy we also design flexible scheme such as the accounting of network flux and time discount festival discount and so on .

    对于不同的用户群体有不同的网络计费策略需求,本论文论述了针对网络流量、 上网 时间、节假日优惠折扣、时段优惠 折扣等多种 策略 任选的灵活计费策略方案的设计与实现。

  • But in recent days the average price gap has shrunk to zero – and on Friday for the first time since November 2006 A shares were trading at a discount to H shares .

    但在最近几天,平均价差缩减至零。周五,A股股价甚至较H股股价出现 折扣,这是2006年11月以来第一

  • What is more we are placing such a big order this time that a5 % discount is far from enough .

    何况 这次订货量又这么大,才给5%的 折扣,这远远不够。

  • Users get credit the first time they use it say a $ 10 discount toward their purchase .

    用户 首次使用该服务就可以获得优惠,比如说10美元的 折扣

  • It ignores the time value of money & the discount rate .

    它忽略了金钱的 时间价值& 折扣率。

  • Investment Decision for R & D Project With Uncertain Completion Time and Salvage Value Under Positive Discount rate

    折现率大于零的情况下,具有完成 时间和残值不确定性的R&D项目的投资策略

  • Now we have realized that Elsevier 's gentleness is only one time discount for the first time meet .

    现在看来,这些只是一份 见面礼,一块敲门

  • This kind of price will keep stable in a period of time and the discount price of the whole lift-cycle in different periods will also come out .

    最后生产商根据平均价值来制定价格,这样产品的价格在一段 时间是稳定的,且生产商也能够在整个生命周期的不同时期得到相应的 折扣价格。

  • Neither of the two existing ways & the social opportunity cost of capital and the social time preferences which try to determine the social discount rate from different angles is satisfactory .

    现有的两种方法&资本的社会机会成本方法和社会 时间偏好率方法,试图从不同的角度来得到社会 贴现率,但都不甚理想。

  • Results : Participants in a specific time frame time discount rate was significantly higher than the delay time under the framework of the time discount rate .

    结果:被试在具体时间框架下的 时间 折扣率显著高于延迟时间框架下的时间折扣率。

  • An optimal ordering policy is studied taking into account the time value of time . The conclusion implies that the all-volume discount is better to inspire the retailer increasing order quantity than incremental volume discount ; the cost of retailer decreases when the time limit relaxes .

    据此进一步考虑资金的时间价值,研究了基于期量 折扣的生鲜农产品订货策略,得出 时间全数量折扣更能激励零售商增加订货;折扣时间限制越宽松越有利于零售商降低成本。

  • By the time you 're done trips to the login and discount screens will seem like an intuitive part of the process rather than confusing detours .

    完成之后,转到登录和 折扣屏幕的 过程将很直观而不会让人迷路。

  • Oil contracts for delivery in three to five years ' time are trading at their biggest ever discount to spot prices prompting a debate about whether the era of triple-digit oil prices will be a short-term phenomenon .

    3至5年后交割的石油合约相对于现货的价格 折扣达到有史以来最大程度,由此引发一场辩论:三位数油价的 时代是否只是短期现象。

  • Renesco now gives you a one time discount ( like he said he would ) after bullying your way through the second quest .

    Renesco现在给你一个 时间 折扣(如他说他会)在“欺负”通过自己的方式寻求第二。

  • Environmental protection may bring about positive value while environmental pollution may cause negative value Positive and negative value coupled model will be discussed here . At the same time environmental value transferring between generations and discount rate are to be studied .

    分别分析了环境保护所形成的正价值与环境污染所形成的负价值,探讨了正、负价值的耦合模型,并对环境价值的代际转移和 贴现率进行了相关研究。

  • At the same time should be directed to the discount Commission with business practices to limit also should perfect the legal liability system of commercial bribery .

    同时应针对 折扣、佣金、附赠等商业惯例作出限制规定,还应健全商业贿赂行为法律责任体系。

  • Among the changes we find since last time : locals selling golf balls at a huge discount from the club prices .

    我们发现了 变化:当地人在以比俱乐部 很多的价钱, 叫卖高尔夫球。

  • The income approach which is based on the time value of the capital is to capitalize or discount the predicted income of the enterprises .

    采用收益法进行的评估,思路是建立在资本的 时间价值观念之上,将被评估企业预期收益予以资本化或 折现

  • The results of model analyzing show the relations between adoption time ( or technology efficient ) and discount rate arrival speed of technology improvement level of technology beginning technology efficient and output elasticity .

    模型分析的结果表明了企业最优技术采纳 时间(技术效率)与 折现率、技术出现速度、技术提升程度、企业目前的技术效率和企业的产出弹性系数之间的关系;

  • Russia will be inclined to reaching an agreement as the time discount rate becomes larger .

    随着 时间 贴现率的增大,俄罗斯倾向于达成协议。

  • As of Monday w_1916 we thought the succession issue had been resolved but now we expect it to drag on for a long time and for SJM to trade at a discount to its peers .

    就在周一,我们还以为继承问题已得到解决,但现在,我们预计此事将拖延很长一 时间,使澳博股价相对于同行有一定 让。

  • The trade-off between advanced ordering time and price discount can lead to cost reductions for both members of the supply chain .

    提前订货 时间和价格 折扣之间的平衡能够为供应渠道中的各方成员带来成本的减少。

  • The human capital investment can be decided by the method using real time interest rate to calculate discount value .

    人力资本的投资可根据 当时的利息率计算 贴现值的方法进行决策。

  • But as its time discount value is not high yet it can allow for some time to negotiate .

    但由于它的 时间 贴现值尚不是很高,所以它需要时间进行谈判。