time case

[taɪm kes][taim keis]


  • I 'm devoting all my time to the case .

    对这个 案子我会 全力以赴的。

  • In this paper a multi-access distributed data communication network which operate response time under constraints case has been described .

    本文主要对一个多重访问的计算机分组交换排队网路运行应答 时间的受约 情况进行了描述。

  • Then a retrieval model of introspective learning is given to decrease the time of case retrieval which can vary with the number of cases in case base obviously .

    自学习案例检索模型则缓解了 案例检索 时间随案例数目呈线性增长的问题。

  • I can make the decision to sanction or not during two minutes or less time in case of99 % .

    在99%的 情况 我都可以在两分钟或更少 时间 作出批准与否的决定。

  • Meanwhile by analyzing the measles surveillance system such as how to improve the in time of case reported how to gain high pick-up rate of cases measles vaccination and how to improve the in time of the serology diagnosis in district laboratory .

    同时,对如何提高 病例报告的 及时性,提高个案调查中免疫史的获得率,提高市级卫生防疫站麻疹实验室的血清学诊断率等问题进行了探讨。

  • Due to lack of observing time and case this treatment need further study .

    本次研究存在研究 时间病例数较少等方面的不足,因此还有待于进一步观察和研究。

  • Come up against vomitive patient should its head side direction at the same time in case puke returns respiratory tract drifting a person to cause asphyxial .

    碰到呕吐病人,应将其头部侧向 一边,以 呕吐物返流人呼吸道引起窒息。

  • Recent researches focus on constant time delay system seldom on variable time delay case .

    对时延稳定性的分析集中在定常时延,很少述及时变 时延 情况

  • The think time in this case is fixed at2 seconds for this example unlike the default which uses recorded think time .

    这个 例子中的思考 时间设定为2秒钟,不像默认的那样,利用记录的思考时间。

  • The foregoing notwithstanding I 'll keep Account in the list for the time being in case some operation on an account surfaces .

    尽管前面已经说过,我还是将“Account” 暂时保留在列表中以 帐户上的某些操作 出现

  • The structure of case representation is composed of case time case descriptors case solution and case similarity .

    案例表示由案例产生 时间工况描述、解及相似度组成;

  • The system about trial time in civil case should regard protecting right seeking efficiency and restricting power as the basic values .

    民事 审限制度的 建构应当以保护权利、追求效率和制约权力为基本价值。

  • So can not guarantee profits in a short time in the case would not choose to graduate on entrepreneurship .

    所以,在不能保证在短 时间 盈利的 情况 ,不会选择毕业就创业的。

  • This jury has had a tough time with this case .

    陪审团对该 案件进行 激烈的 讨论

  • Design of Fault tolerant Control Systems Possessing Integrity The Discrete time Case

    具有完整性的容错控制系统设计&离散 时间 情形

  • This is to ensure that personnel are rescued in a reasonable time in case of emergency .

    这是为了保证人员在合理 时间紧急 情况 被抢救。

  • For the present there are no special and systematical opinions on the system about trial time of civil case .

    目前,我国的民事 诉讼法学缺乏对民事 审限制度专门性和系统性的研究。

  • High School Chemistry Classroom Teaching Modules Required the Use of Time Case Study

    高中化学必修模块课堂教学 时间使用状况的 个案研究

  • This paper analyzes the influence on the support time in the case of convey bounded or unbounded and the optimizing combination between the ammunition support mode and the ammunition packing mode joint with the characteristics of ammunition support of our army .

    从包装的角度分析了在 时间、运力不受限和受限的 情况 对保障 时间的影响,同时结合我军弹药保障的特点,对弹药保障模式与弹药包装模式的优化组合进行了分析。

  • Based on the dynamic fuzzy model which represents the plant the design and the stability analysis of nonlinear state feedback controller were presented in both the continuous time case and the discrete time case .

    基于控制对象的模糊动态模型,分别给出了连续和离散 情形下的非线性状态反馈控制器的设计方法,并对其稳定性进行了分析,得到了确保系统全局稳定的充分条件。

  • But its practitioners have had a hard time making their case .

    但它们的开业者很 难为自己 辩护

  • If you need time information in your code verify whether you need the exact time in every case or ( for example ) if accuracy to the nearest second would be sufficient .

    如果确实需要时间信息,请确定是需要当前准确的 时间,还是(例如)准确到最近的秒数就足够了。

  • However the molecular weight of products increase with reaction time in all case .

    且在所有反应 条件 分子量均随反应 时间增长。

  • Simulations results show that the method can efficiently save rebroadcast rate of packet to transmit and broadcast latency time in the case of guaranteeing broadcast success rate .

    仿真结果表明,在保证广播成功率的 情况 ,该方法可以有效地节省重播包比率和广播等待 时间

  • The Effect of the Adjudication & The analysis of res judicata 's criterion time from a case of divorce

    论判决的效力&从 一起离婚 案件看既判力的 时间界限

  • During the operations Vecuronium 0.05mg/kg and Fentanyl 1 μ g / kg were again administered intravenously only one time in case necessary .

    根据手术 时间必要 可单次追加维库溴铵0.05mg/kg熏芬太尼1μg/kg。

  • Investigation on Network System on the Real Time Monitoring Case of No.1 Military Medical Project

    利用军卫一号工程网络 实时监控 病历的探讨

  • So that 's what we saw last time in the case of both the conformational model that we treated and the vibrational energies of molecules onto which that same model maps .

    这就是我们上一节 ,所看到的结果,所处理分子振动模型,和计算振动能,在同一个模型上。