time draft

[taɪm dræft][taim drɑ:ft]


  • The time draft is to be countersigned by the Bank of China Beijing certifying that your signature is true and valid .


  • This time draft will fall due on20th december 2002 .

    这张 期票于2002年12月20日到期。

  • Many writers prudently store their data on disks and print their pages each time they finish a draft to avoid losing any material because of power failures or other problems .

    许多作家谨慎地将它们的数据存在磁盘上并且 每次完成一个 草稿都将文档打印出来以防止因为断电或者其他问题而导致的文稿丢失。

  • It is the time for China to draft the Administrative Procedural Code in order to make up the legal system .

    中国应当 尽早 制定统一的行政程序法典,构建现代行政程序制度,树立行政人员和公众重视程序的观念,确保法治的统一。

  • The time span of a draft is called tenor .

    汇票允许的 时间期限叫汇票期限。

  • I propose issuing a time draft for US $ 50 000 covering the value of the first partial shipment .

    我建议开价值五万美元的 远期 汇票偿付第一批交货的货款。

  • Beneficiarys time draft shall be negotiated on at sight basis and should be forwarded drawee bank .

    受益人的 远期 汇票需要在即期议付,并转寄给付款人银行。

  • Are the expressions of sight draft time draft usance and letter of credit adequate terms to express the different methods of payment ?

    即期汇票、 定期 汇票、远期汇票和信用状这些专用语,足以表现各种不同的付款方式吗?

  • In 2001 the formal publication of compulsory education chemistry course standard of the full time ( the experiment draft ) and chemistry course standard of high school ( 2003 ) indicate that the chemistry course reform of basic education of our county has been put into effect .

    2001年《 全日制义务教育化学课程标准(实验 稿)》和2003年《高中化学课程标准》的正式出版,标志着我国基础教育化学课程改革进入了大面积实施阶段。

  • With this time draft in our possession we 'll be in a position to arrange for a loan from our state bank .

    我们能用这 期票向国家银行申请贷款。

  • The only caveat here is if the memo is cancelled at this time a draft copy is still saved due to the background LotusScript classes used .

    这里惟一要警告的是,如果 此时取消便签,由于使用了后台LotusScript类,所以仍将保存 草稿副本。

  • When will this time draft fall due ?


  • I propose issuing a time draft for 900 000 US dollars coveting the value of the first partial shipment . Better delivery - Modular engineering speeds production .

    我建议开具价值90万美元的 远期 汇票,偿付第一批交货的货款。更快的交货期-模块式工程部件缩短了生产周期。

  • Preliminary results : Preliminary study on filling time of enclosure blocks of draft tubes in Three Gorges powerhouse

    本研究获得以下结果:三峡左岸电站厂房 水管封闭块回填 时间探讨

  • The time span of a draft ( e.g. ninety days ) is called tenor .

    汇票允许的 时间期限(如90天)叫汇票期限。

  • A formal indication by a debtor of willingnessto pay a time draft or bill of exchange .

    承兑,认付负债人的正式表明愿意偿还一定 汇票或汇票。

  • This time draft represent the first installment .


  • I propose a time draft for us $ 80000 covering the first partial shipment .

    我建议开具价值8万美元的 远期 汇票,支付第一批交货的贷款。

  • Revision requires stepping outside writing re-seeing it and changing it ; revising may take as much time and thought as a finished draft if not more .

    修改需要的是从作品中抽离、再阅读、并做修正,还需要如完成 初稿般的 时间及思考。

  • When the legislative authority promulgates an act the fundamental content and purpose of the act are limited by the civil fundamental obligation clauses . However the legislative authority can decide the time to start to draft and has certain discretion .

    立法机关在进行义务立法时,公民基本义务条款限定了立法机关立法的基本内容和目的,但立法机关可以自己决定 何时 立法,并且具有一定的自由裁量权。

  • When you have a good draft it 's time to make final improvements to your draft find and correct any errors and get someone else to give you feedback .

    当你有一个不错的草稿之后,是 时候给你的 草稿做最后的润色,找出来所有的错误和找别人来给你反馈。

  • This time draft represents the first installment and should be given to us upon the signing of the contract .


  • At the same time policy makers have continued to draft laws to make banking structures more secure adding fresh regulations on capital and liquidity for good measure .

    另一方面,政策制定者一直在 草拟法律增强银行业结构的安全性,在既有措施外又增加了新的资本金及流动性监管规定。

  • As the time of revision draft of corporate law being published the article use corporate contract theory to analyze the revision of corporate law .

    正值我国公司法修改 草案出台之 ,笔者运用公司契约理论对公司法修改进行经济学分析。

  • Payment ( for sight draft ) or acceptance ( from time draft ) is required to obtain possession of the documents needed to obtain in the goods .

    付款(即期汇票)或承兑( 不时 草案)是需要获得拥有取得货物所需要的文件。

  • A usance credits obviously calls for a time draft and the usance varies from 30 days to as long as 180 days even longer .

    远期信用证显然要使用远期 汇票。付款 期限可为30天、60天甚至可长达180天。