time shipment

[taɪm ˈʃɪpmənt][taim ˈʃipmənt]


  • Any advance in freight at time of shipment shall be for buyer 's account .

    装运 期间运费的提价由买方支付。

  • Tell us what time the shipment comes .

    告诉我们那 到。

  • Time of shipment : Within days after receipt of deposit not allowing transshipment and partial shipments .

    装运 期限:收到可以转船分批装运之 信用 天内 装出

  • They made the ~ that you open a confirmed LC one month prior to the time of shipment .

    他们要求你们在 装运前一个月开立保兑信用证。

  • It is important that you time the shipment to arrive here prior to the expiration of the import lice E.

    你们 安排在进口许可证期满之前到达,这是非常重要的。

  • Time of shipment within10days after receipt of your letter of credit from Shanghai to Singapore .

    在收到您从上海到新加坡信用证十 之内 装运

  • Since the time of shipment can not be fixed I can not help but worry about it .

    交货 还没定下来,我怎么会不着急呢?

  • Well I 'm afraid it 'll be difficult for us to advance the time of shipment .

    我恐怕提前 装运 时间很困难。

  • 10 percent down and the balance at the time of shipment ?

    百分之十 现款,余额在 装运 付清吗?

  • The time of shipment should be stipulated in a clear and flexible way .

    装运 时间的规定应当清楚、灵活。

  • I 'm sorry we ca advance the time of shipment .

    很抱歉,我们不能 提前 交货

  • Time of shipment will be advised upon negotiation of concrete business .

    交货 在具体交易时再行协商。

  • Port congestion surcharges if any at the time of shipment is for opener & rsquo account .

    装运 如产生港口拥挤费,须由开证人承担。

  • The credit line should be opened one month before the time of shipment .

    信用证必须在 装船前一个月 办理

  • The actual value shall be the value of the goods at the time of shipment plus insurance and freight .

    货物的实际价值,按照 货物 装船 的价值加保险费加运费计算。

  • Your letter of credit arrived here just in time for shipment .

    你方信用证恰好到达, 装船

  • The Seller shall ship the contract goods within the time of shipment from the port of shipment to the port of destination .

    卖方应在装运 内在装运港 装运合同货物运往目的港。

  • An undertaking as to date of delivery or time of shipment ;

    对交货期或 装运 的承诺;

  • The goods were carefully weighed at the time of shipment .

    货物在 装运 时候都是仔细称过的。

  • Time of Shipment : □ Within 15 days after the payment not be allowing transhipment and partial shipment .

    装运 期限:□收到货款后15天内装出,不可转船及分批装运。

  • Please let us have your best quotation by tomorrow together with the appropriate time of shipment .

    请于明天告知我司,贵司最好的价格和 装船

  • Now come the question of time of shipment .

    接下来是 装运 时间问题。

  • For reference number to be within the file they must be provided by the shipper at the time of shipment .

    对于档案中的参考编号,它们必须由寄件人在 托运 提供。

  • I cannot agree with you as to the time of shipment .

    装船 时间问题上我不同意贵方的 意思

  • Shipping date Time Limit Time of shipment .

    装运日期, 装运期限, 装运 时候

  • With proof of delivery you can find out what time a shipment arrived at its destination and generate a proof of delivery letter for your records .

    透过派送证明,您可以找到 到达目的地的 时间,并为您的记录产生一封派送证明信件。

  • We must have your LC at least one month before the time of shipment .

    我们必须在 船运前一个月收到你们的信用证。

  • Your price is quite in line but the time of shipment is too distant .

    贵方价格很合适,只是 交货 太长了。