tilting movement

[医] 倾斜移动

  • It shall reckon in tilting movement resulting from perched water in the stability analysis of tilting failure of bedded rock slope thus it can only explain many irregular phenomena of topping mass .

    层状岩石边坡倾倒破坏稳定分析中,应计入上层滞水产生的 倾倒 力矩,这样才能解释倾倒体的许多不规则现象。

  • Based on study of the contact relations between strata and features of fault basin of coalfields in western Henan province the paper describes the fault tilting movement in Cenozoic age and its basic characteristics .

    本文通过对河南省西部煤田范围内地层接触关系和断陷盆地的研究,确定了区内新生代断块 运动及其基本特征。

  • The former branch had considerably strong vertical differential movement at the beginning of the Cenozoic era and is now dominated by tilting movement . Sedimentation ceases : tilling or folding is accompanied or followed by uplift .

    前者在新生代初期有过比较强的垂直差异运动,现在则主要反映在 运动上。沉积间断,即掀斜或褶皱伴生或伴随着抬升运动。