to arise from...


  • The author introduces a new testing agent & hexane according to the problems which arise from using the chloroform and carbon tetrachloride as a solvent .

    针对 以往荧光录 井中使用氯仿、四氯化碳作溶剂 存在的问题,文章推荐了一种新的试剂&己烷。

  • A creditor 's accounts of money owed to him ; normally arise from the sale of products or services .

    欠债权人的款项;出售商品或服务 应收的正常款项。

  • And then on this basis for the purpose of perfecting government information publicity system the Personal Information Protection Act should be introduced to protect citizens ' private information to resist the infringement to the right to privacy that may arise from government information publicity .

    然后,在此基础之上,以完善政府信息公开制度为目的,建议出台《个人信息保护法》,对公民的隐私信息加以保护,以抵御 来自政府在信息公开过程中 公民隐私权利可能 带来的侵害。

  • Hardship in translation seems not to arise from us generation .

    翻译之 ,好像不是 我们这一代开始。

  • It is as often applied to feelings which arise from an half-hour 's acquaintance as to a real strong attachment .

    这种话通常总是 用来形容男女 一见钟情的场面,也用来形容一种真正的热烈感情。

  • The large capacitance exhibited by these systems was demonstrated to arise from a combination of the double-layer capacitance and pseudo-capacitance associated with surface redox-type reactions .

    研究证明,电化学电容所具有的大容量是由于电极表面的双电层电容和氧化还原反应导致的“准电容”的共同作用 引起的。

  • With social conflicts appearing in these changes some factors unfavorable to political stability arise from the political culture .

    随着变迁中的社会各种矛盾交织出现,政治文化中 显现 一些不 利于政治稳定的因素。

  • However market power is very easy to arise from monopoly industry even in the transitional phase of turning to competitive industry .

    而市场操纵力是垄断竞争产业极 产生的一种不良现象。

  • The reasons for the reservation according to article 95 arise from the proposal of the original socialist states in order to prevent the foreign related contract regulations in these inland laws from being excluded .

    《公约》第95条所允许的保留 产生 原社会主义国家的提议,主要目的在于防止这些国家国内法中的涉外合同法规被《公约》排除。

  • This paper studies all-phase discrete spectrum correction and applications aim to some problems which arise from signal sequence truncation in digital signal processing .

    本论文探讨全相位离散频谱校正及应用,主要是 针对数字信号处理中 存在 信号序列截断 引起的一些问题而 提出的。

  • The interaction between the MIP and target molecules were found to arise from hydrogen bonding in the imprinted area and the hydrophobic interaction in the non-imprinted area .

    作为色谱固定相,磺胺甲恶唑烙印聚合物和目标分子之间的相互作用 氢键作用外,也 存在着疏水作用。

  • Metastatic cells shown to arise from pre-existing subpopulations in primary tumors .

    发现转移细胞 来自于原发肿瘤中既存的细胞亚群。

  • The technical difficulties to control noise often arise from the subjective-objective nature of the problem .

    控制噪音的技术难点常常 来自 该问题的主、客观两方面。

  • Results The intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve of the foot was found to arise from the superficial peroneal nerve . Crossing the intermalleolar line it was located 1.3 ± 0.6 cm lateral to the midpoint of the line with a diameter of 2.05 ± 0.56 mm .

    结果足背中间皮神经续 腓浅神经,行于踝间线时位于其中点外侧1.3±0.6cm,直径2.05± 0.56mm

  • Upon returning to China he took advantage of letters to pursue forms that arise from the repetition of dismantling and recursion .

    回国后,他追求一种将文字反复解体而重新 显现的新造型。

  • Some acute shocks to health arise from the way nations and their populations interact .

    有些严重的健康打击 源自国家及其人口相互作用的方式。

  • These threats to health security arise from conflicts and natural disasters .

    这些卫生安全威胁 源自冲突和自然灾害。

  • Companies must remain flexible resilient and secure and must be ready to respond quickly to the opportunities that arise from customers partners and suppliers .

    公司必须保持灵活性、弹性和安全性,必须随时对 来自客户、合作伙伴和供应商的机会作出快速反应。

  • De-regulation and re-regulation have been taking place in electric power industry in many countries around the world . The reasons which brought to the reforms might arise from the changes of technologies demand economic constraints or political ideologies .

    当今世界很多国家都在经历着电力行业规制放松或重建规制的实验,改革的动因可能 技术、需求、经济约束或执政理念的变化。

  • The paulownia witches ' broom disease is thought to arise from a joint infection of MLO and virus the former responsible for the yellow type of symptoms and the latter for systemic mosaic symptoms .

    泡桐 丛枝病可能系 类菌原体和病毒一起感染所致,丛枝黄化症状 可能 前者引起,而花叶症状可能 病毒 引起

  • In addition to the matters arise from teachers own internal reasons but also by the impact of external causes which include the social level government level school level .

    这些问题的 产生除了 教师自身内部的原因影响以外,还受到社会层面、政府层面、学校层面外部原因的影响。

  • The report will focus on risks and dangers to health that arise from the ways in which nations and their populations interact internationally .

    报告将注重于各国及其民众在国际上相互交往的方式所 产生的健康风险和危险。

  • Transferring solid waste out of the administrative area of a province autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for storage and treatment without authorization . Metastatic cells shown to arise from pre-existing subpopulations in primary tumors .

    (七)擅自转移固体废物出发现转移细胞 来自于原发肿瘤中既存的细胞亚群。

  • Thus the age-related decline in PEPCK mRNA levels in the liver of fasted rats appears to arise from a decrease in the gene transcription of PEPCK .

    因此,禁食大鼠肝脏PEPCKmRNA水平与年龄相关的下降,是 由于 PEPCK基因转录作用的下降。

  • This will give rise to the conflict that arise from the social discontent with the events or the crisis of confidence of local Governments .

    这些都会 导致 社会不满所 引发的冲突性事件的 产生或地方政府的信任危机。

  • Student-university contract claims pertaining to academic matters arise primarily from the following sources : quality of teaching and education grading and academic evaluations change in academic requirements and interpretations of academic requirements .

    因学术管理 引起的美国大学与学生之间的违约指控主要有四类起因:即高校的教育和教学质量,成绩评定和学术评估,学业和学位要求的变更以及学业和学位要求的解释。

  • All of the photographers spoke about shooting scores of rolls without necessarily expecting even one suitable image to arise from their contact sheets .

    所有谈论拍摄十来卷胶卷照片的摄影师们都不一定得到一张 相册中 脱颖而出的照片。

  • Disputes between management and labor and difficulties for judicial stuff to deal with conflicts arise from two main sources there is no law to resort to and the contradictions among existing law .

    其中无法可依和已有立法之间的相互矛盾不配套是劳动关系双方当事人 发生争议和司法人员 难以处理争议的主要原因。

  • There are many shipwrecks in these waters . Under all marine risk recoverable loss will be confined to those arise from peril of sea and maritime accident only .

    在这些海域多海难事件。抽保一切海洋运输货物险,其损失的赔偿仅 限于 海上灾难和海运意外事故所造成的损失。