to learn by heart

[tu lɚn baɪ hɑrt][tu: lə:n bai hɑ:t]


  • Besides the exercises have strict rules concerning postures and body positions . It 's so hard to learn them by heart .

    而且这套练习对姿势和体态有着严格的规则。每一动作都有其姿势和 体态

  • You should often refer to the list of irregular verbs and learn the forms of these verbs by heart .

    你们应该经常参考不规则动词表,并且 熟记这些动词的各种形式。

  • Try to learn by heart these English words and phase .

    努力 这些英语单词和短语 记住

  • For fear the letter might be some day lost or stolen he compelled Dant è s to learn it by heart ; and Dant è s knew it from the first to the last word .

    他怕那张遗嘱说不定哪天会失落或失窃,所以强迫唐太斯 熟记 心里,使他能逐字背出来。

  • This is a proverb and you ought to stick it down and learn it by heart .

    这是条谚语,你 把它 下来

  • We have to learn the whole poem by heart .

    我们 整首诗 出来。

  • I feel that it is not reasonable to require a three-years-old child to learn such a long poem by heart .

    我感到要求一个3随的孩子 这首长诗是不合理

  • Everyone in the class has to learn lincoln 's Gettysburg Address by heart .

    班上每个学生都 必须 默诵林肯葛底斯堡演说词。

  • Most importantly they have to learn by heart the entire history of the Qiang and all their scriptures because the Qiang language has no written form .

    更重要的是,由于羌族没有文字,他们 将羌族历史和各种经文 牢记

  • The teacher asked us to learn the poem by heart .

    老师让我们 背诵那首诗。

  • You 'd better underline these words and try to learn them by heart .

    你最好在这些单词 下面划上横线,并且努力 它们 下来

  • It is necessary for you to learn the four forms of the common irregular verbs by heart .


  • The teacher asked his pupils to learn the poem by heart .

    老师请求他的学生 背诵这首诗。

  • They are asked to learn the poem by heart .

    他们 过这首诗。

  • Li Xin likes to learn words by heart .

    李信喜欢 单词。

  • Being made to learn by heart at school .

    印象很 深刻 一段 演说

  • The actor has to learn all the words for the play by heart .

    演员 必须 剧本的所有台词记

  • ' Mei Ge'has no writing record Bimo and singer are to learn all by using ear hear and heart memory relapse performance and practice in various place and forming into tradition'cerebrum text ' .

    梅葛》没有文字的记载,毕摩、歌手皆是 耳听 记史诗的内容曲调,在各种展演场域反复演练,形成以传统为取向的“大脑文本”。

  • If you want to study Chinese traditional medicine you first have to learn by heart the recipes given in rhymes .

    你想学习中医,就 应当汤头歌诀。

  • Being illiterate he had to learn the stories by heart .

    由于不识字,这些故事他都 下来

  • Nursing students ' basic data were obtained by means of investigation and interview . 30 percent of the students were found to learn books by heart completely and 70 percent had difficulty in computer learning .

    通过对124名护理班学生问卷调查和直接访谈,了解他们计算机 学习的基本情况,其中 采取 死记硬背学习方法的有30%,计算机学习 感到困难的有70%。

  • He had managed to learn the contents of the letter by heart .

    他已 设法 这封信的内容 下来

  • After so many performances he had managed to learn the contents of the letter by heart .


  • The text is too long for us to learn by heart .


  • It didn 't take her long to learn her lines by heart .

    她没用多少时间就 了台词。

  • One night the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if after so many performances he had managed to learn the contents of the letter by heart .

    一天晚上,狱卒决定与他的同事开一个玩笑,看看他反复演出这么多场之后,是否已 信的内容记

  • Every child should be made to learn multiplication tables off by heart before they are allowed to use electronic calculators .

    每一个孩子在被允许使用电子计算器以前应该 熟记乘法运算表。

  • Objective To learn the security of ticlopidine by observing its short-term adverse effect in treating patients with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease .

    目的 本文观察应用噻氯匹定治疗 冠心病中患者的短期不良反应, 了解匹定的安全性。

  • We found it very hard to learn so many new words by heart in only one hour .

    我们发现仅仅在一个小时里 这么多生词是很困难

  • All you have to do is learn it by heart .

    你只要做 就是 出来。