to book

[tu bʊk][tu: buk]


  • Id like to book a duplex suite .

    是的。我 一个复式套房。

  • The techniques have proven effective on the web and in some ways they are even more applicable to book designers .

    这些技术已经在Web中进行了有效的证明,而且从某种意义上来说,它们甚至更加适合 图书设计者。

  • Any worker who is regularly late will soon be brought to book .

    很快就要让每一个经常迟到的工人 作出 解释

  • Holidaymakers are digging deep into their pockets to book late summer breaks .

    度假者想方设法拿出钱 预订夏末的短暂假期。

  • The next page allows the user to book the flight once credit card information is obtained .

    一旦获取了信用卡信息,那么下一个页面将允许用户 预定航班。

  • To book passengers need to check for specific flight codes .

    乘客需要查看具体的航班代码 可以 预订

  • You will have to book up early if you want to see that film .

    如果你想看电影,那么你将 不得不提前 订票

  • I 'd like to book two flight tickets to Miami on Monday .


  • Hence Global Airlines wants to create a new solution that enables passengers to book a miles award trip .

    因此,全球航空公司需要创建新的解决方案,使乘客 能够 订购按里程优惠的机票。

  • Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class .


  • To book your place fill in the coupon on page 187 and return it by 1st October .

    如需 预订名额,请填写187页上的订单,并于10月1号前寄回。

  • Is it possible to book a room for one night please ?


  • B : I 've managed to book flights at the time you wanted and I 've found you a hotel in Paris for three nights .

    B:我已按你要求的时间 好了班机,也找到了你在巴黎住三天的旅馆。

  • How clever of you to book the tickets beforehand !

    你真聪明,预先 好了!

  • You will have to book well in advance for this deservedly popular hotel

    这家备受欢迎的旅馆可谓名不虚传,你 需要早早 预订

  • I 'd like to book / reserve a room in your hotel .

    在你们饭店 一个房间。

  • Before you rush to book a table bear in mind that lunch for two would cost £ 150 .

    在你抢着 桌之前,记住两个人在那里吃一顿午饭得花150英镑。

  • Try to book an hour of quality time with your partner every week .

    和伴侣计划好, 尽量 保证周一次一个小时的高质量谈话。

  • Because of the popularity of the region it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance

    鉴于该地区很受人们青睐,最好提前 预订旅馆或宿营

  • Be sure to book rooms well in advance .

    所以一定 提前 预订好房间。

  • He was finally brought to book for fiddling the accounts .

    他终因造 假账而受到处分。

  • Reminding them to book an interview room if necessary .

    提醒他们如果需要, 可以 预定一间面试室。

  • You have to book in before you can move into the hotel .


  • When I was working on the railway I had to book off after eight hours'work .

    我在铁路工作时,八小时工作后 必须交班报告。

  • We would like to book a cruise to Thailand .

    我们 预订到泰国的航程。

  • If the private information is acceptable the service tries to book the flight .

    如果所提供的私人信息可接受,则该服务 尝试 预订航班。

  • If the flight is available the user can choose to book the flight .

    如果有这样的航班,那么用户就可以选择 预订这个航班的机票。

  • He was happy to book into the Royal Pavilion Hotel

    他很高兴 入住 圣庭苑酒店

  • Police should be asked to investigate so that the guilty can be brought to book soon .

    应该要求警方介入调查,以将罪犯早日 绳之以法