to death

[tu dɛθ][tu: deθ]


  • It 's a blooming nuisance because it frightens my dog to death .

    它真让人讨厌,快把我的狗 吓死了。

  • I began to realize the certainty of freezing to death if I remained where I was .

    我开始认识 ,如果我呆在原地不动,必定 冻死无疑。

  • He was sentenced to death .

    他被 判处 死刑

  • A police officer was speared to death .

    一名警官被 刺死了。

  • During the fire he was trapped under the cabin and was suffocated to death .

    火患发生时,他被困在舱底下窒息 而死

  • He rode his horse to death .

    他把马骑得 累死了。

  • His dog has been poisoned to death .

    他的狗已中毒 而死

  • I dropped out of high school . It bored me to death .

    我从中学退学了,那种学校生活令我烦 要死

  • They were sentenced to death for their part in April 's coup attempt .

    他们因参与了4月份的政变而被判处 死刑

  • He was gored to death in front of his family .

    他在家人眼前被野兽活生生 了。

  • She 's going to bleed to death !

    她会流血 而死

  • Some of the regicides were sentenced to death .

    一些弑君者被 判处 死刑

  • They worked themselves to death but never lost their humour .

    他们 累死累活地干活,但却从没有丢掉幽默感。

  • The murderer was put to death .

    那个凶手被处以 死刑

  • In high school I was scared to death of you

    高中时我怕你怕 要命

  • I went out last night but not for very long . I was bored to death .

    昨晚我出去了,但没有呆很久。我感觉无聊 了。

  • The man was stabbed to death in a frenzied attack .

    这名男子在一次疯狂的袭击中被 刺死

  • Dawson takes revenge on the man by knifing him to death

    道森用刀 杀死了他的仇人。

  • The animal then turned on him and he was savaged to death .

    接着野兽突然袭击了他,最后把他 咬死了。

  • The boys would tease you to death if they didn 't fancy you

    如果男孩们不喜欢你的话,他们就会狠狠地 捉弄

  • The gangster stabbed an innocent person to death .

    歹徒扎 了一名无辜者。

  • A military court sentenced him to death in his absence

    一所军事法庭在他缺席的情况下判处他 死刑

  • They didn 't take my father away but kept him in the village and worked him to death .

    他们没有把我爸爸带走,而是一直让他在村里干活,把他 活活 累死了。

  • He either suffocated or froze to death

    他要么是闷死的,要么是 冻死

  • Stephen was stabbed to death in an unprovoked attack nearly five months ago .

    斯蒂芬在近5个月前无故遭到袭击,被捅 了。

  • He was stabbed to death by his vengeful wife

    他被 图谋报复的妻子拿刀 捅死

  • They were beaten to death with baseball bats .

    他们被人用棒球棒 打死了。

  • An ostrich can kick a man to death .
