to bite at...


  • Comparing to the traditional coding method based on single wavelet the scheme can improve the quality of reconstruction image and reduce the bite rate at the same time .

    对比实验的结果验证了该算法 提高图像的重建质量以及 降低 码率方面均比传统的单小波图像编码算法有一定的提高。

  • I didn 't even have time to run out and grab a bite at that Kentucky Fried Chicken place across the street .

    办公室里我可真忙,连跑到 马路那个 肯德鸡炸鸡铺子 吃的时间都没有。

  • These days far fewer employees are feeling comfortable enough with their work loads to take time away for a quick bite notes Michael haid a senior vice president at the firm .

    “越来越少的员工在繁重的工作压力下还能自如地腾出时间外出 就餐,”睿仕管理高级副总裁迈克尔·海德表示。

  • Methods Bite the child to 17 snakes pass the observational and clinical characteristics proceed as early as possible the condition predict turning to synthesize to save to cure to the procedure according to the clinical condition cent type that snake bite at the same time .

    方法通过观察17例毒蛇咬伤儿童的临床特点,尽早进行病情预测, 同时 根据毒蛇 咬伤的临床病情分型予程序化综合救治。

  • Cherry Martin failed at his first try but he was lucky enough to have another bite at the cherry .

    马丁第一次尝试没有成功,可幸运的是他还有一 机会。

  • In fact I was not the only one in the class to bite the dust that winter . the day receptionist will be relieved at 21 . 00 when the night shift come on .

    其实,那冬天班里不只我一个 病倒了。 白班接待员在晚上9点由夜班接待员 换班

  • There are signs that these measures are finally starting to biteat just the time that the United States and Europe are on the brink of a double-dip recession .

    一些迹象表明,这些措施终于 开始 奏效了&正当美国和欧洲濒临二 探底之际。

  • A five-foot long shark will live to bite another day after a vet at Sydney 's Taronga Zoo reached into its stomach to dislodge a rusty fishing hook .

    悉尼一家动物园的兽医 一头受伤的鲨鱼成功进行了手术,从其 胃里取出一根钓鱼钩。

  • I took my dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes ( he is92 ) . We decided to grab a bite at the food court .

    有一天我带老爸去商场买鞋(老爷子92岁了)。我们决定先 就餐区 东西。

  • Try to deal with a Gemini boss one sound bite at a time .

    和双子座老板交往时 努力作到 一锤定音

  • To use a famous analogy : the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time .
