TO clause

[计] TO子句

  • Any consent granted pursuant to this clause shall not create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the company nor shall it relieve the contractor of its responsibilities in respect of the subcontractor .


  • According to the clause design problems of convertible bond issued in our country this thesis advances the improving method and how to design reasonable clause .

    论文 根据我国发行的可转换债券的 条款设计存在的问题,提出改进的办法,以及如何设计合理的可转换债券条款。

  • We adopt warehouse to warehouse clause which is commonly used in international insurance .

    我们采用国际保险中惯用的“仓 责任 条款

  • At present there are three strands to commerce clause theory .

    在当前,《商业 条款 理论有3个组成部分。

  • Acceptance of programmes and any other document and information submitted to the Contractor pursuant to this clause shall not relieve the nominated Sub-Contractor from any of his obligations under the sub-contract nor does it establish the programme as part of the subcontract .

    验收依据本 向承包商提交的计划和其他文件资料,不得免除指定分包商在分包合同期限内的任何义务,亦不得作为本分包合同部分建立计划。

  • We adopt warehouse to warehouse clause which be commonly used In International Insurance . Through the porthole I looked the length of the ship .

    我们采用国际保险中通用的仓 责任 条款。通过舷窗,我把仓船从头至尾扫了一遍。

  • A company which uses a given year 's profits to issue new shares is not subject to clause ( 2 ) above . ( a ) taking deposits with maturity of no less than three months from its shareholders in the mainland of China .

    公司以当年利润分派新股,不 前款 (二) 限制。(一)接受境内股东 单位3个月以上期限的存款。

  • So this article will conduct thorough research to this question carry on thorough analyses embarks from the letter of credit elementary theory to soft clause nature the type fraud exception theory reason for existence as well as the relief way .

    本文便对这个问题进行了深入的研究,从信用证的基本理论出发, 条款性质、类型,存在的原因以及救济方式进行了深入的分析。

  • Being established in the rules to incontestable clause of The Insurance Law of China to find out the shortage and raise perfect proposal .

    第四部分不可抗辩 条款的立法完善,着眼于我国《保险法》 不可抗辩 条款的规定,找出其不足,提出完善建议。

  • A well-advised landlord is hardly likely to agree to this clause .

    明智的房东不太可能 同意这个 条款

  • Our Insurance cover only wpa Including warehouse to warehouse clause valid for 15 day .

    我们只保水渍险,包括仓 条款有效期15天。

  • Variables are local to each clause and are allocated and deallocated automatically .

    变量存在于函数的 生存周期内,它的内存的分配和销毁都是自动实现的。

  • A reference to a clause is a reference to a clause of this Deed .

    提及 条款时是指本保密协议的条款;

  • This batch of toys is to be insured against all risks with the PICC based on warehouse to warehouse clause .

    这批玩具将按仓 条款向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。

  • Awards made pursuant to this clause may include costs including a reasonable allowance for attorney 's fee and judgment may be entered upon any award made hereunder in any court having jurisdiction .

    依据本 条款所作的裁决包括合理的律师费补贴,一旦有司法权的任何法庭做出本协议项下的任何裁决就为最终裁决。

  • It turns out that when you get to this clause one player has won .

    结果证明当您获得这样的一 个子 时,就有一个选手会赢。

  • Nominee means a person who is authorised to effect transactions pursuant to clause 6 .

    被指定人指 根据 七条被授权进行交易的人。

  • Hoey defines clause relation as a cognitive process in which people choose grammar vocabulary and tone to generate sentences and sentence groups according to adjacent clause and clause group including logic sequence relations and matching relations .

    Hoey将语义单位关系定为人们 根据相邻 句子或句群选择语法、词汇和语调来生成句子或句群的认识过程,并将它分为两大类:逻辑顺序关系和匹配关系。

  • Copy of telegram advising shipment according to Clause ( 11 ) of this Contract .

    按本合同 (11) 规定的装运通知电报抄本。

  • According to which clause of PRC General Principles of the Civil law did you say that after declaration of the death the civil legal relation regarding residence as the center eliminates ?

    不知道“公民被宣告死亡后,以其居住地为中心的所有民事法律关系消灭 根据民法通则哪一

  • Unless otherwise specified a reference to another clause or Sub-Clause shall be deemed to be within the same part of the contract .

    除另有规定外,其他 条款或子条款在本文件中的引用应视作其位于合同的相同部分。

  • Integrated with the requirement of the clause 4.3.2 of ISO14001:2004 standard how to implement evaluation of conformity to the clause 4.5.2 and how to implement audit are discussed in this article .

    结合ISO14001:2004标准4.3.2条款的要求对组织如何开展合规性评价 符合4.5.2 条款的要求及如何实施审核进行了分析和探讨。