to be reckoned with


  • But over the past three years the French group has quietly become a force to be reckoned with .

    但在过去3年中,这家法国集团已悄然成为一股 需要 人们 认真 对待 市场力量。

  • Success for TD-SCDMA would establish China as a power to be reckoned with in global telecoms standard-setting and pave the way for Chinese companies to sell equipment based on the standard overseas .

    td-scdma如取得成功,将奠定中国在全球电信标准制定方面的 强者地位,并为中国企业在海外销售基于该标准的设备铺平道路。

  • Sex is instinctive possessive commanding : a force to be reckoned with dangerous when unleashed .

    性是一种本能,是占有和支配,是一种 认为是一旦释放便十分危险的力量。

  • The suit shows that we are a force to be reckoned with .

    西装显示我们是 不可轻视的战队。

  • The new company will be a force to be reckoned with in the future .

    这家新公司未来 值得 大家 注意

  • We are a superpower to be reckoned with was the message and we won 't play by your rules .

    它传递了 这样的信息:我们是 不容 小觑的超级大国,我们不会按你们的规则行事。

  • She is a force to be reckoned with .

    她是一个 需要 认真 对待 影响力的 人物

  • Women have become a force to be reckoned with in the affairs of the world .

    世界事物务中妇女已成为一 忽视的力量。

  • She was a force to be reckoned with wherever she went .

    她是个 勇往直前

  • But the exuberance aroused by Mr Obama 's triumph will be a force to be reckoned with .

    但是,奥巴马获胜所激起的亢奋 忽视

  • If they can keep that together they can be something to be reckoned with .

    如果他们能够保持在一起,他们会成 可以 轻视 力量

  • Research groups specialising in short selling emerged as a force to be reckoned with in Asia in 2011 when Muddy Waters attacked the veracity of accounts published by Toronto-listed Sino-Forest .

    2011年,专长于卖空的研究集团开始成为亚洲股市上一 忽视的力量。就在那一年,浑水公司抨击在多伦多上市的嘉汉林业(Sino-Forest)所公布账目的真实性。

  • Liu is a force to be reckoned with : the words flow out of her punctuated only by the occasional how you say as she pauses to allow her French-English translation skills time to catch up with her brain .

    与她 交谈 需要集中精神 认真 应付:她侃侃而谈,只是偶尔插句你怎么说做个停顿,给点时间让自己法译英的技巧赶上大脑思考的速度。

  • It is now a force to be reckoned with in products ranging from oil and gas to coffee and cocoa .

    使得 洲际 交易所的产品 经营范围总计从石油和天然气到咖啡和可可粉。

  • The Union has always been a major force to be reckoned with .

    工会一直是 必须 认真 对付的一支主要力量。

  • But with immigrants augmenting Canada 's population by close to 1 per cent a year ethnic communities in suburban Toronto Vancouver and Montreal have become a political force to be reckoned with .

    但随着移民的到来,加拿大人口每年增加近1%,多伦多郊区、温哥华和蒙特利尔的少数族裔群体,已成为一支 不容 小觑的政治力量。

  • Be very careful how you deal with her dog because it 's a force to be reckoned with .

    跟她的狗打 交道得多加 小心,它可是个 厉害 家伙

  • A force fact person to be reckoned with .


  • All this has turned Google into a force to be reckoned with .

    这一切,都让谷歌变成了一支 不容 小觑的力量。

  • It 's a big public health challenge and a big problem to be reckoned with but not enough is being done .

    这是 公众健康的巨大挑战,是 认真 对待的大问题,现在做得还远远不够。

  • Plainly here as at the factory he was a person who had to be reckoned with .

    很显然,在这里,就象在厂里一样,他是一个 上的 人物

  • Centro Digital Pictures is proving that it is a force to be reckoned with in the international film industry .

    先涛数码影像有限公司 世人证实了,其在国际电影业中是一 忽视的力量。

  • Behind the scenes on the telephone or face to face he has been a force to be reckoned with by even the most powerful heads of state or government .

    在幕后、电话中或者面对面得时候,即使是最有权势的政府首脑,也 重视他的意见。

  • He will have to demonstrate that his Movement for Democracy is really a force to be reckoned with in Algerian politics .

    他得证明他的民主运动在阿尔及利亚政坛确实是一 忽视的力量。

  • We can quickly win hundreds of young people to our banner and can become a very serious force to be reckoned with .

    我们可以很快赢得数百名年轻人我们的旗帜,并能够成为一个非常严重的一 忽视的力量。

  • At close their block high defence and stun is also something to be reckoned with .

    近战它们的格档,高防御和击晕也 必须 考虑

  • Yet VW is showing that it is still a force to be reckoned with in the mainland market .

    但该公司正在向世人展示,它依然是中国市场中 忽视的一股力量。