
abbr.Tablemount 海底平顶山,平顶海山

  • Mr Xu joined Alcatel Shanghai Bell in2004 to lead the establishment and management of VC operation which targets to invest in China-based innovative TMT enterprises in early stage .

    2004年,他加入了上海贝尔阿尔卡特负责启动和管理风险投资运作,投资对象为 TMT领域中处于早期的创新企业。

  • Our results show that there is an inverse U-shaped curve between TMT size and firm performance .

    基于中国 制造 上市 公司 实证研究的结果表明, 高管 团队规模与企业绩效之间存在倒U型曲线 关系

  • Study on the Relationship between Demography of TMT and Firm Performance of State-Owned Enterprises

    国有企业 高层 管理 团队 传记 特征与业绩的研究

  • The market in moving physical goods on real ships is also more important to TMT than its dealings on the FFA market he insists .

    他强调,对 tmt来说,实货船运市场也要比ffa市场的交易更为重要。

  • Mr Su meanwhile said rumours that his own company privately held TMT was facing financial difficulties were a joke .

    su同时称,关于他自己的公司私人持股的台湾海运公司( tmt)正面临财务困难的传言,是“一个玩笑”。

  • An Empirical Research on the Impact of TMT Demographic Characteristics on Firm Performance

    高管 团队人口特征与公司业绩关系的实证研究

  • TMT had not traded actively in the FFA markets in the past four to five months Mr Su said .

    su表示,在过去的4至5个月, tmt没有积极在ffa市场进行交易。

  • He says there are five reasons why the current Chinese bubble market is not as significant as the technology media and Telecommunications boom and subsequent bust of the late 1990s and 2000 .

    他表示,与上世纪90年代末和2000年的科技、媒体和电信板块( tmt)繁荣以及随后的衰退相比,有5条理由认为,目前中国“泡沫”股市的影响不会很大。

  • The one area that is full of promise however is taking-private TMT deals .

    然而, tmt私有化交易却前景一片大好。

  • TMT is unusually heavily involved in the paper forward freight agreement ( FFA ) market for future freight costs .


  • The results show that prior better work experience in TMT has higher merger premiums but average tenure in TMT is significantly negative with the merger premiums in human resource dimension .

    研究结果显示,人力资源构 中,高 团队 成员的工作经验与 购并溢价呈显著正相关;

  • TMT Internal Social Capital Conflict and Decision Effects : A Literature Review and Theoretic Framework

    高层 管理 团队内部社会资本、 团队冲突和决策效果的 关系&研究综述与理论分析框架

  • The objective of this paper is to explore the association between the merger premium and the characters of top management team ( TMT ) of acquired financial company .

    本文旨在探讨金融公司 购并溢价与被并 公司管理团队特质之关联性。

  • Research on the TMT Strategy Implemental Process Based on the Theory of Harmonious Management

    基于和谐管理理论的企业 TMT战略执行过程研究

  • How the relationship between the board and TMT is standardized ;

    如何规范董事会与 tmt的关系;

  • People connected with the company have previously claimed it accounts for 30 per cent of all global FFA trading however .

    然而,与该公司有关联的人士曾声称, TMT在全球FFA交易总量中占30%的份额。

  • TMT had credit lines of up to $ 1bn Mr Su insisted .

    Su强调, TMT有多达10亿美元的信贷额度。

  • From my own view of the background TMT is certainly familiar with my own comparison .

    从我本身的背景来看, TMT肯定是我自己比较驾轻就熟的。

  • Research View on TMT of State-owned Enterprises based on Human Resource

    基于人力资本的国有企业 高层 管理 团队的研究展望

  • It is easy to find bankers sighing about Chinese technology media and telecoms deals these days .

    最近,人们容易见到银行家们对中国 TMT(电信、媒体和科技)企业交易案唉声叹气。

  • Heterogeneity of tenure education specialty and occupational background of top management team ( TMT ) has significant positive affect on technological innovation performance .

    高管 团队任期、教育专业以及职业背景的异质性对技术创新绩效有显著的正向影响。

  • Shared Strategic Cognition and Top Management Team Performance ; Review on Research Exploring the Impact of TMT Characteristics on Firm Performance

    高层管理 团队共享战略认知与团队绩效的关系研究 高层 管理 团队特征与企业业绩关系 理论述评

  • We measure the characters of TMT from three dimensions : human resource dimension external reputation dimension and incentives dimension .

    管理 团队 特质 人力资源、外部声誉及经济诱因等三个构 来衡量。

  • The Effect of Demographic Traits of TMT on Performance of Textile and IT Corporations

    高管 团队人口统计特征对纺织和信息技术公司经营绩效的影响

  • The company has also handed back some chartered dry bulk vessels to their owners and scrapped others .


  • It is widely acknowledged that demography of Top Management Team ( TMT ) will have impact on organizational performance .

    高层管理团队的 传记 特征对企业业绩是有影响的。

  • Compare this with TMT which accounted for 39 per cent of global market cap in 2000 he says .

    相比之下,2000年 TMT板块占全球总市值的39%,他表示。

  • Studies on the TMT Heterogeneity to Enterprises Performance

    高管 团队异质性对企业绩效的影响研究

  • And make the TMT trade with Elysian business of venture capital investment the earliest get relatively however desolate ;

    而最早成为风险投资商乐土的 TMT行业,却相对受到冷落;