time after sight

[taɪm ˈæftɚ saɪt][taim ˈɑ:ftə sait]

[法] 见票后若干日

  • But it so fell out likewise that at the same time Polly looking hopelessly along the road before her after a good hour 's walk had said it was no use going any further when suddenly she saw this sight .

    在这之前,她已 了整整一个小时的路程,毫无希望地望着前面的道路,说道,再往前走也没有用了;就在这个 时候,她突然看到了这个 情景

  • A bill is payable at a determinable future time within the meaning of this Ordinance which is expressed to be payable at a fixed period after date or sight ;

    根据本条例之定义, 定期汇票指载明于发票日后或 一定期间内付款者;

  • Mourns the memorial ceremony oration to start at the time of Han and Wei here after the vigorous development presents an impressive sight to Tang Dynasty changes to it with the content carries on the classification to have the feasibility and the necessity .

    悼祭文发轫于汉魏 时期此后蓬勃发展,至唐蔚为 大观,对其流变和内容进行分类具有可行性和必要性。

  • For a long time after his rescue buck did not like Thornton to get out of his sight .

    被救 以来好长一 时间 ,巴克不喜欢自己 桑德。

  • For one patient this was the first time he had seen anything in half a century after his sight was destroyed by retinitis pigmentosa a virus that attacks retinal cells .

    其中一个盲人, 自从他的 视力被色素性视网膜炎(一种侵袭视网膜细胞的病毒引起的)所损坏后,这是他半个世纪以来, 首次有了 视觉