time variance

[taɪm ˈvɛriəns][taim ˈveəri:əns]


  • Stochastic single machine scheduling to minimize the completion time variance

    目标函数为完成 时间 方差的随机单机调度问题

  • The Short Time Fourier Transform is applied to analyze the dynamic performance in the time and frequency domain for dealing with the time variance and the nonlinearity of the system induced by the effect of viscous heating .

    并采用短时傅立叶变换对该 非线性系统进行时频分析,讨论粘性发热对隔振性能的影响。

  • An Improved Version Control Method OF Time Variance Dimension

    一种改进的 维度版本控制方法

  • In the thermal process the dynamic behavior of plants shows a characteristic of great delay big inertia time variance and non-linearity which makes the modeling very difficult and the optimal control for thermal processes impossible .

    在热工过程控制中,被控对象动态特性往往表现出非线性、 变性、大迟延和大惯性等特点,这使得难以对其建立比较精确的模型,从而难于精确表达热工过程及实施整体优化控制。

  • It is well known that Allan variance is defined by no dead time two-sample variance .

    众所周知,阿仑 方差是按 无间隙双采样定义的。

  • Automatic Repeat Request ( ARQ ) technology could provide a reliable transmission link . And link adaptation technology could provide resistance to channel fading effects of time variance channel availably and advance efficiency of wireless link .

    自动重传请求(ARQ)技术可以提供一条可靠的传输链路;而链路自适应技术可以有效地对抗无线信道的 衰落,提高无线链路的效率。

  • Especially under the environment of high speed how to deal with the time variance of the channel becomes a difficult problem of wireless communication .

    特别是在高速移动存在严重 多普勒频移的情况下,如何对付信道的 成为无线通信的研究难点。

  • The Doppler spread caused by time variance will severely affect the performance of OFDM system and at the same time destroy the orthogonality between OFDM subcarriers which will lead to a serious Inter-Carrier Interference .

    因信道 变性产生的多普勒频移在严重影响OFDM系统性能的同时会破坏OFDM系统子载波间的正交性并带来了严重的载波间干扰。

  • However for the composite load has the characteristics of complex composition random time variance and spread over different area its exact mathematics model is still not built up .

    然而,系统中的综合负荷,由于具有构成复杂、随机 、地域分散等特点,其准确的数学模型一直没有建立起来。

  • The classification and synthesis of load characteristics is the effective way of settling the time variance problem in aggregate load modeling .

    负荷特性的分类与综合是解决负荷建模中 变性难题的有效途径。

  • The influence of temperature heating time variance ratio of temperature and load on the change of crack size microscopic structure crystal grain composition hardness and strength were studied .

    系统研究了温度、加热 时间、温度 变化率、加压等热力参数对修复过程中裂纹尺寸、材料的显微组织、晶粒、成分、显微硬度、强度等变化的作用。

  • Time varying conditional variance introduced by the early warning method based on ARCH can make the confidence interval of forecast conform to the fluctuation degree of economy time series thus the warning limit can reflect actual situations more precisely .

    ARCH预警方法引入 变条件 方差使预报的置信区间能够与经济时间序列的波动程度相适应,从而使预警限更准确地反映实际状况。

  • Decision Feedback Adaptive Receiver for WOC Channel with Time - variance


  • The average acquisition time and its variance has improved .

    结果显示,有反馈结构的新的搜索捕获系统的捕获 时间和捕获 方差 性能在低 的情况下都得到改进。

  • On-line identification and self-tuning prediction of the ARMA under the influence of stochastic distribution sequence with time varying mean and time varying variance have been studied .

    本文介绍了在具有时变均值和 方差的随机干扰序列作用下,ARMA模型的在线辨识与自校正预报。

  • Uniform Rate of Convergence of Spline Estimator for Time Series Variance Models

    时间序列 方差模型样条估计的一致收敛速度

  • The Gentleman becomes a class in local society for the Patriarchal Clan at the same time . Folklore Variance and Ethnic Group Development & Guangzhou Manchu 's Sacrifice in Ancestral Hall

    宗族因士人而逐渐发展 成熟士人因宗族而为基层社会士绅阶层。民俗 变迁与族群发展&广州世居满族的宗祠祭祀

  • This paper studied a series of technical issues with establishment of a control network for construction of the very large bridge using GPS and analyzed in detail the layout scheme observation time average variance result comparison with triangle network result etc.

    本文研究了利用GPS建立特大桥梁施工控制网中一系列技术问题,对控制网中布设方案、观测 时间、平 成果分析、与三角网成果比较等方面进行了较详细的分析。

  • Empirical analysis of hypothesis of market efficiency always is tested by random walk coefficiency and ARCH class models . ARCH class models can expose conditional time varying variance clustering and fat tail of distribution of high frequency financial time series .

    资本市场有效性假说的实证分析主要有随机游走检验、相关性检验和ARCH类模型检验,而ARCH类模型较好地揭示高频金融时间序列的条件 方差 变性、波动集束和宽尾分布现象。

  • In general the time variance of the channel is weak .

    信道的 变性较弱。

  • This paper describes various pulse shaping methods applying active filter time variance filter and transversal filter to improve energe resolution of spectrometer at high counting rate .

    本文介绍用有源滤波器、 滤波器和横向滤波器等脉冲成形方法来提高能谱测量系统在高计数率条件下的能量分辨率。

  • The Pb Zn making process of the arc furnace is rather a complex process with physicochemical reactions characterizing the strong nonlinearity uncertainty time variance and serious interconnection etc.

    由于电弧炉铅锌冶炼过程是一个极其复杂的物理化学过程,具有较强的非线性、不确定性、 事变性和强耦合等。

  • At the same time the variance analysis measures were used to measure the dimensions of the push and pull factors .

    同时,运用 方差分析测度了推拉维度各因子之间的相关性及影响因素。

  • It is first time that the variance sum of gray scale values of pixels was used to characterize the inhomogeneous degree of concentration fields and that the attenuation rate was used to characterize the injection dispersion performance of flow field .

    文中 首次提出用流场图象的象素点灰度值的 方差和来表征浓度场的非均匀度,用该 方差和随 时间衰减的变化规律来表征流场的注入分散特性。

  • The random time horizon mean variance models corresponding to three market situations : discrete time continuous time and jump diffusion process are formulated respectively and the relevant efficient frontier is defined .

    建立了离散时间、连续时间与跳跃扩散过程三种市场状态下随机 时域的均值- 方差模型,定义了相应的有效前沿。

  • Because the vibration amplitude of the scalper changes with multiple factors such as environmental temperature time variance nonlinear load and static state press a vibration amplitude control technique is needed for obtaining the stable vibration amplitude in the power ultrasonic medical system .

    由于手术刀的振幅随着环境的温度、 非线性的负载、以及加压等因素的影响而变化,故此需要对振动系统的振幅进行稳定控制。

  • Research of hierarchy version control method aiming at time variance dimension

    维度层次版本控制方法研究 时间英文)美国人的 时间

  • In wireless communication networks the performance of wireless links is severely degraded due to multi-path propagation effect and time variance characteristics .

    无线信道中的多径传播效应和 特性极大降低了移动通信系统的性能。

  • At the same time varying variance both cases whether to consider the intertemporal arbitrage model of a comparative study .

    同时在是否考虑 方差的两种情况下,对跨期套利模型进行了对比研究。