time data

[taɪm ˈdetə][taim ˈdeitə]

[经] 工时数据

  • Information collected from these applications ( and any developed tools ) is precise with specific time lines performance and response time data and failure messages .

    从这些应用程序(和任意开发的工具)收集的信息是精确的,具有具体的时间轴、性能和响应 时间 数据,以及故障信息。

  • Each time data traverses the user-kernel boundary it must be copied which consumes CPU cycles and memory bandwidth .

    数据每遍历用户内核一 ,就要被拷贝一 ,这会消耗CPU周期和内存带宽。

  • By default flow run time data is stored in the application 's GlobalContext .

    默认情况下,流运行 数据存储在应用程序的GlobalContext中。

  • For example the TIME data type exists in both MySQL and DB2 but the ranges are different .

    例如,MySQL和DB2都有 TIME 数据类型,但是它们支持的范围是不同的。

  • You can set indicators that are processed individually when time data is evaluated in Payroll .

    你可以设置为薪酬 考勤设置个别的指标。

  • Copy the elapsed time data from each of those to the correct column .

    从每一个扩展卡中复制消耗的 时间 数据到相应的列中。

  • Analyzing the raw response time data can give useful information about application performance .

    分析原始的响应 时间 数据,能够提供关于程序性能方面的有用信息。

  • With the BP network the suitable results have been obtained to predict the Si content in molten iron using the real time data .

    选定若干参数作为硅含量的相关变量,建立一个三层BP网络结构,结合现场 数据进行学习和预报,取得良好效果。

  • By the automatic processing of HR platform implement real-time statistics to the various working time data of employees .

    通过人力资源平台的自动化处理,实时统计员工各项工作 时间 数据

  • So that to achieve real time data transferring to host computer and receiving host computer instruction .

    这样就能将 实时 数据传给上位机并接收上位机的指令。

  • Research on real time data process of embedded software simulation testing environment

    嵌入式软件仿真测试环境 实时 数据处理研究

  • DataStage provides a number of built-in functions for manipulating date / time data performing data type conversions and so on .

    DataStage为操作日期/ 时间 数据和执行数据类型转换等提供大量内置函数。

  • By use of interval transit time data the characteristics of displacement pressure and overpressure of mudstone cap rocks in lower cycle of K1d1 was studied .

    通过泥岩盖层单层厚度、累计厚度、泥地比、排替压力和超压的分布特征研究得到,大一 下旋 泥岩盖层综合封闭能力以好和中等为主。

  • Rejected data should be stored in a place where your customer can access it ; make sure your customer is informed every time data rejection happens .

    所拒绝的数据将存储在客户可以访问的位置;请确保 每次发生 数据的拒绝时,都会通知您的客户。

  • That 's a problem because while a buffer 's size doesn 't change once it 's allocated the amount of space left in the buffer changes every time data is added or removed .

    这之所以会成为问题是因为,虽然缓冲区的大小一经分配就不会变化,但是缓冲区中剩余的空间量会在 每次添加或删除 数据 发生变化。

  • But most simple databases don 't require the full range of allowed types and often they need to store only numerical character and date or time data .

    但是最简单的数据库并不要求使用所有允许的类型,通常只需要保存数值型、字符型和日期(或 时间数据

  • This may not always be the desired approach however and it is likely that the reader thread might want to wait or block itself until the time data becomes available .

    但是,这种做法不总是我们想要的,读线程很可能希望等待(即阻塞自身),直到有 数据可用 为止。

  • Over time data becomes scattered within the registry file and when information is deleted from the registry holes are left which fragment the data within the registry .

    随着 时间 推移变得分散的 数据文件和注册表内的信息时从注册表中删除,孔留在注册表中的碎片的数据。

  • With the time data stored you then create a string using the nf function which converts numbers into strings .

    存储了 时间 数据后,就可以使用nf函数创建一个字符串,它可以将数字转变为字符串。

  • Enable collection of response time data : Select this option to activate response time breakdown collection .

    激活收集响应 事件 数据:选择这个选项将激活响应时间分解的收集。

  • After you playback the RPT script on RRT agents you can view the transaction response time data from the AMC agent workspace .

    当您在RRT代理上回滚了RPT脚本后,就可以从AMC代理工作空间中查看事务响应 时间 数据

  • The simulation data can be obtained from the files of primary off-line calculation data and also from the real time data of power network after the state estimation .

    仿真数据可从离线计算数据主文件中获得,也可从状态估算后的电网 实时 数据获得。

  • Collect the response time data from the test driver client metrics file .

    从测试驱动器客户机指标文件收集响应 时间 数据

  • Each time data moves to or from the Java environment a conversion must occur between the string version of that data residing in the HTML and the appropriate Java data type .

    每当 数据移向或来自Java环境,HTML中驻留的数据必须从字符串形式转换为适当的Java数据类型。

  • The Represent date / time columns as text items option lets you control how date and time data types are created in the type tree .

    Representdate/timecolumnsastextitems选项允许控制日期和 时间 数据类型在类型树中的创建方式。

  • Analyze real time data to troubleshoot existing performance problems or analyze data offline to reduce resources in your live system

    分析 实时 数据排除性能问题,或分析离线数据减少“活动”系统中的资源

  • These options allow you to enter all time data and related information for your employees .

    这些选项允许你输入所有 时间 数据和关联员工的信息。