time keeping

[taɪm ˈkipɪŋ][taim ˈki:pɪŋ]


  • Preliminary analysis and experimental study to the applicable possibility of Hydrogen Masers of CSAO in time keeping was carried out in two aspects : 1.The possible factors affecting the long term stable operation were analysed and have been controled as far as possible .

    对国产实验室型氢脉泽在 守时中两方面的应用可能性进行了初步分析和实验研究:1.分析了影响长期稳定工作的可能因素并进行了控制,使氢脉泽可直接参加守时;

  • As more women invest time keeping their heads up building relationships instead of keeping their heads down at their desk they might find many new avenues for career development advancement and self-fulfillment .

    如果更多女性用更多 时间抬起头来扩展人脉,而不是只知道低头 伏案工作,她们会发现推动职业发展、进步和成就自我的更多途径。

  • The engineering procurement and construction market is having a hard time keeping up with the pace of development says Gavin Law of Wood Mackenzie .

    WoodMacKenzie公司的加文•劳(GavinLaw)表示:目前工程采购和建筑市场 难以 跟上开发的步伐。

  • A leading graphologist 's study of the Duchess'handwriting has shown that her pedantry for time keeping intelligence and efficiency would make her the perfect school teacher .

    凯特也向大家证明了她的“王妃潜质”,可据一专家所称,凯特其实更适合 老师而非王妃,因为凯特的笔迹证明了她十分 学究、有智慧、以及十分有效率。

  • He still has the purple heart awarded him after he was wounded although he has had a difficult time keeping it .

    他仍保存着受伤之后被授予的紫心勋章,虽然有一阵差一 它。

  • Having a hard time keeping your hips up ?

    是否需要 费力 保持你的臀部处于高位?

  • Networking and automating of the standard time service can improve the efficiency reduce the mistake caused by accident manual operation most importantly it can also improve the reliability and reasonableness of the time keeping system .

    时间服务的网络化、自动化不仅有效提高了工作效率,减少了人工过多干预造成的误差,更重要的是可以提高 守时系统的可靠性和合理性。

  • IBM employees wasted time keeping track of and resetting multiple IDs and passwords on these external Web sites while performing IBM business-related functions .

    IBM员工在执行与IBM业务相关的职能时,会浪费大量的 时间 记录和重置这些外部网站上的多个ID和密码。

  • She had a tough time keeping her perspective .

    她吃了不少 苦头才算明白了事理。

  • We simply have had a hard time keeping up with that demand .

    我们根本无法 跟上这种需求。

  • Thanks everyone for reading my blog this week . I had a great time keeping in touch with you and I hope to do it again .

    谢谢你们这个星期阅读我的博客,和你们 保持联系是很棒的 ,我希望再次和你们交流。

  • Time keeping is essential to dream weaving .

    时间 一致是梦想编织的要素。

  • If you are not organized enough to turn up on time for an interview you immediately give the impression of poor time keeping and are not likely to be offered a place of employment .

    如果你 赴约面试时没有安排好准时到达,那么你会立即留下一个 时间观念差的印象,而且很有可能得不到工作的一席之地。

  • Software for Real Time Monitoring the Time Keeping System at NTSC Standard Time and Frequency Laboratory

    NTSC时频基准实验室 守时系统自动监测软件

  • That I 'm having a hard time keeping track of things .

    导致我想 记住东西都很困难。

  • If you have an especially tough time keeping resolutions if you have a pattern of making and breaking them try these strategies

    如果 遵循决心对你来说特别 艰难,如果制订再违背决心成了家常便饭,那么试一试下面的方法

  • I had a hard enough time keeping my husband away from the butter .

    为了 丈夫远离黄油就已经让我伤透了 脑筋

  • An Automatic Diagnosis and Alarm System for Malfunction of Time Keeping Devices


  • I 'm having a hard time keeping up in my biology class .

    拼命 落下生物课。

  • The satellite navigation system is actually a time synchronization system . The time reference of the system is the key factor that affects the accurancy of positioning and time keeping of the whole system .

    卫星导航系统实际上是一个时间同步系统,系统的时间基准是影响整个系统的定位精度和 授时精度的关键因素。

  • The counterfeiters have a very difficult time keeping the indents clean and consistent during their refinishing process .

    伪造者在元件修补过程中 想要 保持凹槽干净一致是很困难的。

  • While the developers of non-GUI code were being very productive with their unit-testing effort the JSP / servlet developers were having a hard time keeping on schedule .

    当非GUI代码的开发人员非常高效的进行他们的单元测试工作时,JSP/servlet的开发人员将很难的 保证 时间的进度。

  • I 've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open .

    一直挣扎 双眼睁开。

  • Foreigners who buy real estate in the United States often have an easier time keeping it out of the reach of investigators victims and plaintiffs back home .

    在美国购置房产的外国人,往往更容易 避开本国的调查机构、受害者和原告对这些房产的追讨。

  • Stores in Korea and Japan have a hard time keeping the hip hop clothing on the racks !

    韩国和日本的商店里 hip hop服装总是被抢购一空。

  • They 're having a hard time keeping him stable .

    他们很 他的情况保持稳定。

  • Live in a style that suits your physical and spiritual requirements and do not waste time keeping up with the Joneses .

    以适合你生理和心理的方式生活,别浪费 时间 以免落于他人之后。

  • Our work unit feeder is having a tough time keeping up with all the client requests for work .

    任务生成服务最近很 跟上所有客户端请求任务的 速度