time ticket

[taɪm ˈtɪkɪt][taim ˈtikit]


  • Over the capital Lusaka to Beijing flight ticket inquiries at the same time apply to the electronic ticket votes out of the way .

    以上首都北京去卢萨卡航班查询机票 同时适用于以电子 客票方式出票。

  • By positioning the cursor over the icon you can view the time left until the initial ticket-granting ticket ( TGT ) expires .

    通过将光标移动到图标上方,可以看到初始票据授予 票据(TGT)过期的剩余 时间

  • There is a period of time on the ticket in this period of time to play this item you do not have to queue up to go the FASTPASS line .

    上面打印有一个 时间 ,在这个时间段内去玩这个项目,就不用排队,直接走 FASTPASS通道。

  • It is possible we may need to change the scheduled flight time subsequent to the issuance of your Ticket .

    客票售出后,我们可能会更改航班 时刻

  • At the same time the paper studies a Ticket Image Acquiring program according with TWAIN using VC + + .

    同时,根据TWAIN的基本原理,用VC++实现了 车票图像的采集。

  • The time punched in the ticket matches the time of the murder .

    上的打孔 时间和谋杀时间相符。

  • The carrier shall carry the passenger according to the time and carrier number prescribed on the passenger ticket .

    第二百九十九条承运人应当按照 客票载明的 时间和班次运输旅客。

  • At the time you purchase your Ticket you will be advised of taxes fees and charges not included in the fare most of which will normally be shown separately on the Ticket .

    在您购买 机票 ,我们将告知您未包括在票价中的税款和费用,通常大多数税费会在客票上分别列明。

  • It is the first time this kind of the land ticket transaction system risk research has been studied . So the research has creative value . The risk appraisal risk identification and risk prevention as a whole the study is very systematic and structural .


  • To reduce the amount of time for which a ticket is valid .

    从而缩短 票证的有效 时间

  • Two or three minutes after that he comes out a fourth time and asks for another ticket .

    两三分钟以后他第四 出来,要求再买一

  • Fortunately you calculate the time spent China then buy two-way ticket that would save some money .

    你计算好在中国停留的 时间,然后购买双程 机票,那样会节省一些钱。

  • The Internet Movie Database lists it as the fourth biggest film of all time with almost one billion dollars in worldwide ticket sales .

    互联网电影数据库把它列为有史 以来的第四大电影,在全世界获得接近10亿 票房

  • A peak time ticket for an adult will cost HK $ 300 ( US $ 38.60 ) instead of HK $ 350 ( US $ 45 ) .

    高峰 时期,一张成人 门票由原先的350港币(折合45美元)降为300港币(折合38.6美元)。

  • At the same time the land ticket transaction is able to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural and to solve the urban-rural dual system effectively .

    同时,地 交易也有利于破解城乡二元体制、促进城乡统筹协调发展,找到征地新出路。

  • At the same time this will allow more variation in ticket prices based on market principles .

    同时,这也会在基于市场调控的原则前提下,让 票价变动性更强。

  • On the test date please report to test center no later than the time indicated on your admission ticket and make sure to bring your admission ticket and two forms ( primary and secondary ) of your identification documents .

    在考试日,请在不晚于 考证规定的 时间 到达考场并请携带准 考证和两种本人有效证件。

  • He was only buying time & even ticket inspectors did not fail to check the toilets .

    他这样做不过是拖延 时间罢了& 查票员是不会放过厕所的。

  • Then I relaxed for a few seconds I thought maybe I had more time to find the ticket .

    我静下心来想了一下,也许还是可以争取多点 时间来找那 彩票的。

  • If the bill is received by the drawer or indorser to retain acceptance of the notice within a reasonable time without ticket holders did not agree shall be deemed to have agreed to retain acceptance .

    如汇票之出票人或背书人收到保留承兑之通知,而未在合理 时间内向持 人表示不同意,应被视为同意保留承兑。

  • You will have a hard time getting a ticket .

    你要 买到 是很困难的。

  • I know it saves a lot of time when buying a ticket .

    我知道,这样可以省掉很多 买票 时间

  • For a long time the entrance ticket price plays a less important role in the price administration system of scenic spots .

    长期 以来门票价格在旅游景区的价格管理体系当中地位并不重要。

  • I had no time to buy a ticket ; the train was already moving .

    火车已经开动;没有 时间 买票了。

  • The maximum allowed time of expiry has been changed . Reset the ticket expiry value and try again .

    最长允许过期 时间已更改。重设 票证过期值,然后再试一次。

  • Why wait until users have spent time duplicating the process of opening a trouble ticket with the help desk ?

    为什么在用户花费 时间使用服务台打开故障 之前,一直需要等待?

  • Visitors with special admission tickets are required to present a valid ID at the time of ticket verification ( see Annex hereto for types of valid IDs ) .

    门票查验 ,持优惠票的参观者须同时出示相关有效证件,具体证件类型见本须知附件。

  • However please reserve the special meal next time you book a ticket and confirm it24 hours before flight .

    但请您在 下次 订票 预定,并于乘机前24小时再次确认您的餐食。