time standard

[taɪm ˈstændəd][taim ˈstændəd]


  • The motion compensated technique is one of major technique on the sequence images or real time video signal coding . The technique is used mostly to increase the coding efficiency and quality in modern real time coding standard .

    运动补偿是序列图象或实时视频信号编码中的重要技术之一,在现代 实时编码 标准中多数采用该技术提高编码效率及质量,因此吸引了广大学者对该方法的机理及算法不断进行深入研究。

  • A clock disciplined method based on Kalman filter was given and this method was improved . It could steer one atomic clock phase-time into time standard precisely .

    介绍了一种利用Kalman滤波器进行原子钟控制的方法,并对此方法作了改进,可以把一个原子钟的相位& 时间非常精确地控制到 时间 标准上。

  • The basic principle of Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standard ( MOD ) is introduced . By using MOD the measuring efficiency of inspection items about gear accuracy are determined and evaluated . The principle and method of reasonably selecting inspection items about gear accuracy are presented .

    介绍了模特排 (MOD)的基本原理,用MOD法测定和评价了各项齿轮精度检测项目的测量效率,提出了合理选择齿轮精度检测项目的原则和方法。

  • According to the time standard the craftsman mythology in the early period of China is divided into the originality craftsman mythology and the civilization craftsman mythology .

    中国早期工匠神话按其产生的 时间 划分,可归为原始工匠神话和文明社会工匠神话两类。

  • Time Standard In Internet

    互联网上的 时间 基准

  • Establishing the national time standard working out the technical specifications for standard time transmitting and service and perfecting the national time service system are urgently needed in China after joining WTO .

    加入WTO后,建立我国国家 时间 标准,制定时间标准传递、服务技术规范,完善发展国家授时体系这项工作就更为迫切需要。

  • Principle and performance of SF6 gas density monitor and items periodic time standard in field inspection are introduced .

    介绍了SF6气体密度继电器的工作原理、主要作用及其现场检验的内容、 周期 标准

  • Method : The influential factors were inspected by taking the disintegrating time as standard .

    方法:以崩解 时限指标考察影响速崩片的因素。

  • From analyzing the content of amount and time standard and theory of ERP paper define the basic demand of the system and make the object logic and function system structure of the system .

    通过分析 标准的内容和ERP的原理,明确了系统基本需求,并制定出系统的设计目标、处理逻辑和功能体系结构。

  • Thus rationally deciding time limit standard for mail transmission has become the first problem mutually cared by post enterprises and consumers .

    因此,合理确定邮件的传递 时限 标准,也就成为邮政企业和用户共同关心的首要问题。

  • Based on summary and analysis of the actual conditions of post enterprises this paper proposes two models of making time limit standard for mail transmission .

    本文从总结和分析邮政企业的实际情况出发,探讨了制定邮件传递 时限 标准的两种模式。

  • What appears to be different this time with Standard Chartered ( scbff ) is that NY State filed its complaint against the Bank alone .

    渣打 此番的不同之处在于,指控是由纽约州单独提起的。

  • The Recent Progress and the Future Prospects of the Primary Frequency and Time Standard

    时间频率 基准 装置研究现状与发展前景

  • Beyond the tribulations of marrying Chinese and South African corporate cultures negotiating the upper echelons of ICBC including establishing links with their counterparts is taking time standard executives said .

    标准银行高管称,除了两国企业文化融合带来的考验外,同工行各级高层领导人进行磋商,包括与对手建立关系,也需要 时间

  • International IRIG-B code is adopted as time standard which is used widely in testing controlling calculation communication and weather devices in shoot range .

    国际标准的IRIG-B格式时间码(简称B码)作为 时间同步 标准,在靶场测量、控制、计算、通信、气象等设备中广泛采用。

  • This paper brings forward the amount and time standard system and tries to explore a computer aided technology platform that can establish time and amount standard .

    本文提出的 标准管理系统,旨在探索一个为企业制定科学可靠的期量标准提供计算机辅助的技术平台,以提高企业期量标准数据的准确性,为ERP的实施提供更好的数据平台。

  • The strategy of collision detection based on time standard ;

    时间为选择 标准的冲突检测机制;

  • Unlike other Java platforms that claim real-time performance WebLogic Real Time supports standard applications with no special architectures language extensions or APIs .

    与其它支持实时性能的Java平台不同,WebLogicReal Time无需特别的架构、语言扩展或API就能支持 标准应用。

  • It is based on distributed network structure and adopts present popular module technology . At the same time standard function modules and interfaces are defined which is helpful to the standardization and industrialization of CBM system .

    它基于分布式网络结构,采用当前流行的组件技术, 同时定义了 标准的功能模块和接口,有助于CBM系统的标准化和产业化。

  • At the same time a standard and normative design method is provided .

    同时,为圆锥电磁轴承提供了一套 标准、规范的设计方法。

  • Direct labor standards are determined jointly by production engineering and personnel staffs . It 's the product of labor time standard and labor rate standard .

    直接人工标准由生产、工程和人事部门共同制定,它是直接 工时 标准和工资率标准的乘积。

  • The key of using this method is to divid properly the operation procedures and reasonable determination of necessary testing time standard .

    运用本方法的关键在于科学划分作业工序,合理确定各工序的测试必要 时间 标准

  • At that time Standard Oil the predecessor of ExxonMobil began marketing kerosene in China .

    当时,埃克森美孚的前身 标准石油公司将煤油通过帆船运到中国.开始了在中国的销售业务。

  • We improve Hurst index . Based on time series standard deviation . DFA is spreaded into dynamic recursion algorithm .

    基于 标准时间序列改进Hurst指数,将DFA推广为动态递推算法。

  • About Working Time Standard

    试论劳动 时间 标准

  • Comparing yourself with others is like comparing the performance of a swimmer with a runner using the same time standard .

    拿自己和别人比,就像让一个游泳的和一个跑步的用同一 时间 标准斗快。

  • At the same time the standard of export packaging and checking calculation in Germany are introduced .

    并介绍了德国使用的出口包装 标准及木箱强度校核方法。

  • Describe the concept 、 function and computing technology of amount and time standard .
