time utility

[taɪm juˈtɪləti][taim juˈtiliti]


  • Owing to the importance of space battlefield and the complicacy of space operation command CADMS ( computer-aided decision-making system ) has been a necessary method for space operation command decision-making which ensures the rationality and time utility of the decision making .

    由于空间战场的重要性和空间作战指挥控制的复杂性,使得其必须借助辅助决策这一手段来保证决策的正确性和 时效性。

  • The Study of a Method for the Real time Calculation of Utility Boiler Efficiency Based on On line Detected Data

    基于在线检测数据的 电站锅炉效率 实时计算方法的研究

  • After the compressed file is copied to the subscriber the snapshot files in the compressed file are decompressed in order one file at a time by the cab utility .

    压缩文件复制到订阅服务器后,压缩文件中的快照文件将由cab 实用 工具按顺序 逐个解压缩。

  • Both of them can decrease the task drop rate compared with the traditional scheduling algorithm thus provide higher hit value ratio and time utility .

    与现有调度算法相比,这两种算法均能有效地降低任务丢失率,提高系统实现价值率和 时间 利用

  • It uses an evidence-based inteference system to achieve intelligence in human thinking . Concepts such as time utility and similarity utility are introduced to incorporate attributes of trust such as dynamics subjectivity and uncertainty into the model .

    模型采用基于证据的信任推理体系模拟人类思维的自然方式,并通过引入 时间 效用、相似效用等概念来强调信任关系的动态性、主观性和不确定性。

  • Now we will do the same operation again but this time using the tar utility .

    现在,再次执行相同的操作,但是这一 使用tar 实用 程序

  • At the same time the utility model is an ornament used in a living room with a technical model .

    同时 是一件造型工艺化的居室 装饰品

  • A new method for the implementation of compensation control with Dead time is described and a utility control Program is also provided .

    对实现大纯 滞后补偿控制的一种新方法作了介绍,并给出了较为 实用的控制程序。

  • The capabilities of latency time utility of resource and throughput of the process model and its subnet are calculated through the solving of steady probability .

    它可以最终通过稳定状态概率求解制造系统过程模型或子过程中等待 时间、资源的 利用率以及过程模型吞吐量等性能参数。

  • At the same time the utility model has the advantages of novel configuration interesting character simple structure easy fabrication etc.


  • An Assignment Model of Machine 's Load with Time Utility

    考虑 时间 效应的机器负荷分配模型

  • Experiments show that Vision Based PUI ( VBPUI ) can get better precision and real time utility and is a good method in HCI .

    实验结果表明,基于视觉的感知用户界面(VBPUI)可以实现较高的精度,较好的 实时 ,是实现人机自然交互技术的理想选择。

  • It is necessary to reform the setup of the college English curriculum in time and improve the utility rate of the teaching resources for the sake of the training the students ' comprehensive practical ability of English .

    应该 及时改革大学英语课程设置,提高教学资源的 利用率,以利于培养学生外语综合实用能力。

  • In a real time simulation system for a utility boiler it is common practice to adopt a zero dimensional model for building a model of combustion system .

    电站锅炉 实时仿真系统中,人们多采用传统的零维模型对燃烧系统建模。

  • This article explains in detail the research results on alternative establishing about filling water system selection and operation about equipment specially for large variation range of operating lift the worst operating conditions the short time use and lower utility factor etc.

    针对充水系统运行扬程变幅大、运行条件恶劣,但使用 时间短、系统 利用率较低的特点,从充水方案的确定、充水设备的选择及运行等方面作了分析研究。

  • In this model at each time interval the utility can determine contract price and dispatch method of power supply interruption .

    在该模型中, 电力 公司在每个 时段 根据 实时情况确定合同价格和供电中断分配方法。

  • The analytic simulation results show that two scheduling models and algorithms match the open and dynamic Grid environment . They have the advantages in balancing the scheduling cost and scheduling precision saving the scheduling time and improving the resource utility .

    实验分析说明,这两种算法模型和实现很好地适应了网格的开放性、动态性,在平衡调度开销和调度精度,减少调度 时间,提高整体资源 利用 方面都有着明显的优势。

  • This paper for the first time discusses the utility policy of airspace resource standing on Chinas national policy .

    空域是一种 稀缺资源,本文从国家政策层面上对空域资源 利用问题进行讨论。

  • In management people reading meter can check out the flow rate of the water meter of multiple users one time the utility model is quick accurate and easy and it diminishes handling cost .

    在管理上表现在查表人员一 可查完多户 水表流量,快捷、准确、轻松,减少了管理成本。

  • The ratio of machine 's operating load is one of the applications of dynamic programming whose model disregards fund and time value utility of output value .

    机器的高低负荷分配问题是动态规划的应用之一,但该问题的动态规划模型一般都没有考虑资金、产值的 时间价值 效应

  • At the same time the utility does not collect certain key statistics such as multi-column and distributed statistics .


  • And makes an analysis of the influence of shortage and irrational disposition of auxiliary vessels upon the time utility factor of dredgers quantity of works labour cost cost of repairs and profits .

    分析了由于辅助船舶配套不足和配套不合理对挖泥 时间 利用率、工程量、人工费、修理费、利润等因素的影响;

  • Therefore the study takes telecom services pricing into account from the new angle of the time utility .

    为此,从 时间 效用的新角度考虑电信服务定价方法,引入时间 效用 损失来均衡消费者之间的差异性;

  • This article uses the theory of communication and economics to study TV programs from time length time sequence time utility time opportunity and time period .

    本文结合传播学与经济学相关理论,从时长、时序、 时效、时机、时段五大要素来研究电视节目。

  • Ramsey Pricing on Time Utility in Telecom Services

    电信服务中基于 时间 效用的拉姆斯定价

  • The experiment indicated that this set of algorithm is real & time and accurate enough to utility .

    实验表明,该套算法的 实时性和测量精确性能基本满足系统 实用需求。

  • At the same time the utility model can also conveniently install the bottle mouths of homogeneous specifications on the containers of different specifications .

    同时,还可以 方便地将同一规格的瓶嘴安装在不同规格的容器上。

  • This method further considers the interaction of scheduling with allocation in the process of scheduling and presents a new form of energy function involving three factors : time cost and Utility Ratio . The result of allocation is treated as a factor of energy function .

    为了在调度过程中进一步考虑调度和分配的相互作用,提出了同时考虑 时间、造价和功能单元 利用率的能量函数,将分配结果作为计算调度方案能量函数的要素之一。

  • The regional logistics network is believed to have time utility and space utility . Its optimization and improvement can economize the exchange cost and promote the economics of agglomeration and the economics of scale in the area .

    认为区域物流网络具有 时间 效用和空间效用,其优化改善能够节约交易成本,促进地区聚集经济与规模经济的形成。