time payment

[taɪm ˈpemənt][taim ˈpeimənt]


  • The period of protection varies but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees .

    保护期不等,但只要 缴纳额外费用,商标就可超出 时限无限续展。

  • Facing the urgent need of components not to buy the contract can not be signed in time the payment is not timely not on time delivery affecting the implementation of the economic benefits and the normal production .

    面对急用元器件买不来,合同不能 及时签订、 付款不及时,不按期交货等问题,影响了兰物所经济效益的实现以及生产的正常进行。

  • It also relaxed requirements for time of payment by developers for land use and time of completion of real estate projects easing pressure on developers'finances .

    此外,新政策还规定开发商可 延期 支付土地 ,还放宽了房地产建设项目的竣工期限,从而缓解开发商资金压力。

  • Conclusion This method could obtain the strength of crown dowel with root cavity without fall and cleft so that to save time and payment and prolong the use of ceramic teeth .

    结论用铸造法制作桩冠桩核强度高,与根管壁密合,粘固手不易脱落与原烤瓷牙冠密合,不需要重新制作,节约了 时间 费用,延长了烤瓷冠的使用寿命。

  • Obligation of the customer for payment by telegraphic transfer is deemed to be fulfilled at the time of payment is written off from the client 's current account .

    付款从业主当前帐户勾销之 ,即认为业主完成电汇付款的义务。

  • According to agreement payment amount and payment time payment expense to our company .

    根据协议约定的付款金额及付款 时间 支付费用至我公司。

  • The time of such payment . total amount of wages and salaries ( to be paid to the employees of a company )

    发薪日 发放工资或薪水的 日子(公司员工的)薪水总额。

  • In the document the bank undertakes to guarantee for a certain time span the payment for the specified merchandise .

    银行须在本证中承诺保证在某一 时间范围内指定产品的 货款能够支付。

  • Each cash receipt is recorded upon reception while each disbursement is entered at the time that the payment is released .

    每一张现金收据于收讫时即作记录,同样每笔支出也要在 付讫 输入。

  • When you know someone well enough you will know whether to give him / her the extra time or demand payment right away .

    你对一小我私家领会多了,便会晓得是再给他/她一些 时候,仍是该立即要他/她 还钱

  • At the same time online payment has also developed in which the online third party payment is the most typical .

    与网络购物同步发展 起来的是网上 支付,其中以在线第三方支付最具代表性。

  • Could you prolong the time of payment ?

    请问 付款 日期能延长吗?

  • Small businesses would be able to spread over time payment of all their tax bills including corporation tax national insurance and VAT .

    小型企业则可以 分期 支付它们的税单,包括公司税、社会保险以及增值税。

  • The firm was behind time in payment .

    该商店没有 按时 付款

  • His scientific work had given him contacts in steel so Abramov became a metals trader securing supplies at a time of widespread payment problems .

    因为一直从事金属方面的研究, 阿布拉莫夫成为了一名金属交易员。

  • The money withheld from the employee 's paycheck may be kept in the company 's checking account for a brief time until the payment is due .

    从雇员薪水中扣留的资金会在公司经常帐户保留较短的一 时间直到 支付到期。

  • In order to ensure on time payment Contractor 's Priority for Construction Fund is established in the Law of Contracts in China .

    为了保障承包商得到工程 支付,我国合同法确立了工程款优先受偿权制度,美国财产法规定了建设者的留置权制度。

  • Firstly introduce west nations'law cognizance process to administrative inaction and it come into being at time of active payment of monopoly capitalism .

    首先,介绍了西方国家对行政不作为的法律认知过程,其产生于垄断资本主义 时代的积极 给付行政 时期

  • In the process which use of return contract to coordinate global supply chain we must consider the problem how to effectively avoid the risks which due to the rate fluctuations because of the order and return in two time node need payment .

    在使用退货契约来协调跨国供应链的过程中,由于在订货和退货这两个 时间节点都需要 支付 货款,所以如何有效避免汇率波动带来的风险就是跨国供应链中的企业所必须思考的问题。

  • Payment takes significantly less time than scanning and printing takes less time than payment or scanning .

    付款所花的时间比扫描显著更少,并且打印所花的 时间付款或扫描更少。

  • Where the applicant claims priority he or it shall pay the fee for claiming priority at the same time with the payment of the filing fee .

    申请人要求优先权的,应当在缴纳申请费的 同时 缴纳优先权要求费;

  • It is the seven years that jars : just seven years from the industry making what was at the time a record payment to restore its badly tarnished reputation to it would appear blatantly dodging the new rules .

    银行业安分守己的时间之短,着实令人意外:从该行业支付在 当时创下记录的 罚金以恢复其严重受损的声誉,到貌似公然规避新规,仅仅用了7年 时间

  • Clicking the mouse the amount of payment is shown synchronously when the sort of goods the first payment rate of interest and the time of payment change which realize scientific management and improve the efficiency .

    随着鼠标的轻轻点击,分期销售货物品种、首付金额、利率和 支付 期限发生着如意变化,每期支付金额便也同步显示出来,实现了科学管理,提高了工作效率。

  • The time of payment for investment in kind is not in violation of law enforcement under the premise of respect between the shareholders agreement . It will pay their way to take form principle .

    实物出资的 缴纳 时间在不违反法律强制规定的前提下应尊重股东之间的约定,缴纳方式采取形式主义原则。

  • The time of such payment .

    发放 工资薪水 日子

  • The time of payment shall is prolong to say four to five month .

    付款 期限应延长一些,比如说推迟4&5个月。

  • I think this clause suits us well but the time of payment should be prolonged to say three or four months .

    我觉得这一条适合我们,但 付款 期限应延长一点。比如说,推迟三四个月。

  • Secondly the examining range includes the lease price the lease time payment and the way of lease the use of the house etc. .

    其次,对同等条件的审查范围不仅限于租金价格、租赁 期限、租金 支付方式等,还应包括租赁的方式、租赁物的用途等。