to aid in...


  • There may also be other software involved to aid in development and meshing of the different components of a project .

    这些也可能是其他软件包括 帮助开发和不同的项目组件编制。

  • And most Scheme implementations provide additional features to aid in building code-generating programs .

    大部分Scheme的实现都提供了一些特性 辅助构建代码生成程序。

  • This person might also try flashcards diagrams illustrations and print-outs to aid in studying .

    这个人也可能尝试看图识字、图表、插图、印刷奏 学习。

  • To aid in the transition preparation it discusses application conversion considerations .

    为了 帮助做好转换准备,书中讨论了应用程序转换方面的考虑。

  • New devices to aid in the manipulation of numbers were added to make the job faster and more accurate .

    许多 用来处理数字的新方法加在一起又使这项工作做得更快更准确。

  • A system designed to aid in the storage and retrieval of data without restriction as to types of input / output devices .

    一种 用来 辅助数据的存储和检索的系统,无须对输入输出设备的类型作任何限制。

  • The transfer of goods and services to an ally to aid in a common cause .

    移交货物和服务给同盟 援助共同的事业。

  • What can students do to aid in the war against terrorism ?

    学生们 反对恐怖主义的战争 中将可以做些什么。

  • And we used unique custom-made brainstorming tools to aid in the discussions .

    我们使用了独特的定制的集体研讨工具 协助讨论。

  • These are mostly to aid in the localization of developed aspects .

    这些大部分都是 帮助定位所开发的方面的。

  • These chemicals are applied to fabrics to aid in the removal of dirt and oil born stains .

    这些化学品用于织物, 去涂 污物和油类产生的污点。

  • A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail .

    一种加在邮政地址上的文字和数字代码 用来 帮助邮寄分类。

  • In order to gain a better understanding of the pathogenesis and to aid in developing therapies against these disorders knowledge of the genetic background of the diseases is vital .

    为了更好的了解其发病机制和 帮助发展针对这些疾病的治疗方法,了解疾病的遗传背景是至关重要的。

  • Glucosamine : Treatment that is able to aid in the rehabilitation of cartilage and restore health to damaged joints .

    葡萄糖胺:治疗, 能够 帮助的软骨修复,恢复健康的关节损伤。

  • You are here to aid in the great expansion of consciousness .

    你在这里 帮助意识的巨大扩展。

  • IBM and Lotus recognize this and have incorporated a number of tools to aid in the process .

    IBM和Lotus都认识到了这一点,它们已经合并了许多工具 促进这个过程。

  • Each one is set up with a different background color to aid in the development process .

    并且每一个都是用不同的背景颜色设置好的 协助开发过程。

  • The Profiles and Testing Tools are available for use by the community to aid in developing and deploying interoperable Web services .

    社区可通过概要和测试工具 帮助开发和部署可互操作的Web服务。

  • HATS includes several new functions to aid in developing a web application to meet these requirements .

    HATS包含了一些新的功能, 帮助您开发网络程序,从而满足您的需求。

  • Use this tool for troubleshooting problem determination database monitoring performance tuning and to aid in application development design .

    该工具可用于故障检修、问题确定、数据库监控、性能调优和 帮助应用程序的开发设计。

  • Those statistics are used to aid in index selection not for predicate rearrangement .

    那些统计数据 用于 协助索引选择,而不是谓词重排。

  • The computer is to aid in achieving this understanding and should be used intelligently as an engineering tool .

    电脑是 可以 辅助你理解的工具,希望你将它视作工程学科上的工具,聪明的利用它。

  • This vehicle is in perspective so we made some basic construction lines to aid in the drawing process .

    战车是呈透视的,所以我们画一些基本结构线 辅助绘画。

  • It has search capabilities to aid in finding job targets and resources used in jobs .

    它拥有搜索功能, 帮助查找作业目标和作业中使用的资源。

  • To aid in the water selection process the USP Monographs define minimum requirements for general types of pharmaceutical water used in almost every pharmaceutical application .

    为了 帮助选择工艺用水,USP各论针对几乎每种药品申请中都会用到的制药用水的一般类型规定了最低要求。

  • The person brings in a few programs to aid in this work such as a favorite text editor without the person having realized it the text editor may be infected with a virus .

    某人 为了 工作的进行,带来了一些程序,如一个适用的文本编辑程序。在无人意识到的情况下,这个文本编辑程序可能染上了一种病毒。

  • To address this issue XML editors and validating tools became available to aid in the management of the files and the tasks relating to them such as documentation and conversion to legacy formats .

    为了解决这个问题,XML编辑器和验证工具可以 文件和相关的任务管理方面 给予 帮助。例如,文档和遗留格式转换。

  • To aid in development we will also test the application within Safari on the desktop .

    为了 方便开发,我们还将在桌面中测试Safari内的应用程序。

  • Special companies exist to aid in this – transition companies – and offer transition management services .

    现在就有 所谓的“过渡公司”公司提供类似“转让管理服务”。

  • In addition the source code is also sufficiently documented to aid in your understanding of the logic .

    此外,源代码还配有详尽的文档解释 帮助您理解其逻辑。