to come into force

[tu kʌm ˈɪntu fɔrs][tu: kʌm ˈɪntuː fɔ:s]


  • In June 1971 the Japanese government declared to come into force the third education reform .

    1971年6月,日本政府宣布 开始 实施第三次教育改革。

  • Analysts believe banks globally would like to issue something close to $ 1000bn of various sorts of Cocos before the Basel III regulations come into full force in 2018 if buyers can be found at a reasonable price .

    分析师相信,如果能以合理的价格找到买家,在2018年巴塞尔协议iii(basel iii)全面 实施前,全球银行可能将发行近1万亿美元的各种或有可 转换债券。

  • Closed-Loop Supply Chain ( CLSC ) was facilitated to come into being by the circumstance deterioration law force and benefits driving .

    环境的恶化、法律的 强制和利益的驱动共同促进了闭环供应链的 诞生

  • The policy had been due to come into force today but the government has not given a reason for the delay .

    这个政策应该今天 生效,但是政府没有给出推迟的理由。

  • A new Capital-Investment law due to come into force in january does little to change this approach .

    明年 开始 实施的新资产投资法,对这个方面的处理改动很少。

  • If the contractor agrees to the requested changes the changes come into force upon receipt of relevant notice of the Contractor by the customer .

    若承包商 同意要求的变更,该等变更自承包商收到业主相关通知之日起 生效

  • But the new regulations led to confusion on the A4 and the A40 where Olympic driving restrictions are yet to come into force .

    虽然奥运期间限行条例还未正式 启用,但针对A4和 A40的新规定已经 广大司机带来了无限烦恼。

  • We need 15 more countries to join this treaty before it will come into force .

    我们还需要15个国家加入这项协议以使其 生效

  • I look forward to June of this year when the revised International Health Regulations will come into force .

    期盼着今年6月,届时修订的《国际卫生条例》将 生效

  • Pass by to be close to a year the management consultation for have another the company establishment accounts to divide the card with release according to the balance design of the new performance evaluation system and the salary system etc. and have come into force since 2006 .

    经过近一年多的管理咨询,公司制定和发布了基于平衡计分卡设计的新绩效评估体系和薪酬体系等,并从2006年 开始 实施

  • Carbon tax EOR / ECBM and carbon emission trading are effective measures driving power generation sector to mitigate CO_2 . However it still takes a long time for these measures especially carbon tax and emission trading to come into force in China .

    征收碳税、强化石油开采以及开放二氧化碳减排贸易等措施可以促进发电行业减排CO2.但是这些措施,尤其是碳税和减排贸易,可能需要较长的时间 才能在中国 施行

  • The rule is expected to come into force next July ; banks have until mid-January to air their views officially .

    此文件预计 明年7月份 实施 生效,且各个银行在一月中旬之前都有发表官方意见的权利。

  • New environmental regulations need to come into force to stop global warming .

    立即 实施新环境法规以阻止全球变暖。

  • An extension to this CONTRACT shall come into force only after a written agreement has been signed by both PARTIES .

    只有在合同双方签署书面协议后,续签的合同方 生效

  • As currently the provincial authority has not received any formal approval documents it will take at least one month for the new policy to come into force .

    由于目前我省相关部门还没有收到正式的批准文件,享受 财政补贴最 还需要等上一个月的时间。

  • The first price increases are due to come into force in July

    第一批提价预计 在7月 开始 执行

  • The discussions are supposed to conclude long-running negotiations begun at past meetings in order to start finalising a global climate pact by 2015 that would come into force by 2020 .

    本轮谈判理应完成在历年会议上启动的、已经持续多年的商讨, 以便最迟在2015年敲定一项全球气候变化协定,该协定将 2020年 生效

  • The time to impose the social insurance payment is at the same time when the Sino-German agreement and the Sino-Korean agreement come into force .

    征收在华就业的德籍、韩籍人员社会保险费的时间分别从《中德协定》和《中韩协议》 生效之日起 开始

  • Where the right to apply for a patent or the patent right is assigned the parties must conclude a written contract which will come into force after it is registered with and announced by the patent office .

    转让专利申请权或者专利权的,当事人必须订立书面合同,经专利局登记和公告后 生效

  • The regulation was to come into force on a trial basis this month .

    该规定本月 暂行方式 生效

  • The new clothing policy has been explained in a letter sent to parents of the school ' s1 pupils and will come into force after the summer holiday .

    学校在 寄给本校1000名学生的家长的信中对新着装政策做了解释。这一规定将 暑假结束后开始 生效

  • But contracting parties can attach additional conditions to the contract . Once all the conditions are met the contract will come into force .

    合同成立符合法定的 生效要件时合同 生效,但合同当事人可以 合同 生效附加条件,当条件 成就时,合同才 生效

  • The legislative overhaul which is expected to come into force early next year has already triggered several transactions involving private equity groups as well as some of the world 's biggest media moguls .

    预计将 明年初 开始 施行的立法改革,已经引发了涉及私人股本集团和一些全球最大传媒巨头的数笔交易。

  • The intellectual property department has started the development of a new computer system through an outsourced service provider to facilitate the implementation of the new trade marks ordinance which is scheduled to come into force in2002 .

    知识产权署已通过外判服务供应商,着手发展新的电脑系统,以便推行预定 二零零二年 生效的新《商标条例》。

  • Austerity measures planned to come into force in2014 are being brought forward a whole year to2013 .

    该计划原本 2014年 生效的紧缩措施提整整前了一年,至2013年开始实施。

  • They are not the United Nations . And even the resolutions of the United Nations have to be approved by a majority before they come into force . What grounds have they for interfering in the internal affairs of China ?

    他们不是联合国,联合国的决议 还要大多数同意才能 生效,他们凭什么干涉中国的内政?