to come to attention

[tu kʌm tu əˈtɛnʃən][tu: kʌm tu: əˈtenʃən]


  • According to neuroscientists our brains come pretty much hard-wired to be tricked thanks to the vagaries of our attention and perception systems .

    神经系统科学家称因为我们的 注意力和感知系统 出现异常行为,而我们的大脑认知极 模式化,所以容易被骗。

  • However a spate of recent deals and product launches highlights the extent to which the issue has come to the attention of company executives .

    但是,近来大量交易的达成和新产品的推出,突显 企业高层 这个问题的 重视程度。

  • In fact until now the historicity of translation has for a long time failed to come to the attention of the domestic translation theorists and few researches have been made on this topic .

    翻译中的历史性问题事实上一直没有 得到国内翻译理论界的 重视,很少有人为此进行专门研究。

  • Now when I was thinking about what might actually draw someone to come and hear this talk today I always like to throw in something about a knife a sharp knife ; I always get people 's attention .

    所以,当我思考什么东西,能吸引大家 听今天演讲时,我总是 扔什么东西,比如一把刀,一把锋利的刀,这样总是能吸引大家 注意

  • Modern traditional Chinese medicine cosmetic began to come up in the 1980s . It has developed rapidly and achieved great achievements in the field of theory and clinical research to which a great deal of attention has been paid by the international cosmetology .

    80年代,现代中医美容学 开始崛起,发展迅速,在理论和临床研究上都取得了很大成绩,并受到国际美容 关注

  • ' Not every case or death is subject to complete laboratory testing or may not even come to medical attention 'he says .

    他说,并非每个病例或致死病例都经过了彻底的实验室检测,甚至可能没有 引起医学方面的 注意

  • With the deepening of China s opening up and the rapidly growing cultural exchange a lot of English movies are introduced to China through various channels . And people come to pay more attention to the translation of English movie titles .

    随着我国对外开放不断深入和对外文化交流步伐进一步加快,大量的英文电影作品通过各种渠道涌入我国,人们 对于英文电影名称汉译的 关注 越来越多。

  • We really have to look carefully at these downside risks to the global economy that only come to our attention in these kinds of disastrous moments he says .

    他说:我们真的必须谨慎对待这些危害全球经济的风险,这些风险只有在此类灾难性时刻 才会 引起我们的 注意

  • How can the country care for up to a billion old people ? These serious issues have come to the attention of policy-makers .

    国家该怎样照顾十亿老年人等问题已经 引起政策制订者的 关注

  • The study of textual GM is a new realm in the field of metaphor study and such a study directed to news discourses has not yet come to the full attention of the academic world .

    语篇隐喻在隐喻的研究中是比较新的一个领域,特别是新闻语篇中的语篇隐喻研究还并没有 引起太多的 注意

  • Owing to their efforts tourist texts have come to secure the position of a specialized discourse which calls for special attention .

    由于他们的努力,旅游文本作为一种特别用途 篇的地位 开始得到认可。

  • If our country 's enterprises want to come through the competition alive the only choice is to pay much attention to the continued education in the enterprises and to train well-qualified personnel .

    重视企业继续教育工作,抓紧培养高素质人才,是我国企业 迎接知识经济 时代全球化竞争的唯一选择。

  • The paper is to analyze the problems of management through costs in construction project at present then come up with countermeasures to have cost of construction project run efficiently and introduce detail steps and the points for attention .

    本文针对目前施工项目成本管理中存在的问题进行分析,提出对施工项目成本实行有效管理的对策,介绍了具体的做法,并 提出应该 注意 问题

  • The serious aquatic pollution restricts the sustainable development of economy and is dangerous to the human healthy and survival . The aquatic pollution caused by the combined sewerage overflow in raining day on the water accepting body has increasingly come to our attention .

    严重的水环境污染已经成为制约社会经济可持续发展的主要因素,也影响 人类的健康和生存。排水系统雨天溢流对受纳水体的污染已日益 受到 关注

  • Have the opportunity to come to Hong Kong I would like the Wangzhen and his voice like an angel looks will attract the attention of our people .

    有机会 香港啩,我想王镇嘅歌声和佢天使般嘅容貌实会吸引我哋港人嘅 眼球

  • How to prevent the risk in the inventory audit is the emphasis which come to the CAP ′ s attention .

    存货审计风险的防范 注册会计师必然 关注的重点。

  • And yet whenever I have a new book about to come out I have to shake the unpleasant sensation that there is something unseemly about my own clamor for attention .

    然而每当我有新书 出版时,就 抖去心中的别扭与不安,因为总觉得这么喧嚷着寻求 关注不太得体。