to make a fire

[tu mek e faɪr][tu: meik ə ˈfaiə]


  • Then we started to make a fire .

    然后我们 开始 生火

  • It took us a long time to make a fire with matches .

    我们花了好久的时间 用火柴 了起来。

  • Using bavins parings to make a fire instead of coal is not acceptable each fireplace should guarded by one professional worker and the fire must be totally put out when job finished .

    不应用 劈柴、刨花代替煤 取暖,每个火炉要有专人负责,下班时要将余火彻底熄灭。

  • Cao moment to make a vessel operating off shore the wind flying by the fire flames into the sky a sea of fire to illuminate the school of the south bank of red cliffs hence the name Red Cliff .

    曹军船只一时 ,岸上营落, 逐风飞,烈焰冲天,一片火海,把南岸崖壁照得一派通红,赤壁也因此得名。

  • I was very hungry then but it was dangerous to make a fire to cook .

    此刻,我感到非常饥饿,但 生火煮饭实在太危险了。

  • The clumsiest most economic object the holes pierced in an oil can to make a fire a folding lantern a ball of string or a floor tile .

    最粗糙、最廉价的东西、 几个孔 点火的油罐、一只折叠手提灯、&团线或一块地砖。

  • Health requirements Please go and look for some sticks to make a fire .

    有关卫生的发牌条件 去找几根枝条 来生

  • We gathered some brushwood to make a fire .

    我们收集了一些断下的树枝用 生火

  • We gathered some wood to make a fire and cook coffee .

    我们拾了一些木头,用 来生 煮咖啡。

  • To make meals they made a fire inside an iron stove .

    做饭也 在炉子里 生火

  • Please go and look for some sticks to make a fire . Branches waved wildly to and fro .

    去找几根枝条 来生 。树枝猛烈地摇来摇去。

  • After he had gathered it together and loaded it he did not want to go straight home because he was so frozen but instead to make a fire and warm himself a little first .

    拣到柴,把它们捆起来后,小男孩多么希望他不 立刻回家, 就地升上 暖暖身子啊,他快冻僵了。

  • RHETT : We 'll have to make a dash for it before the fire reaches that ammunition .

    白瑞德:我们 必须 火烧到弹药库前冲过去。

  • All the traffic has to make way for a fire engine .

    所有的车辆都 火车让道。

  • The campers went foraging for wood to make a fire .

    露营者去搜寻 点火

  • But I wanted very much to make a harder stronger pot-a pot that would not break in a fire .

    但我非常 想要 更坚固的罐子&一 放在 里不会破裂的罐子。

  • The idea in 1974 when the law was passed was to make skyscrapers safer in part as a reaction to a catastrophic fire in Brazil .

    1974年通过该法律的 目的,是 摩天大楼更安全,这在很大程度上是受到了巴西 场惨重 火灾的影响。

  • We decided to make a barbeque in the valley so we collected some tree sticks to make a fire .

    我们决定在山谷中烧烤,所以我们捡 了一些树枝 生火

  • Many many years ago people used a stick a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire .

    很多很多年以前,人们用木棍,大块木头以及干树叶 来生

  • Since there was no way to make a fire we had to bow to the inevitable and had some biscuits with snow .

    无法 生火,我们迫于无奈,只好用雪拌饼干吃。

  • Was it you who told Basque not to make a fire then ?

    那么是您叫巴斯克不要 生火的?

  • From a single shoes to the current shoes sports shoes leather goods clothing shoe to commerce real estate catering * make a fire one .

    从单一鞋目前的鞋,运动鞋,皮革制品,服装,鞋,商业,房地产, 餐饮

  • Put little balls of paper among the charcoal so as to make a good fire but wait until it is hot and smokeless before cooking .

    把小的球状物的纸团放到木炭四周是 为了较好的 焚烧,然而要始终等到木炭变红、变热跟无烟的时候,才干烧烤。

  • The new finds came so quickly that trying to make sense of them all was like trying to drink from a fire hose .

    新的发现物迅速涌现出来,要 全部 弄懂它们就像试图从 消防水龙带喝水。

  • Dad asked me whether I 'd like to try to make a fire . I accepted this commission happily !

    父亲问我愿不愿意尝试着 生火,我很高兴地承担了这项任务。

  • The method is used to make a group decision for emergency evacuation in metro fire accident and it is approved to be validity . ( 3 ) For another character of technology about multi-stage evolvement dissertation also studies multi-stage emergency group decision making method .

    局部群 决策方法被应用 地铁 火灾事故应急疏散,验证了研究的有效性。

  • It is of significance to guarantee successfully the socialist modernization to make a systematic study on modernization of Chinese fire control .

    对中国 消防现代化 进行系统地研究,对于促进 消防事业的发展,提高社会抗御 火灾 风险处置 紧急 事故的能力 具有重要作用。

  • Having now fix 'd my habitation I found it absolutely necessary to provide a place to make a fire in and fewer to burn ;

    住所建造好了,我就想到必须要有 生火的地方,还得准备些柴来烧。

  • Please go and look for some sticks to make a fire .

    去找几根枝条 来生 。拥有或 产生球茎、球根。

  • I gave them when I taught them how to make a fire .

    那是我教他们 生火时给他们的。