to one's cost


  • There are two parameters needing to be decided in NPV formula one is project 's cash flows the other is project 's cost of capital .

    在净现值公式中,有两个重要的变量 需要确定, 是项目现金流量,一是项目资本 成本

  • Methods By using a computer the various doctor 's advice for the patients during hospitalization was entered into a charge management system to implement the one day settlement management of the patient 's hospitalization cost .

    方法2000年5~11月运用计算机将病人住院期间的各项 医嘱直接键入收费管理系统, 使病人住院 费用 日清。

  • It is not restricted by time space and personnel and can expand education to each corner of the society through the computer network . The learner can study acting on one 's own in proper time and place obtain more high-quality education result with lower cost .

    它不受时间、空间以及人员的限制,可以将教育通过计算机网络扩展 社会的各个角落,学习者能够在适当的时间和地点自主地学习,以较低的 代价获得较高质量的教育效果。

  • Moral hazard is result from individual opportunism and it is the action to promote one 's own utilities to the maximum at the cost of others'benefits .

    道德风险源于个人的 机会主义倾向,是最大限度增进自身效用时做出不 利于 他人的行为所引起的风险。

  • In order to improve one 's own competitiveness enterprises must put the control of cost in place workshop grade cost control especially .

    为了提高 自身的竞争力,企业必须在 成本方面做出到位的控制,尤其是车间级的成本控制。