to one's hand


  • There is a very special right hand side I just cook it up by adding this one to this one now what 's the solution with this new right hand side ?

    这是我刚才通过将这个和这个相加得到的一个非常特殊的右侧部分,现在,在这个新的 右侧 部分情况下,答案是 什么

  • It helps to expand the financing channel and reduce the financing cost on the one hand at the same time it helps to offer guidance or suggestion for investor 's investment decision reduce the investment risk and lose and protect investors ' interest on the other hand .

    方面可以 投资者 投资决策提供指导和建议,降低投资风险和损失,保护投资者的利益。

  • India : It is impolite to pass food across the table with one 's left hand in India because the left hand is for the bath and restroom .

    印度:在印度,人们 在餐桌上用 左手递送食物看作是不礼貌,因为左手是用来洗澡和上厕所的。

  • As is known to all on the one hand insurance company 's products are at risk on the other hand insurance company faces many risks itself during the operational process .

    众所周知,保险公司经营 产品是风险,另 方面,保险公司在经营过程中同样存在各种风险。

  • Then I continued . I mentioned that the very same principle makes it possible to dip one 's wet hand into molten lead or drink liquid nitrogen without injury .

    我又说了,同样原则可能适用 不小心用液氮 洗手饮料喝下去 情况,原则上说喝下液氮应该不会造成伤害的。

  • And this all-round rich life means the max abundance of social member 's possession to living materials on one hand and even more important the max improvement on social member 's life quality on the other hand .

    这种生活上的全面富裕, 方面表现在社会成员 生活资料占有量上的极大丰富, 方面更为重要地体现为社会成员生活质量上 极大提高。

  • Well-prepared if you want to strive for due right for oneself should concern policy and formulary know sth like the palm of one 's hand to the company above all .

    有备而来假如你 想要为自己争取应有的权利,首先应该对公司有关政策和规定 了如指掌

  • Train a student to diligently devote one 's mind express with by hand habit of designing .

    培养学生 用心专注,用口表达,用 手绘习惯。

  • The key to the knowledge Treasury is in one 's own hand .

    开启学问金库的钥匙在 各自 手中

  • Many combined arithmetic are used to calculate the last recognition result according to the results of the three BP networks . They are the average arithmetic and the raising one 's hand arithmetic .

    三个BP网络的识别结果采用多种组合算法进行比较,( 1)平均值组合算法(2) 举手表决组合算法。

  • He was said to have head-butted one policeman and stamped on another 's hand .

    据说,他用头撞了 名警察,还踩了另一名警察

  • Therefore to catch cicadas one must first of all train one 's hand to hold the bamboo stick without shaking .

    所以 捕蝉,首先要练 得手拿竹竿不晃动。

  • My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all ; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father 's hand .

    我父把羊赐 我,他比万有都大, 也不能从我父 手里把他们夺去。

  • When drinking alcoholic beverages it is a Japanese custom to serve each other rather than pouring the beverage into one 's own glass . Mr. Fujita always keeps some sake on hand for special occasions .

    在日本喝酒时,当地习惯是互相斟酒,而不是自己往 自己 酒杯里倒酒。藤田先生总在 手边存有一些酒(:日本的一种米酒)备特别之需。

  • During 1994 to 2004 Longyan wholesale and retail industry progress rapidly : on the one hand it contribute progressively to economy and society 's development on the other hand it 's construction adjust completely the level of marketable progress continual improve .

    1994-2004年龙岩批发零售业发展迅速, 是对经济社会发展 贡献日益增加,二是结构全面调整,市场化水平不断提高。

  • The function of education is to raise one 's natural qualities and subject qualities and to merge them into social qualities so that the individual development and social development can go hand in hand thus promoting the all-round development of people 's social qualities .

    教育的功能就在于提升 自然素质和主体素质并将其消融于人的社会素质之中,完成个体发展与社会发展之间的 相互调适与过渡,促进人的社会素质的全面发展。

  • It won 't take one long to get one 's hand in at cards .

    学会熟练 玩牌不需要很长时间。

  • Size is directly proportional to payload here but one of the Wasp 's most useful attributes is that individual soldiers can launch it by hand .

    尺寸与重量成 正比,但是黄蜂无人机 有用的特性是单兵可以用 发射它。

  • This interactive sport allows one to develop one 's physical fitness quick reflexes speed agility and hand and body coordination .

    这项交互式运动可以提高 个人 体质、快速反应、速度、灵活及 体协调度。