to one's credit


  • Lehman had appeared to be one of Wall Street 's few banks to have avoided losses during the credit crisis but its disclosure yesterday raises questions about other investment banks ' performance in the second quarter .

    雷曼一度看上去是华尔街少数几家在 信贷危机期间没有出现亏损 投行 之一,但昨日公布的业绩令人们对其它投行第二季度的表现产生了疑问。

  • It 's hard to say how one creates music because it 's hard for me to take credit . I feel it 's more spiritual or heavenly .

    难描述 个人如何创作音乐,因为我难以 居功。我觉得它更像是灵魂的或天堂的。

  • An act or deed to one 's credit ; a distinctive achievement .

    功绩 增添 某人 荣誉的行为或事情;不凡的功绩。

  • The attachment to one 's family in Confucian ethics has an inherent relation to the honesty and credit of businessmen .

    儒家伦理中 家庭观念与商人的 诚信有着内在联系。

  • Evaluate public trust of local government since the need that investors carry on the investment decision and analyse go on need that analyse objectively to regional competitiveness too local government know and improve one 's own credit need of state too at the same time .

    对地方政府公信力进行评估,既是投资者进行投资决策分析的需要,也是 地区竞争力进行客观分析的需要,同时也是地方政府认识和改进 自身 信用状况 需要。

  • Eliminating ill weeds But one should as little imperil oneself by an evil companion as pay honor to another at the cost of one 's own credit .

    消灭危害性大的杂草一个糟糕的伙伴给 我们带来的危害,不见得就比牺牲自己 荣誉而 他人 增光的危害更大。

  • Credit risk refers to the possibility of losses to one part of the contract or creditor for the other part of the contract or debtor 's default or the change of the quality of credit .

    信用风险( creditrisk)是指交易对手或 债务人不能正常履行合约或 信用品质发生变化而导致 交易方或债权人 遭受损失的潜在可能性。