to bite in...


  • Objective : To determine the dynamic characters of bite force changing in rhythmic tapping and opening-closing with maximal force in loosen teeth .

    目的:研究 紧咬叩齿运动中松动牙牙合力的动态变化特征。

  • Rover my dog love to bite holes in my shoes .

    我的小狗来福很喜欢 我的鞋子上 洞。

  • She had to bite the bullet and give in to her boss 's unreasonable demands .

    意思是她 老板提出 苛刻要求时表现的 坚强。

  • You don 't want to have something bad come around and bite you in the ass now do you ?

    你现在不 希望一些不好的事情发生 你周围并从背后 袭击你吧?

  • Objective : To investigate the feasibility of primary debridement and suturing to the wounds of dog bite injuries in the facial region .

    目的:探讨面部犬 咬伤后Ⅰ期清创缝合的可行性。

  • CLSA is attempting to keep a lid on costs as trading income falls amid the global financial crisis which has started to bite in Asia over the past six weeks .

    过去6周内,全球金融危机 开始 袭击亚洲,在此之际,随着交易收入下降,里昂证券试图限制成本。

  • Hamid : It wouldn 't last for long . We 're just going to have to bite the bullet and get a professional in to fix it .

    哈米德:那无法耐久,我们 勉为其难,屋顶也 找个专业工人修理。

  • The government is planning to put the bite on the taxpayers for twenty billion more in taxes .

    政府正计划 纳税人多交 二百多亿美元的税款。

  • And be not slow in turning your back on it unless you want to bite the dust in bitter defeat .

    不要在它 面前慢慢地转身,除非你 愿意 一败涂地

  • To understand the problem you need only look at the UK economy before the credit crunch began to bite in the summer of 2007 .

    为了理解这个问题,你只需看看2007 夏季信贷危机 开始 爆发前的英国经济。

  • Some of the turtles he 'd seen in the shallows looked big enough to bite him in half .

    有些沙洲上的海龟看起来 就能 两半

  • While likely to take only a small bite out of Office revenues in the short term the move represents one of the most radical steps yet by Microsoft as it tries to refocus its software business around the internet according to analysts .

    分析师表示,虽然此举 短期内可能只 略微损及Office的收入,却是微软迄今最为激进的举措之一。微软正试图将其软件业务的重心,转移到以互联网为平台。

  • At brush to bite to match brush the hair to move after placing in bit to match come forward .

    在刷 咬合 时,刷毛 置于咬合 上前后移动。

  • Uruguay striker Luis Suarez could once again be in trouble after appearing to bite an Italian opponent Tuesday in a key World Cup qualifying game .

    乌拉圭前锋路易斯·苏亚雷斯可能再次陷入麻烦,他在周二进行的一场关系 世界杯小组出线的关键比赛 了意大利队球员。

  • The anticipated profit hit suggests the global economic slowdown is starting to bite in the telecoms industry .

    该公司预期利润下降说明全球经济滑坡已开始 影响 电信行业。

  • Finally this paper applys these filter algorithms to Direct sequence spread spectrum system and studies system bite error rate in different interference environments .

    最后将这些滤波算法应用 直接序列扩频通信系统中,研究它们 不同的干扰环境下的系统误 码率

  • What I want to know is how he survived Nagini 's bite in the first place .

    我首先 弄明白,他是怎么从 纳吉尼的毒牙下活下来的。

  • Objective To study the bite rate epidemiological a village named T in Guangdong province distribution clinical symptoms of the villagers bitten by the red imported fire ants ( RIFA ) and the environment of to provide evidence for disease control and prevention .

    目的了解广东 T村村民被红火蚁 叮咬的流行病学特征及该村环境中红火蚁情况,为预防控制红火蚁提供依据。

  • Never once did he try to bite or scratch me or even try to get away from me or struggle in any way .

    他从来没 试图 或抓过我,甚至都没有躲过或挣脱我。

  • Junk food will come back to bite you in the butt .

    垃圾食品最终会回来 你。

  • Workers at farm and / or afforesting belts were much more likely to be bitten by RIFA . The bite rates in farmers and afforesting workers were 42.3 % and 28.3 % respectively .

    在农田务农或绿化带工作时被叮咬的机会较大,农民、绿化工人的 叮咬率分别为42.3%和28.3%。

  • If tough decisions mean closing services and cutting back staff analysts could argue he has yet to bite the bullet in reshaping an underperforming company .

    如果艰难的决策意味着关停服务、削减支持人员,那么分析师会辩称,他迄今为止还没有 咬牙重组这个业绩不佳的公司。

  • The winter months are already starting to bite and their teeth-marks are visible in Arsenal 's squad .

    冬天已经 开始张嘴 咬人了,他的牙印就清晰地印在兵工厂的阵容上。

  • In graphical processes the use of acid to bite an image in to a metal plate .

    在图形处理技术中,用酸 金属板上 腐蚀出图象的处理方法。

  • Remember that global warming will really start to bite in the near future .

    请记住,全球变暖产生的影响将 不久后真正 开始 肆虐

  • Position the caterpillar 's head near to the bite mark in the top leaf !

    把毛毛虫粘 叶子的边缘,把头放 的叶子旁。