to advise that...


  • Efforts to shore up US bond insurers gathered pace yesterday as New York state regulators appointed investment bankers to advise on a rescue plan that could provide back-up credit lines for the troubled guarantors .

    纽约州监管机构昨日委托投资银行家 一项援救计划 提供 建议,加快了援救美国债券保险公司的步伐。 计划可能为这些麻烦缠身的担保机构提供支持性信用额度。

  • This is to advise you that we have made full payment and acquired a complete set of shipping documents upon presentation by Tokyo Bank who will also advise your collection bank to that effect .

    意在 通知您我 已付清全部款项,并已自东京银行处获取整套装船单据,东京银行也会将此进展通知贵方托收行。

  • We are pleased to advise you that we are able to offer a special designing plan for the modification of your new order .

    我们 高兴 告知你们 我们可以为新定单提供特别的设计方案。

  • Based on this information we hope to be in a position very shortly to advise you that we will be needing many more frames to be shipped .

    根据这些资料,我们 希望即刻 通知你方我们 需要更多的钢架。

  • As they wish to work as your agent we advise that you approach them directly .

    他们 有意做贵公司业务代理, 贵方直接与他们交涉。

  • We are pleased to advise you that the whisky you ordered was dispatched by M / S Sunlight today which is due to arrive at Sydney on May5 .

    乐意 通知贵方 您所订购的威士忌,已于今天由“阳光”号货轮发运,该轮将于5月5日抵达悉尼港。

  • We wish to advise you that we have shipped you today by S.S. Tokyo Maru 50 cases of carbon paper .

    方想 通知贵方我方今天已将50箱复写纸用东京丸轮运至你处。

  • We regret to advise you that Dyed Drill is not available for the moment . However we bear your requirement in mind and shall let you know as soon as the supply position improves .

    我们遗憾 通知贵方 杂色卡目前暂且无供,但是我将留意贵方的需求,供应情况有所改善,当即告知。

  • We wish to advise you that you now owe the bank $ 500 .

    你现欠银行五百美元 特此 通知

  • If you two are going to marry I advise that you need to know the fundamentals of cooking .

    如果你们 结婚的话,我 建议你们了解烹调的基本知识。

  • One of its main tasks is to determine what port facilities will be needed and to advise on the best means of ensuring that they are ready on time .

    该局其中一项主要职责,是决定未来所需的港口设施,并就如何 确保这些设施准时投入 服务提供 意见

  • We wish to advise you that the goods under S / C No. went forward per steamer X on Dec.19 2005 to be transhipped in and expected to reach your port early Jan.2006 .


  • In order to raise the educational standards I sincerely advise that the schools and the education department should combine together .

    为了提升教育水平,我真诚地 建议学校和教育部门应该联合起来。

  • Regretfully to advise you that the qtty you ordered is too small for the sample lamp as it is very difficult for them to accept .

    来的灯的样品这边的工厂 您需要的数量太少,他们没有办法起做。

  • He seems to advise us that don 't entertain delusive phantom against foreign language ability : we learn impossibly the language same as native people .

    似乎 忠告我们对外语能力不要抱有迷惑的幻想:我们不可能学得到本族人那样的语言。

  • It was so unusual for the Mouse to advise anyone not to fight that even in that terrible moment every eye turned to him .

    即使 了那个危急关头,老鼠居然 大家别打,这倒非同寻常,所以大家眼光都转向它。

  • Porter : When you get to Dhaka I advise that you check in to the Sheraton Hotel and inquire there . He produced his railway ticket when asked to do so .

    验票员:我 建议你们 到达下榻喜来登饭店,问问他们。当验票时,他出示火车票。

  • We are to advise you that the matter is under consideration .

    此事已在讨论中 特此 通知

  • I regret to advise you that the course is now full .

    本课程已满额 特此 通知

  • According to the experiment results we advise that a feasible does be0.01 % to0.02 % and nucleotide be fed after an interval .

    因此, 本实验基础上核苷酸的最佳投喂方法是采用间隔投喂法,适宜剂量为 0.01&0.02%

  • If you read a book on HTML it is likely to advise that all of your < script > tags should be placed inside the < head > element on the page .

    当您阅读HTML书籍时,它很可能 建议您将