abbr.Tobacco Mosaic Virus 烟草花叶病病毒

  • The main cultivation factors affected the occurrence and development of TMV are investigated and analyzed at the same time .

    同时,对影响 TMV 花叶病发生发展的主要栽培管理因子进行了调查分析。

  • Some compounds showed a very good inhibitory effect against tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) .

    初步的生物测试结果表明,所合成的部分化合物具有良好的抑制烟草花叶病毒( TMV )活性。

  • Control effect on tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) was tested in pepper by leaf spray .

    利用喷叶法 1 在辣椒上测定了 4不同 微肥对烟草花叶病毒( TMV 的防治效果。

  • It also inhibited the synthesis of TMV RNA and TMV protein in vivo .

    在活体条件下,PZ1抑制TMV-RNA及 TMV蛋白质合成。

  • The main characters types appraisal and genetic rule of differentiation of tomato TMV and CMV were reviewed .

    对番茄 病毒 的主要 症状、类型,番茄上 TMV、CMV株 分化的鉴定及其遗传规律的研究现状进行了综述。

  • BABA derivatives also showed potential to induce resistance against TMV CMV phytophthora blight and nematodes .

    BABA衍生物对 TMV、CMV、疫病和根结线虫亦表现出一定的诱抗潜能。

  • Tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) is identified from some samples too .

    从少数样本中也分离到烟草花叶病毒( TMV)。

  • Study on Pleurotus ostreatus extract against TMV

    平菇 蛋白提取物对 烟草 花叶病 抑制 活性初探

  • Inhibition Effects of the Extracts and Polysaccharide in Macrofungus on TMV

    云南大型真菌提取物及其多糖组分对 TMV的抑制作用

  • As the results of leaf-surface virus inoculation test seven plants presented immunity from TMV and CMV .

    进一步温室攻毒试验表明,有7株转基因辣椒植株 TMV和CMV同时表现免疫。

  • Comparison of Field Antivirus Effects of Several Reagents Against TMV of Tobacco

    几种抗烟叶 普通 花叶病 药剂的大田防效对比试验

  • The influence of meteorological conditions on the occurrence and development of tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) in Northeast Fujian is analyzed .

    分析了气象条件对闽西北烟草普通花叶病( TMV)发生发展的影响。

  • Antiviral effect of extracts from Myrica rubra on Tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) was investigated .

    以烟草花叶病毒( tobacco mosaic virusTMV)为 病毒,对杨梅叶提取物抗病毒活性进行测定。

  • The Inhibition of Small Molecular Weight Substances Extracted from Plants on TMV or on Four Plant Pathological Fungi

    植物源小分子物质对 烟草 花叶病 及四种植物病原真菌的抑制作用

  • Sequence of TMV relative contents of different organs on plants after inoculated from the highest to the lowest is below : corolla ovary calyx stamen pistil .

    接种 TMV 花器 病毒相对含量由高到低的排列顺序是:花冠,子房,花萼,雄蕊,雌蕊。

  • Preliminary Study on Antiviral Substances Produced by Bacteria Strain CZ and its Optimal Fermentative Conditions

    拮抗 TMV细菌 CZ的最佳发酵条件及其活性物质的初步研究

  • Tobacco Mosaic Virus ( TMV ) Coat Protein Induce Tobacco Against Plant Virus

    烟草 花叶病 外壳蛋白诱导烟草抗病毒作用

  • Comparative pharmacokinetics of suspension injection and common injection of florfenicol in pigs Comparison of Field Antivirus Effects of Several Reagents Against TMV of Tobacco

    氟苯尼考混悬注射液与普通注射液在猪体内的药代动力学比较几种抗烟叶 普通 花叶病 药剂的大田防效对比试验

  • 3 % ribavirin and catechins had widespread prospect in preventing and controlling TMV disease and other plant virus diseases .

    3%三氮唑核苷水剂和儿茶素在防治 TMV及其它植物病毒病方面均具有广泛前景。

  • Effect of TMV Content in Floating Culture Solution on Incidence of Tobacco Mosaic

    漂盘培养液中 TMV含量对烟草花叶病发病情况的影响

  • Chito-Oligosaccharides Induced Resistance in Tobacco to TMV and Its Inhibitory Effects in Vitro

    壳寡糖对 烟草 花叶病 的诱导抗病作用和体外抑制作用

  • The isolate showed positive reaction with standard CMV and CMV-As antiserum .

    该分离物与标准CMV抗血清 CMV-As抗血清呈阳性反应,与 健康兔血清、 健康 植物 汁液 TMV阴性反应。

  • Study on Formula Optimization and Anti-TMV Activity of Botanical-Derivated VFB

    植物源农药VFB配方优化及其 TMV活性研究

  • The control effects of active substances in TMV different host plants were determined .

    还利用 TMV的不同寄主,考察了植物次生物质对TMV的防治效果。

  • We examined the effects of mild strains of TMV on the tobacco plants .

    考察了弱毒株 本身对烟草植株的影响。

  • The spreading approaches of TMV in flue-cured tobacco floating seedbed system were studied .

    对烤烟漂浮育苗过程中 TMV传播途径进行了研究。

  • Absorption Difference of Different Texture of Tabacco Planting Soil to TMV

    不同质地烟田土壤对 烟草 花叶病 的吸附差异

  • Our results showed that transiently expressed siRNA could specifically interfere with TMV infection .

    结果表明,瞬时表达的siRNA能够特异性干扰 TMV侵染。

  • Present Situation and Countermeasure Discusses on Plateau Maize Breeding in Northwest Region of Sichuan Province Strategy of Tobacco Breeding for TMV Resistance

    川西北高原地区玉米育种现状及发展对策探讨我国烤烟抗烤烟 普通 花叶病育种策略探讨

  • Under the strong infection condition the transgenic tobacco plant could delay the presence of disease symptom of TMV for4 to25 days .

    再生得到的转化烟株在 烟草 花叶病 强感染情况下能延迟病症表现4一25天。