to a certainty

[tu e ˈsɚtnti][tu: ə ˈsə:tnti]


  • It is as follows : ( 1 ) to a certainty risk return maximization optimize problem ;

    它们分别是:(1)风险 一定,收益最大化优化问题;

  • It points out that traditional passive filter mode exist shortage and active filter can make up its shortage via analysis in addition the application of soft switch technology can also achieve all right filter effect to a certainty extent .

    通过分析指出,传统的无源滤波方式存在不足,而有源滤波能弥补它的不足,另外,软开关技术的应用, 一定程度上也可以达到良好的滤波效果。

  • Firstly through introduce BF technics to analyse characteristic of BF technics flow bring forward mostly model of BF manufacture and take to a certainty study and discuss and expound the function of every model .

    首先,通过介绍高炉工艺,分析了高炉工艺流程及其特点,提出了高炉生产的主要模型,并进行 一定研究和探讨,以及各模型的功能阐述。

  • Compared to other concerned research outcomes in China it is innovative to a certainty .

    相对于国内其他相关研究成果而言,具有 一定的创新

  • The concentration ratio of H_2O_2 and Fe ~ ( 2 + ) was to a certainty effect which of 7:1 was the optimum .

    H2O2和Fe~(2+)浓度比对污染去除效果 一定影响,二者的最佳投加比为7:1;

  • A node positioning probabilistic model is presented for wireless mobile Ad Hoc networks by which we proof that an unknown node is able to be uniformly located when the known nodes in the plain networks is qualified to a certainty scalar for the model .

    给出了无线移动adhoc网络的一个节点定位概率模型,证明了当平面网络中的已知节点 达到 一定的数量要求时,通过模型算法可以充分 准确 确定未知节点的位置。

  • While other factors such as the distance with central city ( county seat is the central city of a county ) also have some effects to a certainty .

    而其他因素,诸如与中心城市(在县内为县城)的距离等,也有 一定的影响。

  • In the world some big enterprises are all developing Supply chain logistics and have succeeded to a certainty their competition power is greatly enforced .

    世界上一些大型企业都在积极的开展供应链物流,并且取得 一定成就,竞争力大大加强。

  • To a certainty the development of economy and society is a phenomena of population .

    一定 意义上,经济与社会的发展,就是一个人口现象。

  • And the waste warter can be discharged to a certainty standars .

    工艺过程产生的废水可以达到 排放标准。

  • But for its thin cocoon layer short silk though the study on wild silkworm has already relatively been deepened at present but is still limited to a certainty .

    但因其茧层薄,茧丝短,尽管目前对野桑蚕的研究已比较深入,但仍受到 一定限制。

  • Although psychological consult and therapy are draggled in China psychological consult shall be developed and made progress to a certainty by constant use for reference and development of native psychological consult study .

    虽然我国心理咨询、治疗业还非常落后,但通过我们不断借鉴和有目的发展本土化心理咨询研究,中国心理咨询业 一定会有蓬勃发展和进步。

  • So cargo handling technology distribution based on graph search have value to a certainty in theory and practice .

    因此,应用图搜索技术进行装卸作业调度具有 一定的理论价值和现实意义。

  • Of course there are insufficiencies I hope more research would go on as the research is went into the interior governance of CPA firms in China will be improved to a certainty .

    当然,其中也 必然存在不足之处,希望本文能起到抛砖引玉的作用。随着理论界与实务界研究的深入,我国会计师事务所内部治理 一定会不断完善起来。

  • Conclusion The SF-36 scale could measure the quality of life in patients with liver cancer with better reliability validity and responsiveness so it has practical value to a certainty .

    结论SF-36量表用于肝癌患者生命质量测定具有较好的信度、效度和反应度,因而有 一定 实用价值。

  • In our country Several greater shipping companies have been adopting the triune mode of management i.e. commercial fleets crew and manage which have ever worked to a certainty under the circumstance of planned economy .

    我国几个大航运公司一直延续着船队、船员、经营三位一体的管理模式,这种管理模式,在计划经济的条件下,曾起 一定的作用。

  • One of major achievements in this paper is the designing of a set of software for simulating the tracing operation of trains to a certainty control style based on theoretical concepts and models putted forward in this paper .

    作为论文的主要成果之一,针对提出的理论概念与模型,开发了基于 一定控制方式的列车追踪运行实时模拟系统。

  • This article expatiates on the related authority of Windows 2000 system programming shutdown to a certainty and introduces its detailed realization solution . Some API function prototypes and their parameters are listed .

    针对编程关闭Windows2000系统 需要取得相关权限 问题作了 一定阐述,详细介绍了解决这一问题的具体实现方法,并列出了部分API函数的原型和相关参数的说明。

  • Condition of which aim at vacuum and micro-gravitation We design a set of experimentation which could analog entironment to a certainty vacuum and micro-gravitation with equivalent principle of Einstein .

    针对真空和微重力的条件,基于爱因斯坦等效原理,设计出一套能模拟 一定真空和微重力环境的试验装置。

  • Subsequently the local governments responsed positively public service-oriented government building achieved to a certainty results .

    随后各地政府积极响应,开铺公共服务型政府建设,取得 一定后果。

  • A series of protective legislation in the 19th century Britain shortened women 's work hours and improved women 's working-conditions which protected women workers to a certainty .

    十九世纪的英国通过了一系列的针对妇女的保护性工厂立法,缩短了女工的工作时间,规范了女工的工作环境, 一定程度上保护了工作的妇女。

  • He must know to a certainty before he could rest that night .

    他必须 确切弄明白 ,当晚才睡得着。

  • Nylon nonwoven polishing pads which characterize in strength and elasticity to a certainty possess of good polishing effect wear resistance and long service life and are excellent in curved surface polishing .

    尼龙非织造布抛光磨具具有 一定的强度和弹性,抛光效果好,耐磨性好,使用寿命长,对曲面抛光面有独特效果。

  • Combine the finance and trade protectionist measures and the potential for a slowing of economic recovery moves from a risk to a certainty .

    若结合金融和贸易两方面的保护主义措施,经济复苏的放缓将从一种潜在风险 变成 必然

  • And on account of added the inverse stretched system the whole rigidity of the stable type suspension bridge advanced to a certainty .

    由于增加了倒张拉系统,稳定型悬索桥的整体刚度得到 一定 程度的提高。

  • It also takes a study to a certainty about the theory of unit offence components and puts forward a different opinion on some commonly cared and difficult problems in the theory of unit offence .

    对单位犯罪构成理论作了 一定研究,并对单位犯罪理论中的有关热点和疑难问题提出了自己的不同见解。

  • The research in technology is no longer handiwork but collectivity research to a certainty scale ;

    科学技术研究不再是手工作坊式的个体研究,而是 具有 一定规模的集体研究;

  • The functional relations of DTA and DSC apparatus constants for temperature were obtained by the least squares method under to a certainty condition .

    用最小二乘法得出 一定条件下差热分析法和差示扫描量热法仪器常数与温度的函数关系。

  • To a certainty return risk minimization optimize problem ;

    收益 一定,风险最小化优化问题;