to a day

[tu e de][tu: ə dei]


  • It 's marvellous to have a day off .

    休息 太好了。

  • Gracie was even treated to a day of spa treatments the day before the party .

    而在宴会前一天,小格雷西还 的水疗。

  • To check the integration between TSAM and TUAM there needs to be a day 's worth of data collected .

    要检查TSAM与TUAM之间的集成,需要花费 时间进行数据收集。

  • But soon Mrs Philips brought the happy news that Mr Bingley was expected to return to Netherfield in a day or two and Mrs Bennet became very excited .

    但不久菲力普斯太太带来了好消息,说彬格莱先生可望 一两 内返回尼日斐,班纳特太太激动万分。

  • Mongols can drink up to ten liters a day .

    蒙古人 最多可以喝10公升。

  • It is going to be a fine day .

    今天将会是 天气

  • At the 12-hour retest memory overall was superior following a night of sleep compared to a day of wakefulness .

    在12小时后再次进行测试时,总体来看睡了 一夜的人相比还没睡觉的人记忆效果更好。

  • But you can rest and look forward to a beautiful new day .


  • A fair is held every three days in the town and today happens to be a market day .

    镇上每三天一个集,今天 逢集

  • However that takes time and as the chain grows it may take longer than a day to process a day 's worth of data .

    但是,这很花费时间,而且随着连锁规模的增长,处理 的数据可能要花费一天以上的时间。

  • I suspect that the lawyers are going to have a field day before it 's all sorted out .

    我想律师们 好好 忙活 通才能把一切都弄停当了。

  • There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning .

    应该有更好的方式开始新的 ,而不是千篇一律地在每个上午都醒来。

  • Shall I compare you to a summer 's day ?

    我可以把你 比作 夏天吗?

  • Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day unless advised otherwise by a doctor

    每次服用大约60毫克, 每天最多4次,或遵医嘱。

  • I had to go to Paris for an early morning meeting so I decided to make a day of it and see some of the sights .

    我必须去巴黎参加一个清晨会议,因此我决定玩它 整天,游览一些风景点。

  • You may want to reduce the expiration to a day in the future .

    把过期日期设置 以后可能比较合适。

  • We 're hoping to go FOR a day in the country if the weather 's fine tomorrow .

    如果明天天气好,我们打算 郊野去玩

  • The nutritionally balanced menus are designed to help you lose up to a pound a day without hunger pangs .

    营养搭配均衡的菜谱旨在不必忍受饥饿的前提下帮您 每天减掉 磅体重。

  • It 's ten o'clock ; time to call it a day .

    十点了,该 打烊

  • Tomorrow I 'll treat myself to a day 's gardening

    明天我将犒劳一下自己—— 享受 的园艺乐趣。

  • Mr Dewey desire to have a cup hot coffee but Mrs Dewey desire to have a cloudless day .

    杜威先生渴望有一杯热咖啡,而杜威夫人 渴望 晴天

  • He 'll get to Shanghai in a day or two .

    他日内就能 抵沪

  • But for my grocery store I decided to loop through several simulations each one corresponding to a day of business .

    但对于我的食品杂货店,我决定通过几次模拟进行循环,每次对应 的业务。

  • Faced with mounting debts the decision to call it a day was inevitable

    面对着不断增加的债务, 最终难免作出 结束的决定。

  • I think it 's going to be a nice day .

    今天应该会是好 天气

  • It happened to be a fine day .

    那天 恰巧 晴天

  • A rush of such chemicals might seem like a temporary solution to a dreary day but there are added benefits not the least of which is expressing affection and strengthening the bonds of a relationship .

    一阵这类的化学物质也许就像是你沉闷 的临时解决 办法,但是还有些其他的好处。其中少不了表达感情,加强彼此的关系。