to a man

[tu e mæn][tu: ə mæn]

所有人, 毫无例外

  • The committee to a man adopted the proposal .

    委员会 全体 一致采纳了这个建议。

  • There has never been a day like it before or since a day when the LORD listened to a man . Surely the LORD was fighting for Israel !

    在这日以前,这日以后,耶和华 的祷告,没有像这日的,是因耶和华为以色列争战。

  • A woman is more attracted to a man when she is uncertain about how much he likes her according to scientists .

    科学家们发现,如果一个女人不确定 男人有多喜欢她,那么这个女人更 容易被该男人吸引。

  • In the film Knightley plays an aristocratic woman that is trapped in a marriage to a man who is in love with his mistress .

    凯拉•奈特莉在此片中饰演了一个身陷错败婚姻的贵妇,该贵妇的 丈夫背着她与另 个女人产生了感情。

  • Surely there is no greater gift to a man than that which turns all his aims into parching lips and all life into a fountain .

    真的, 个人来说,世上最好的赠礼莫过于将他的一切希冀化为焦唇,将一切生命化为甘泉。

  • Economists almost to a man were sceptical .

    经济学家几乎 无一例外地持怀疑态度。

  • I 'm leaving the firm after all these years as I feel that I should yield to a younger man .

    在该公司任职这么些年后,我就要离开了,因为我觉得应当 比我年轻的 让位。

  • If he happened to find a man having a spell the culprit was immediately discharged .

    他如果发现 某人有偷懒的嫌疑就会立即把那个人开除掉。

  • To a man the surveyors blamed the government

    调查员们 无一例外 都指责政府

  • There is no greater thrill than to bluff a man trap him and outfox him .

    虚张声势吓唬 别人,让他钻入圈套,用计将他击败,没有比这更刺激的事情了。

  • In fact we teach our boy children that all of this is necessary to become a man .

    事实上,我们教育自己的儿子们:所有这些都是成为 男人所必需的。

  • Phoenix man : Refers to a man who grew up poor and in the countryside but thanks to their efforts and the support of others is able to moveto a big city and become successful .

    凤凰男: 家境贫困的农村 男孩通过自身努力和他人帮助,进入大城市并获得成功。

  • You want to be very careful not to have a man like Crevecoeur for an enemy

    你应当格外小心,别 克雷弗克这样的人为敌。

  • I was married to a man who had ceased to attract me .

    我嫁给了 我已不再钟情的 男人

  • To present such a bill to a man who had so completely the air of a poor wretch seemed difficult to her .

    拿这样一张账单 送给 个显然是个地道的“ 穷鬼”的客人,在她看来,这是件为难的事。

  • A schoolgirl rushed into a burning flat to save a man 's life

    一位女学生冲进起火的公寓里 男子

  • So Joshua and the Israelites destroyed them completely almost to a man but the few who were left reached their fortified cities .

    约书亚和以色列人大大杀败他们,直到将他们灭尽,其中剩下的 都进了坚固的城。

  • She says last Friday she handed $ 100 bill to a man standing behind her on line at Liquor & Tobacco a convenience store in Mountain View Calif. the paper reported .

    报纸写道:她说上周五在加利福利亚的便利店中,将100美金 排在她后面的 男子

  • I read it down the phone to a man called Dave who typed it out .

    我在电话里把它从头到尾地读 叫戴夫的 ,他则把它全部打出来。

  • Listen to me Henry ! And try to be a man .

    听我说,亨利!试着做 男子汉

  • If you owe money to a man he may attach part of your salary unless you pay him .

    如果你欠 某人的钱,他可以扣留你的部分薪水,除非你偿还他。

  • You would say yes sir !' to a man .


  • It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power .

    看到 个人因为追逐金钱和权力而如此腐化真是悲哀。

  • Tosh was known to be a man who would cuss and shout

    托什是 遇事喜欢又嚷又骂的

  • He used to be a man of nerve .

    他过去 一贯 勇敢

  • I always want to marry a man like you .

    我一直都 嫁给你这样的

  • They died to a man when they tried to break out

    他们企图逃走的时候全都丢掉了 性命

  • As the late President Nelson Mandela once said If you talk to a man in a language he understands that goes to his head .

    正如已故的纳尔逊曼德拉总统所说,你 个人懂得的语言与他 交谈,你的话进入他的大脑。