


  • Using the matrix models of 3-dimensional Minkowski space the author applies the integrable system theory to discuss the deformation properties and integrability on the spacelike surfaces with harmonic inverse mean curvature and the timelike surfaces with Lorentz harmonic inverse mean curvature .

    利用可积系统的思想,借助三维Minkowski空间L3的矩阵模型,研究了L3中具有调和逆平均曲率的类空曲面和洛伦兹调和逆平均曲率 类时曲面的可积性及其形变。

  • Some properties of three kinds of characteristic surfaces are discussed : the event horizon the apparent horizon and the timelike limit surface of a uniformly rectilinearly accelerating non-stationary black hole .

    讨论了匀加速直线运动动态黑洞的3类特征曲面&事件视界、表观视界和 类时极限面的一些性质。

  • Specially when k ≥ 2 and the generating spaces are spacelike or timelike they are totally geodesic if and only if they are totally umbilical .

    特别,若M的生成空间是类空的或 类时的,则当k≥2时,M全测地与全脐等价。

  • - and ( 2 ) the solutions are Conformally related to a particular vac-uum solution admitting a three-dimensional group of motion of of Bianchi type VI_0 on a timelike hypersurface .

    与在 类时超曲面上具有三维运动群的BianchiVI0型真空解共形。

  • On timelike curves in Minkowski 3-space

    三维Minkowski空间内的 时间 曲线

  • In this paper the authors study the properties of hyperbolic Euler for-mula of Two - dimension the four - dimensional hyperbolic Euler formula is put upin the domain timelike of four - dimensional hyperbolic complex space .

    本文考察了二维双曲Euler公式的若干性质,在四维双曲复空间的拟时区建立了四维双曲 Euler公式。

  • H-deformable spacelike and timelike surfaces in 3-dimensional Minkowski space

    三维Minkowski空间中H-可形变的类空曲面和 类时曲面

  • The Study of Timelike Extremal Surface in Minkowski Space

    闵可夫斯基空间中的 极值曲面若干问题的研究

  • Spacetime rotation of vector field in timelike curve


  • There are 7 Killing vector fields in the spacetime 6 of them are non-timelike while one of them is timelike at some region which is then a stationary sub-spacetime of the maximal SNP spacetime .

    这个时空共有7个killing矢量场,其中6个都是非 类时的,只有一个在某一区域为类时.因此,这个区域就是这个最大时空中的稳态子时空。

  • On the basis of the concept of the dual velocity this paper also discusses the timelike and space - like representations of the timelike and spacelike motions .

    利用对偶速度的概念,定义了物质运动的 类时表象和类空表象。

  • The rotation of a vector field in timelike curve in curved spacetime is discussed in detail .

    详细讨论了弯曲时空中 类时曲线上矢量场的转动,以 弥补 有关 专著 不足

  • Elder athlete can not restore to peaceful condition level in a short timelike the athlete of right age .

    大龄运动员在 负荷 刺激下,无法 适龄运动员 那样在短 时间内恢复到正常安静状态水平。