total abolition

[ˈtotl ˌæbəˈlɪʃən][ˈtəutəl ˌæbəˈlɪʃən]

[法] 全部废除

  • The campaign to seek total abolition of nuclear weapons has received high - profile backing in recent years notably from Henry Kissinger and George Shultz two former US secretaries of state who have embraced the cause of multilateral disarmament .

    这项试图 废除 所有核武器的运动近几年内获得了许多高层人士的支持尤其是两位大力支持多边裁军事业的美国前国务卿亨利基辛格(henrykissinger)与乔治舒尔茨(georgeshultz)的支持。

  • Perhaps they would agree to a single currency to total abolition of the pound sterling .

    也许他们会同意用一个单一货币来 废除英镑。

  • Issues and Direction : After the Total Abolition of Agricultural Taxes in Poverty-stricken Areas West Study the Functions of Village Cadres

    问题与走向: 全面 取消农业税后西部贫困地区村干部职能研究

  • Through these laws and regulations governing the implementation of the alien not only to preserve social stability and the total abolition of the old China of the unequal treaties .

    通过这些外侨管理法规的实施,不仅维护了社会的稳定,而且 彻底 废除了旧中国的不平等条约。

  • Presently the voice of promoting the project of green lighting is higher and higher . Especially since 2006 the California government devoted ' Total abolition of incandescent ! ' there has becoming more and more request for performance of fluorescent lamps .

    目前,国际上推动绿色照明的呼声越来越高,特别是美国加洲政府于06年提出了到2010年之后 全面 取消白炽灯以来,国内外对于荧光灯的性能提升的要求越来越高。