



vt.& vi.总计达,计算…的总数

  • At least one estimate puts the total tab at $ 7 million

    至少有一个估价把 总数定在了700万美元。

  • Out of a total of 2 pupils only 922 passed the test

    所有 2名学生中,只有922名通过了测试。

  • They said that the total number of cows dying from BSE would be twenty thousand

    他们说患疯牛病死亡的牛的 总数将达2万头。

  • I have total confidence that things will change .

    事情会有所改变的,我对此信心 十足

  • They were uncertain of the total value of the transaction

    他们还不确定这笔交易的 价值是多少。

  • There was an almost total lack of management control

    管理控制几乎是 完全缺失的。

  • In total 45 per cent of adults in Britain are exposed to tobacco smoke at home .

    英国 总计有45%的成人在家里遭受到烟草烟雾的侵害。

  • I was with my husband for eight years in total

    我和丈夫在一起的时间 总共有8年。

  • His score of 29 had helped Leicestershire reach a presentable total

    他拿下29分,帮助莱斯特郡队获得了一个不错的 成绩。

  • I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $ 12

    我估计治疗费用 总共会有12美元。

  • The total of debits must balance the total of credits .

    借记总额必须与贷记 总额相平衡。

  • We have total confidence in the veracity of our research

    我们对我们调查的真实性有 十足的把握。

  • If Casey is correct the total cost of the cleanup would come to $ 110 billion .

    如果凯西是对的,清理的 花费将达 1亿美元。

  • Why should we trust a total stranger ?

    我们为什么要信任一个 素昧平生的人呢?

  • Total foreign investment in America still constitutes only about 5 % of U.S. assets .

    美国的外资 总额仍然只占美国资产的5%左右。

  • It added another $ 11.8 million to the take for a grand total of $ 43 million .

    这就又增加了 1万美元的收入, 总计为4万美元。

  • The total rain and snowfall amounted to 50mm .

    降雨量和降雪量 共达50毫米。

  • They haven 't totalled the exact figures .

    他们还没有对确切数据进行 总计

  • This provision gives the president total and unchecked power .

    这条规定赋予了总统 绝对及不受约束的权力。

  • The total cost of the project would be more than $ 240 million .

    该项目的 成本会超过2.4亿美元。

  • This makes the total cost of the bulb and energy £ 27

    这使灯泡与电费 合计为27英镑。

  • The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance .

    借记和 贷记的结算即账户余额。

  • The unit 's exports will total $ 85 million this year

    该部门今年的出口 总额将达8万美元。

  • You were a total failure if you hadn 't married by the time you were about twenty-three

    如果到了23岁左右还没结婚,你就是个 彻底的失败者。

  • The companies have a total of 1 employees .

    这些公司 总计有1名员工。

  • From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy

    由此你可以算出银河系的 质量。

  • At the last family wedding George 's wife counted the total number in the family

    在上一次家族婚礼上,乔治的妻子清点了家族成员的 总数

  • They will compete for prizes totalling nearly £ 3 .

    他们将为 总额近3英镑的奖金展开争夺。

  • I make the total for the year £ 9 .

    我算出当年的 总额为9英镑。

  • Two water tanks provide a total capacity of 400 litres .

    两个水缸的 容量为400升。