Zebra time

[ˈzibrə taɪm][ˈzi:brə taim]

[电] Zebra时间

  • The settings are kept in the configuration file / etc / zebra / zebra . conf so every time the Zebra service starts up these settings will take effect .

    这些设置保存在 /etc/zebra/zebra.conf配置文件中,因此 每次 Zebra服务启动时,这些设置就会生效。

  • The lions devoured a zebra in a short time .

    狮子 一会儿就吃掉了一 斑马

  • The model requires only a few road traffic information collected but it can reflected path delay traffic speed traffic lights and zebra crossings and other complex factors on the indirect effects of the travel time of vehicles with a simple and practical features .

    该模型仅要求采集很少的道路通行信息,却能简接地反映道路转弯延时、通行速度、红绿灯和 斑马 线等复杂因素对车辆通行 时间的间接影响,具有简单实用的特点。

  • The acute toxicity of 2 & trichlorophenol to zebra mussel ( Dreissena polymorpha ) has been studied . The effects of the collection time individual size and experimental conditions etc. on the test results were also discussed .

    对在不同实验条件下 2三氯酚对多形饰贝的急性毒性实验进行了研究,并对采集 时间的影响、个体大小的影响和试验条件的影响进行了讨论。