zero position

[ˈzɪro pəˈzɪʃən][ˈziərəu pəˈziʃən]


  • Conclusion Zero position traction and fixation are effective for reduction of A - C joint dislocation .

    结论( 1Zero 牵引与固定是治疗肩锁关节脱位的一种有效的非手术治疗方法。

  • Designed two zero position holding mechanism .

    设计了两级 保持机构。

  • New technique for adjustment at zero position of fin-angle of shaking-reducing fin in the fin case

    尺寸稳定性,形稳性鳍箱内减摇鳍鳍角 调整的新工艺

  • And the non-linear error compensation ways and its feasibility are discussed . A iteration calibrating algorithm of zero position of lever-type stylus displacement sensor is proposed .

    讨论了非线性误差的补偿方法及其可行性。提出了杠杆位移传感器 的迭代标定方法。

  • Before measurement the transducer must be checked for its zero position shift .

    变送器在测量前,应校核它是否发生了 漂移。

  • Incremental optical electric axial angle encoder usually adopts zero position grating providing absolute zero position in order to prevent from data fault during electricity failure suddenly .

    为了防止突然断电时造成数据错误,增量式光电轴角编码器通常采用 光栅提供绝对零位信号。

  • Threshold method is adopted during design process of zero position grating i.e grating line sequence is randomly produced by a computer and the desired zero position grating line sequence is obtained through threshold judgment by computer .


  • This article introduces a new way which applies absolute zero position system of grating digital readout-instrument to measuring large diameter .

    介绍了一种采用光栅数显装置的绝对 系统进行大直径测量的新方法。

  • The design of the symmetrical zero position reticule series is carried out on the basis .

    在此基础上进行了对称式 刻线序列的设计。

  • The inductosyn and the error of the tracking angle measuring system are analyzed . The once sinusoidal angle measuring error model resulted from odd even jumping in zero position of inefficient electric potential is deducted .

    分析了感应同步器及跟踪型测角系统误差,推导了由非有效电势产生的 奇偶跳动导致的一次正弦变化测角误差等误差模型。

  • The pulse position represents the zero position of continuous modulated signal and the amplitude and width of the laser light pulse remain unchanged .

    该方法是通过用等周期脉冲调制激光光波来代替连续光强调制激光光波,即脉冲出现的位置代表原连续调制信号的 零点 位置,而激光光波脉冲的幅度和宽度不变。

  • Accuracy Controlling and Zero position measuring System for Grinding

    磨加工精度控制及 测量系统

  • By installing two photoelectric encoders on the hob axis and workpiece axis the zero position signals of photoelectric encoders coincident with each mechanical zero of two axis is reasonably set .

    自动对刀原理是在滚刀轴和工件轴上各加装一光电编码器,合理设置各轴光电编码器 信号与各自的机械零位重合。

  • The variational momentum of the zero position is that the sighting line of object space changing quantity after the fire is the quantitative evaluation target of the optic aiming device .


  • The correction difficulty of environmental temperature uncertainty and randomness of additional differential pressure of measurement unstability of actual measurement easy to drift by big margin and frequent check of zero position etc. problems of differential pressure water level gauge were analyzed .

    分析差压水位计环境温度修正难点、测量附加差压的不确定性和随机性、实测不稳定、易大幅度漂移、 0 必须频繁核对等问题。

  • Design of zero position error dynamic calibration device for radar based on spatial-resection

    基于交会方式的舰载火控雷达 误差动态标校仪设计雷达显示器雷达接收器的示波器显示屏

  • In Concerning to the choice of Zero position for elastic system potential energy

    关于弹性系统势能的 位置的选择问题

  • Calibrate the zero position the scale factor and the error angle of accelerometer by the 9-position method .

    采用了九位置法对加速度计的 、标度因数和安装偏角进行标定,并编制了相应的标定解算软件。

  • Zero position error measurement method of rotary inductosyn Scale factor and bias calibration of electrostatic accelerometer

    旋转式感应同步器 误差的自动检测方法静电加速度计标度因数和零偏误差标定

  • The instability of zero position found in the inclining experiment is also discussed in the paper .

    并讨论了倾斜试验中常出现的 不稳定性。

  • A Design of Optic Fiber Interferometer Measuration Zero Position System

    光纤干涉测量 系统的设计

  • The methods of determination bipolar inputting control signal optic-electron coder feedback signal connecting with MCU dimension 's unity of inputting signal between feedback signal zero position orientation and logical drive are proposed and realized .

    提出并实现了系统双极性输入控制信号采样、编码器反馈信号与单片机接口、输入信号与反馈信号的量纲统一化、 定位、以及逻辑驱动等处理方法。

  • The measurement principle of this measurement system is discussed . Secondly a signal processing algorithm is designed for the absolute distance measurement system performed with frequency-sweeping interferometry . The algorithm uses the zero position of the signal to extract the period or frequency of the signal .

    其次,设计了一种针对频率扫描绝对距离测量系统的信号处理算法,该算法利用信号的 零点 位置提取信号的周期或频率。

  • The NC processing of screw thread cut along a spiral already available on the workpiece is investigated and a method for controlling screw thread processing with adjustable zero position pulse is proposed .

    研究了按原有螺旋线进行的螺纹数控加工,针对此类加工提出了一种利用校正的 脉冲信号来控制螺纹加工的方法,并给出了一个基于8031单片机的校正系统。

  • Finally the primary experimental result on this experimental platform is introduced including tests on angle-scanning precision and zero position coordinating error and the SPR curve of air and water .

    最后介绍了仪器平台搭建完成后进行初步实验的研究结果。包括 转角精度和 误差等的测试,测得的空气和水的SPR曲线。

  • In this paper the law of effect of latitude and levelling on azimuth is studied the effect of latitude on correction in zero position and scale factor C are discussed some suggestions on enhancing the accuracy of gyro-orientation are drawn .

    研究了地理纬度及整平误差与定向方位误差的关系,探讨了地理纬度对 改正及比例系数C的影响,提出了提高陀螺定向精度的建议。

  • Transfer to zero positon when appears fault in double circuit power supply ( no action if without zero position );

    双路供电故障转向零位(无 的开关不作);

  • The Research on Bias Stability of FOG Study on Zero Position Error of Micro-Machined Gyro

    光纤陀螺 偏稳定性研究微机械陀螺 误差的研究

  • Research on Zero Position Calibration Method of Fire Control Radar of Tactical Missile

    战术导弹火控雷达 标校方法研究

  • Firstly the problem of setting zero position precisely before processing was solved by improving the experiment device .

    首先改进实验装置,解决了加工 零点 位置设置的问题。