working majority

[ˈwə:kɪŋ məˈdʒɔrɪti][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ məˈdʒɔriti]


  • In recent years universities are constantly working to increase the strength of intellectual property rights the majority of teachers and researchers conducted more actively in the scientific and technological innovation while the awareness of intellectual property protection is also increased a lot .

    近年来,各高等院校也在不断地加大知识产权 工作的力度, 广大教师、科研人员在更加积极地进行科技创新的同时,对知识产权的保护意识也普遍提高。

  • Meanwhile many Conservatives fear that a Yes vote might bar their party from ever winning a working majority again .

    同时,很多保守党担心AV通过后他们的政党很可能永远都无法赢得 大多数 支持

  • Yet for all the rhetoric of development Brazilian foreign policy promotes big business abroad rather than seriously working to improve the lot of the Brazilian majority who remain either poor or very poor .

    然而,尽管巴西高举发展旗帜,其对外政策仍是促进大企业在海外的发展,而不是真正 努力去改善 大多数巴西人的命运&这些人仍处在贫穷或非常贫困的境地。

  • The Third Development of Marx 's Theory on Working for the Interests of the Vast Majority of the People & on Formation of Ideology of Working for the Interests of the People and Its Practising Characteristics

    马克思为绝 大多数利益理论的第三次拓展&试析为人民谋利益思想的形成及在新时期的实践性特点

  • By the same token socialism is not only inevitable in the human development but also it is the lofty value-orientation of the working class and the overwhelming majority of the people .

    社会主义既是人类历史发展的客观规律,又是无产阶级和 广大 劳动人民崇高的价值追求。

  • John Boehner the Republican House speaker said he was committed to working with Mr Obama but struck a combative tone calling on the president to disavow reports that he planned to launch a ' counterattack ' on the new majority .

    美国国会众议院议长约翰•博纳(JOHNBOEHNER)表示,他将致力于与奥巴马 合作,但他的口吻有些不客气,他呼吁奥巴马否认有关他计划对新的 多数 发动反击的报道。

  • The working week may be much longer with more than 60 hours common but a majority of women in Bric countries had shoulders to lean on using family members or paid domestic help .

    女性 每周 工作时间可能更长,超过60小时很常见,但金砖国家 大多数女性有肩膀可以依靠,靠家庭成员或收费的家政服务人员的帮助。

  • They can trust their employees to get things done & instead of working 24 / 7 to do everything themselves like the vast majority of business owners .

    他们有信心员工能圆满完成 工作,而不是像 大多数企业家一样,一年到头、白天黑夜,任何事情都亲力亲为。

  • Fifty-five percent of working moms say they take advantage of their employers'flexible work arrangements and a vast majority report that their career progress hasn 't been hindered as a result .

    百分之五十五的 工作妈妈说,她们利用老板们对工作时间安排的灵活性。以及 大多数的报告说,这并不妨碍她们的职业生涯的进展。

  • In order to really represent the people 's fundamental interests the Party should always remember its goal of serving the people whole heartedly working in conformity with the interests of the majority of people and doing things to their satisfaction and consent and according to their will

    努力实践代表人民群众的根本利益就要牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨, 善于把握符合 广大群众根本利益的总体发展方向,把人民群众高兴不高兴、满意不满意、答应不答应作为工作的标准

  • Abunassar has been working out Garnett for seven weeks this summer the majority of the time in Los Angeles .

    今年夏天, 加内特接受阿巴萨的训练已有7周,其中 大部分时间在拉斯维加斯。

  • Of the 1 cadres and employees working in the financial economic and trade fields the overwhelming majority are good and only a small number are not .

    财经贸易系统的一百一十万干部和 职工,绝 大多数是好的,有少数人是不好的。

  • Also surprising adds Ely was the fact that among women not employed full-time many were working part-time jobs that average 25 hours in a typical week and the vast majority ( three-fourths ) are engaged in pro bono and volunteer efforts .

    此外,令伊莉吃惊的是,在未从事全职工作的女性校友当中,许多人仍在 从事兼职,每周平均工作25个小时,而且 大多数(约四分之三)都在参加公益和志愿者活动。

  • Neither candidate won a working majority .

    两位候选人都没有赢得 有效 多数

  • To be advanced is the innate character of the vanguard of the working class the essential foundation for the Party to exit and develop and the basic condition for the Party to be trusted and supported by the vast majority of people .

    先进性是 工人阶级先锋队的本质属性,是党得以存在和发展的根本依据,是党能够得到最 广大人民信赖和拥护的根本条件。

  • A survey of 1 predominantly married working women aged 35 to 59 found that the majority would rather read a good book than have sex shop or sleep .

    一项针对1500名年龄在35岁至59岁、以已婚 职业女性为主的调查结果显示,与做爱、购物和睡觉相比, 大多数女性更喜欢阅读一本好书。