working point

[ˈwə:kɪŋ pɔɪnt][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ pɔint]


  • SYSTEM The working point can be defined by analyzing thermal coefficient of tantalum nitride resistors .

    对电阻温度系数(TCR)的分析可确定溅射系统的 工作

  • The prospect of all-solid-state lasers is forecasted . In the Chapter 2 the basic model and work principle of LD-pumped all-solid-state lasers are induced . The oscillation threshold of four-level system working slope efficiency and working point condition are deduced from rate equation theory .

    第2章引入了LD泵浦固体激光器的基本模型和工作原理,从速率方程导出四能级系统的振荡阈值,工作斜效率和 工作 情况,继而描述了三波耦合理论和腔内倍频非线性过程;

  • The characteristics of the system and setup of comples geo-information system are introduced as well as the main functions of the system such as general GIS evaluation of macro stability of the slope calculation of slope stability at working point and reinforcement of the slope .

    介绍了系统的特点和综合地学信息系统的建立,并对系统的主要功能:通用GIS功能、边坡宏观稳定性评价功能、 工点边坡稳定计算功能、边坡加固处理功能等做了介绍。

  • This paper emphasizes the structure of working point on-line dynamic optimization and multi-pump coordinated control boundary conditions and fuzzy reasoning mechanism .

    文中对 工况 动态优化和多泵协调控制结构、约束条件、模糊推理机制等各方面都进行了比较详细的研究。

  • Prerequisites for working point on-line dynamic optimization such as slurry concentration measurement control of slurry concentration and velocity have been studied accordingly .

    工况 在线动态优化所必须的泥浆浓度测量、泥浆浓度和流速控制等方面进行了相关的研究工作。

  • When the pressure ( h ) is determinate so is the working point .

    当出水口压力h确定后,对于确定的定速泵系统其 工作 就已经确定了。

  • Because of the particular advantage of MPC in dealing with the constraints the working point of the designed DP system can approach the edge of the allowable operation area and can achieve higher performance and more economic benefits .

    由于MPC在约束处理方面的卓越优势,使得动力定位系统的 工作 可以接近允许的操作范围的边缘,可以获得更高的性能和经济效益。

  • According to simulation result electrical characteristic of DBD load has been induced and optimized working point has been determined .

    从统计结果中总结了DBD介质阻挡放电的电气特性,并从特性出发确定了该负载的最佳 工作

  • And then the parameter of sensor the frequency scale voltage of the pulse is optimized and the optimization working point of the system is presented .

    本文对传感器参数、激励脉冲信号的重复频率、占空比和电压幅值等系统参数进行了优化设计,提出了最佳的检测系统 工作

  • Based on these analysis the paper make a further discussing to optimized energy working point of drying system .

    在此基础上,对铝带烘干系统的能量最优 工作 进行了探讨。

  • Using computer simulating we can optimize the process conditions of blown film and determine the best working point .

    通过计算机模拟,可以优化吹膜成型的工艺条件,确定最佳 工作

  • Its best working point is analyzed by network theory .

    采用网络理论研究了元件的最佳 工作

  • From the enterprise practical working point put the study emphasis on what are the main compositions of the integration analysis system and the using techniques and design the solution for process oriented enterprise application integration .

    重点研究了构成集成应用分析体系的主要内容及使能技术,设计 了有现实应用价值的面向过程的企业应用集成解决方案。

  • A method of working point self-calibration of fiber Fabry-Perot is proposed here .

    提出了光纤法珀传感器 工作 自校准的实现方法。

  • If the working point were set on zero point or top of curve double frequency distortion would be found .

    如果 工作 设在零点或是曲线的顶部将出现倍频失真。

  • Also it analyzed how the changes of pipe-network influenced each users flux and compared the energy consumption of the above working point with the one of constant head system .

    分析管网的变化,对各用户的流量的影响,以及与定 扬程系统的能耗的比较。

  • This paper fits performance curve on experimental data of circulating pump for heating by the method of least squares calculates the coefficient of pump 's performance curve regression equation and its working point and draws the fittest match for pump operation .

    用最小二乘法原理对采暖循环水泵的性能实验数据进行了曲线拟合,计算水泵性能回归曲线方程系数及水泵 工作 .通过实例分析,得出水泵运行的最佳组合。

  • The distributing of flowing velocity total pressure and turbulence inside the pump of each working point .

    各个 工作 下,流道内部的流速、总压和湍动能分布。

  • The relation between magnetic circuit and structure in the torque designing is discussed and via choosing the best working point of the magnetic circuit the optimal design is realized .

    论述了力矩器在设计过程中磁路与结构之间的关系,通过磁路 工作 的选择来达到力矩器的最优化设计。

  • The controllers designed can achieve the local control and possess good robustness when the working point and the structure of the system are changing .

    所设计的控制器能实现当地信号控制,并对系统 运行 和网络结构的变化具有很强的鲁棒性。

  • The principle and the working point drift characteristics of Electro-optic modulator have been studied and the appropriate bias voltage control module was selected . Meanwhile the bias voltage control experiment of BOTDA sensing system was designed according to its features and functions .

    在对电光调制器(EOM)原理和 工作 漂移特性进行深入研究的基础上,选定合适的偏压控制模块,并根据其特性和功能设计了BOTDA传感系统中EOM偏压控制单元实验。

  • The external disturbances not only can make excursion of the system working point but also can deteriorate the performance of the control system .

    外部扰动能使系统的 工作 发生漂移,并使系统的动态和稳态性能变差。

  • The stability working point and the decisive factor of the limit of the mechanical properties with the speed open loop control were analyzed .

    分析了速度开环控制方式下的系统稳定 工作 及极限机械特性的决定因素。

  • The relation curve of static working point and parameter h is introduced in this paper .

    引用晶体管静态 工作 与h参数的关系曲线,分析了静态参量IC、VCE对振荡电路频率稳定、起振、振荡频率的影响。

  • Working point of cutter head and layout style of driving apparatus and five-rod mechanism is brought forward in this paper . It is very useful for selecting best layout diagram in actual structure design .

    本文对异形盾构切削机构提出了刀盘 工作 及驱动装置与五杆机构的几种不同布置形式,以供在实际的机构设计中选择最佳结构布置方案。

  • Analyse the effect of the static working point in the amplifier circuit .

    根据静态 工作 的作用,以几种类型的放大电路为例,利用近似估算法和图解法对放大电路静态 工作 进行定量分析,方法简单,易于掌握。

  • At the same time the power follow control strategy restricts the switch frequency and fluctuation of engine working point in the appropriate range .

    这种控制策略同时还对发动机的开关次数以及 工作 的动态波动等不利于发动机提高燃油经济性和降低排放的情况进行限制。

  • The main content and working point are also given with the continuous developing sight .

    给出了在可持续发展视野下港口发展的主要内容及 工作 重点

  • It can search the working point automatically and stabilize the output according to the change of the loads .

    仿真电源有较好的动态响应,能够根据负载的变化自动寻找到光伏方阵的 工作 并保持稳定输出。