zero bit

[ˈzɪro bɪt][ˈziərəu bit]


  • The modelling method for positive / zero / negative justification demands to design the unique circuit for the bit recovery at the receiver .

    模型法正/ /负调整方法要求在码速恢复端采取特殊的 速恢复措施。

  • If the exponent is all zero bits then the first bit is zero .

    如果指数都是 0位,则第1 为0。

  • This paper designed and developed a portable infrared sight aiming baseline detection system for detecting the optical aiming baseline deviation of the infrared sight . That is the zero bit of walking capacity of infrared sight .

    本文设计研制了一种便携式红外瞄准镜瞄准基线检测系统,用于检测红外瞄准镜的光学瞄准基线偏差,即 走动量。

  • Simulation results prove that compared to the zero forcing method the proposed method achieves 9 dB gains under 10-4 of average bit error rate and similar simulation conditions .

    仿真实验表明,所提出的方法与迫 法相比,在相同的仿真条件下,在平均误 比特率为10-4时可以获得约9dB的性能增益。

  • After the structure of zero tree for embedded coding is analyzed in detail the coding information of each bit plane for a zero tree can be obtained simultaneously .

    根据内嵌编码的 树结构,指出每一个 比特平面的编码信息可以同时获得,从而给出了并行的零树编码结构。

  • The results show that the phase error of the vector measurement is zero and amplitude errors can be eliminated and high measurement accuracy can be obtained by using low bit D / A converter .

    结果表明,相位测量的理论误差 ,幅度测量的理论误差可用修正系数消除,且使用较低 位数的DA转换器,可得到高准确度的结果。

  • And suddenly you 've got zero heat capacity because you changed the temperature a little bit and everything is still stuck back here .

    骤然地你就得到 热容,因为你把温度改变一 ,所有振子仍然被冻结在这儿。

  • The zero knowledge proof based on bit - commitment channel

    基于 比特承诺通道的 知识证明

  • Short that it may be zero to six-year-old to put it a little bit longer probably until the age of twelve .

    说得短一点,可能是 到六岁,说得长一 ,大概要到十二岁。

  • A proved secure protocol for watermark verification based on perfect zero knowledge interactive proof system and bit commitments scheme is proposed .

    基于完全 知识交互证明系统和 委托方案,提出了可证明的安全水印认证协议。

  • A non zero dispersion shifted fiber with core depressed profile for large capacity and high bit rate backbone network and metropolitan area network is designed and fabricated by plasma chemical vapor deposition ( PCVD ) process .

    利用非等温等离子体化学气相沉积(PCVD)工艺制备了一种适合于大容量 高速率长途干线网与城域网的中芯下陷型纤芯结构非 色散位移光纤。

  • If the bit is zero the corresponding bit in the result is selected from the corresponding bit in val1 ; otherwise it is selected from the corresponding bit in val2 .

    如果该位为 0,结果中的对应 就从val1中的对应位进行选择;否则就从val2中的对应 进行选择。