zero hour

[ˈzɪro aʊr][ˈziərəu ˈauə]


  • Reflections on the Reform of Zero Class Hour for English Extensive Reading

    英语阅读 课时改革的思考

  • 3 : All the waiting is over-it 's zero hour for the game we 're all waiting for the players are out on the court and the referee is ready to throw the ball up and start the game .

    他说:一切等待终于结束。我们盼到了 久久等候的这场关键性的比赛。球员们都已经在场上,裁判正要抛起球来准备开场。

  • Its performance targets are extraordinary : zero to 60 miles per hour in 5.6 seconds 120 mile-per-hour top speed and a battery-powered range of 160 miles at minimum for the base model .

    该车的性能目标着实可圈可点: 到60英里加速 时间为5.6秒,最高时速为120英里,基本款车型充电一次至少可以行驶160英里。

  • It was zero hour and the surgeon began the operation on him .

    行动开始 时刻;决定性时刻; 关键性。

  • Pharmacodynamic evaluation was performed using area under concentration time curve of active moiety from zero to 24 hour and MIC collected from literature .

    使用 到24 小时药时曲线下面积和文献中搜集的最小抑菌浓度进行了药效学评价。

  • Zero : You 'll be falling at 130 miles per hour . Try not to get frostbite from the wind chill .

    你会以 时速130英里下落。注意别被寒风 冻伤了。

  • It also raises the question regarding the ratio of zero credit hour .

    提出关于 课时 学分所占比例问题。

  • New music quality graphics and sounds for normal Zero Hour units are added too .

    时刻 原版单位也加入了新的音乐,高质量的图形音效。

  • The result is expected to be very close so both sides are working hard to get every last vote before the zero hour at ten o'clock tomorrow morning when the final voting will start .

    预计表决的结果将接近,预定明天上午十点举行决定性的最后投票,双方在 关键 时刻来临前夕正在竭尽全力地每一张投票。

  • It is zero hour thirty universal time . Here 's the news in Special English .

    现在是世界时间 零点三十分。这里是特别英语的新闻。

  • When is the zero hour for the attack ?

    发动攻击的 确切 时间是在什么时候?

  • Get your equipment ready it 's coming up to zero hour .

    把你们的器材准备好,开始行动的 时刻到了。

  • Well it 's almost zero hour for the graduation party .

    “好了,毕业舞会 开始 时刻差不多到了。”

  • Results The percentage of CD3 + CD25 + cell was significantly higher ( P < 0.05 ) and the percentage of apoptosis was significantly lower ( P < 0.05 ) in PBLs cultured for zero hour and 48 hours in children with HSP than that in healthy children respectively .

    结果与健康儿童比较,HSP患儿 PBLs培养 0、48h后CD3+、CD25+细胞百分率均明显升高(P<0.05),凋亡率均明显降低(P<0.05);

  • Zero hour for the bombers to take off was minight .

    轰炸机起飞的 时间是在午夜。

  • Video coding is now changing its international standard at its zero hour .

    视频编码现在处于更新换代的又一 关键 时刻,国际标准H。

  • And you have found us here in VOA Spcial Engllish at zero hour thirty universal time .

    您在这里收听的是美国之音特别英语节目,现在是世界时间 零点三十分。

  • On the road the LFA will be able to accelerate from zero to60 miles per hour in3.6 seconds with a top speed of202 mph thanks in part to its10 cylinder 552-horsepower engine .

    LFA配备了10缸、552马力发动机,由时速 0至60英里加速 时间仅为3.6秒,最高时速达202英里。

  • It 's zero hour for the game we 're all waiting for .

    我们要看的比赛 小时了。

  • The zero hour is fixed for midnight .

    行动 开始 时刻定于午夜十二时。