working order

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈɔrdɚ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈɔ:də]


  • The cooker heaters and other electrical installations are all in perfect working order .

    厨房、加热器以及其他电器设备都处于完好的 工作 状态

  • They provide energy boost the immune system keep skin healthy help keep the brain and nervous system in good working order and they play a part in control and repair of tissues .

    它们提供能量、提高免疫力、保持皮肤健康、帮助维持大脑和神经系统良好 工作 状态,他们还部分参与组织的调控和修复。

  • The state of being in good working order and ready for operation .

    准备 工作运转的状态。

  • Check the operation of the firewater system periodically to ensure that it is always in good working order .

    定期检查消防水系统,以保证该系统随时处于良好的 工作 状态

  • Having recently bought an old typewriter I am now trying to bring it back into working order .

    我刚买了一台旧打字机,正想办法让它能够重新 正常 工作

  • If you are driving make sure your car is in top working order .

    如果你在开车,保证你的车在最好的 正常 运转 状态

  • Put a machine in working order .

    使机器处于 正常 运转 状态

  • After all it takes a lot of money to maintain a park in good working order .

    毕竟,它需要大量的资金,以维持一个良好的 工作 秩序公园。

  • OOW shall check the working order of Gyro-compass on the voyage .

    值班驾驶员在航行中应检查电罗经的 工作 正常

  • Once the machines have been put in working order they will keep on doing the work .

    一旦机器进入 工作 状态,它们就会持续工作下去。

  • Can you guarantee that the clock is in working order ?

    你能保证这 走得 准确吗?

  • You should keep your front and rear lights in good working order .

    你应该使你的前后灯保持好的 工作 状态

  • You may want to share your work in progress over the network but you want to leave the main CVS tree in good working order .

    你可能想把你的工作进展与整个网络上的同伴分享,但是你又必须保证CVS的主版本树永远保持一个 正确 状态

  • I keep my bike in good working order .

    我把我的自行车 保养得很好。

  • The factory was restored to full working order .

    工厂已修复并完全恢复正常 工作 秩序

  • We must keep the pumps in good working order .

    我们要使这些水泵处于 完好 状态

  • The watch is powered by a high quality jewelled manual movement signed IWC and is in clean condition and in good working order keeping time well .

    手表链子手动移动签署国际捕鲸委员会和在清洁条件和良好的 工作 状态保持的时间也是一支高素质的动力。

  • Maintain working order through prudent planning organizing and scheduling .


  • The stove and the fridge are in good working order .

    炉灶和冰箱都很 用。

  • All cleaning equipment must be in good condition and good working order .

    所有冲洗设备均必须处于良好的状态和良好的 操作 次序

  • There are a few things that you can do to keep your garden tools in good working order .

    有几件事,你可以做你花园工具保持良好的 工作 秩序

  • I have pleasure in informing you that all safety equipment is in full working order .

    很高兴地通知您,所有的安全设备 工作 状态良好。

  • In the same way it is essential that the front fork is in proper position and in working order .

    以同样的方式,这是至关重要的前叉是在正确的位置和 工作 秩序

  • If you do have a piano you need to invest the money required to keep it tuned and in good working order .

    如果你已经有琴了,那么你还需要投资做一些日常养护如调音,以使钢琴保持一个良好的 工作 状态

  • Objective : to execute site safety management regulations ( interim ) ensure company on site good working order ;

    目的:通过执行工地安全管理规定(暂行),保证公司工地现场良好的 工作 秩序

  • Moreover with strict laboratorial management it has laid a foundation for regular working order .

    严格的实验室管理,奠定了各项 工作 有序运行的基础;

  • It 's a little rusty but apart from that it 's in perfect working order .

    有点生锈了,不过除此以外,其他的一切 正常

  • Is the Inert Gas System fully operational and in good working order ?

    惰气系统是否完全可操作且情况 良好

  • Check dust bellows and joints are in working order and free of leaks .

    检查防尘套和接头是否处于 正常 工作 状态且没有泄漏。

  • Only half of the spacecraft 's six science instruments are still in working order .

    这艘宇宙飞船的6件科学仪器中只有一半还在 正常 运转