zero output

[ˈzɪro ˈaʊtˌpʊt][ˈziərəu ˈautput]


  • Analysis on NO-STARTING and unstability of zero potential output in rate gyroscope

    速率陀螺仪不启动和 输出不稳定性分析

  • The method of unlocking zero dynamics in output feedback control is analyzed .

    动态解开法用于 输出反馈控制进行了详细分析。

  • The analysis based on this model indicates that the zero sequence voltage output from the inverter bridges has great influence upon the three phase inverters .

    该文基于该模型分析了三相逆变器的动态特性,发现逆变桥 输出电压的 零序分量对三相逆变器的运行有着很大的影响。

  • The circuit in the stored system is self-adaptive which makes possible automatic adjustment of zero output within a wide range of voltage ( - 100mV ~ + 100mV ) .

    电路采用了自适应的设计,实现了对传感器大范围 输出(-100mV~+100mV)的自动调节。

  • The system is designed by using state space theory to realize zero error output adjustment .

    系统采用状态空间理论进行设计,实现了 输出 差调节;

  • Through combinating the experiment data the relationship between the zero drift and the output in C / O ratio spectrum log is obtained .

    利用试验数据分析了碳氧比能谱测井 零值漂移与 额的关系。

  • Many methods were adopted including the temperature compensating piece connection bridge box reliable sticking technique slight compensation on zero digit output and magnifying circuit of high precision .

    由于采用了温度补偿片,可靠的粘贴技术,接线桥盒, 输出的细微补偿,高精度、高增益、低漂移的放大电路,故而使传感器的 输出较为稳定,保证获得可靠的测量数据。

  • The zero output and great consumption growth in China forms a sharp contrast to the rapid increasing capacity in neighboring countries .


  • In the closed microcavity of an ideal four-level laser system when nonradiative depopulation is zero the light output property of the microcavity laser is linearly .

    在封闭腔,对理想的四能级激光系统,无辐射衰减速率为 零时微腔激光器的光 输出特性是线性的。

  • Research of the zero point output of piezoresistive pressure sensor

    压阻式压力传感器 零点 输出研究

  • Method for Compensating Zero Point Output and Thermal Zero Drift for a Silicon Pressure Transducer

    额定(温升);硅压力传感器 零点及零点温漂补偿的新方法

  • The compensation method based on resistance adjustment for temperature effect on zero output of strain gauge transducer

    应变式传感器 零点 输出温度影响的调阻补偿法

  • Strength Study on Gears for Zero Tooth Difference Type Output Mechanism


  • The results show that the environmental temperature and humidity have great influences on the zero output of carbon fiber cement paste piezoresistive sensors and their effects are about 6 % and 200 % respectively .

    研究表明:炭纤维水泥石压敏传感器的 零点 输出对环境温度、湿度的变化比较敏感,温度、湿度的最大影响分别约为6%和200%;

  • Finally taking the advantage of redundancy zero voltage output states the fault tolerant operation control method of ANPC three level converter under single device open circuit or short circuit fault was proposed .

    在分析了ANPC三电平变频器功率器件开路和短路状态的基础上,利用 电压状态冗余的优势,提出了 ANPC三电平变频器单个功率器件开路或短路故障状态下的容错运行控制方法。

  • The resonant frequency will generate excursion and mechanical quality factor will change due to temperature variation which cause the variation of the scale factor and zero bias so the output precision and performance reduce obviously .

    当环境温度变化时,微机械陀螺的谐振频率和品质因数会发生改变,会对陀螺的标度因数和 偏造成一定的影响,从而影响到陀螺的 输出精度和性能。

  • In the design of rate stabilized loop a higher-order PI algorithm with an advanced correction was presented . This algorithm can improve the performance of steady-state and achieve zero steady-state error in angular output .

    在速率稳定回路校正环节的设计中,本文研究了高阶PI校正与超前校正相结合的控制算法,改善了系统的稳态性能,使系统达到 静差 跟踪,并有效提高了系统的动态性能。

  • The key to this scheme is to use the zero crossing for output signal of fiber optical gyro .

    此方案利用光纤陀螺 输出信号的 特性,把位相检测过渡为时域信号检测。

  • Chapter 3 considers the robust adaptive control problem for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics and uncertain nonlinear functions where the unmodeled dynamics include zero dynamics and output unmodeled dynamics .

    第三章考虑了一类含未建模动态和不确定非线性函数的随机非线性系统的鲁棒自适应控制问题,未建模动态包括 动态和 输出未建模动态。

  • Partial disturbed zero output signal

    半选干扰 0 输出信号

  • The Z axis is provided with zero output to facilitate the setting and changing of electrical charging depth if installed with optical ruler .

    若加装光学尺Z轴具有 零点 输出功能放电深度的设定及变更容易。

  • When the economy is in a stable condition the economic growth rate will be zero because the output per capita remains unchanged .

    当经济处于稳定状态时,由于人均 产出保持不变,经济的增长率将

  • In a new-type output mechanism zero teeth difference type output mechanism the gears must be corrected to avoid the interference of tooth shape .

    在新型 输出机构& 齿差机构中,齿轮必须进行切向变位才能避免齿形干涉。

  • The two semibridge were equal in full span and zero pressure output value was equated to zero nearly by adjusting zero pressure output and full span .

    并通过零位调节和满量程调节,在实际上使两个半桥的满 量程相等, 位近似为零。

  • In this paper the compensation principle for temperature effect on zero output of Strain gauge transducer is discussed . The new Compensation Method with antenna-type compensation resistance is introduced . Some calculating formulae and experimental results are described .

    论述了应变式传感器 零点 输出温度影响的补偿原理,介绍了采用天线式补偿电阻的新型补偿方法,给出了计算公式和实验结果。

  • The deviation signal is produced by making the output feedback signal compare with the input signal . After the deviation signal is amplified by front link the feedback quantity is regulated until the deviation signal is zero and then the output is the measuring value .

    该系统将系统输出反馈与输入信号比较产生偏差信号,此信号经前向环节放大后调节反馈量直至偏差信号 ,其 输出即为测得值。

  • Engagement Principle and Conditions of Strength on Involute Zero Teeth Difference Type Output Mechanism

    渐开线 齿差机构啮合原理与强度条件

  • Magnetic Heading Measurement for Spinning Projectile Based on the Zero Output of Sensor

    基于传感器 零值 输出的旋转弹丸磁航向测量方法

  • This system use electro-optic crystal as the phase modulation device with modulation signal in zero offset then the output light contain the SPR phase signal .

    该系统采用电光晶体作为相位调制元件,在 偏置下加载调制信号,经传感头 输出光强信号中含有SPR相位差。