zero error

[ˈzɪro ˈɛrɚ][ˈziərəu ˈerə]


  • Let 's look at a division by zero error .

    下面让我们来看一下divisionby zero这个 错误

  • In the field of measurement the sensors and circuits may inevitably cause residual voltage and zero drift called zero error .

    在测量领域中,传感器与测量电路一般都不可避免地存在残余电压与零点漂移,即 零点 误差

  • Without adjusting the gain and zero error of the amplifier previously and requiring the high accuracy standard voltage sources and digital voltmeters therefore the method is suitable for automatic test .

    自校法测试DAC 需对放大器的 失调及增益做事先调整,也无需高准确度的标准源及数字电压表,适合于自动测试。

  • Experiments show that zero error and linear system error exist when SAI is tested by the four-wheel aligners .

    试验表明:四轮定位仪测量主销内倾存在 零点 误差和线性度系统误差。

  • The system accuracy and false zero error are also analyzed in the paper .

    文中同时对系统精度和假 零点 误差也进行了分析。

  • Field test result and its industrial application demonstrate that the real-time multi-task remote pipeline leakage detection system based on Modbus / TCP has zero error rate without missed diagnosis ;

    现场测试结果和实际工业应用证明,基于Modbus/TCP协议实时多任务的管道泄漏远程检测系统 误判 ,并且几乎无漏判;

  • In calibration of zero error the digital calibration should take different ways for the different outputs of ADC positive and negative values .

    零值 误差的校准,应根据A/D转换器不同的正负值输出方式采取不同的处理方法。

  • It gives us the simulation curves together and respectively caused by initialization errors zero error of accelerometer and invariable gyro drift and then it analyzes the simulation results .

    文中对初始值误差、加速度计 误差及陀螺常值漂移共同作用及各自分别作用条件下进行了仿真,通过仿真曲线对各 误差 进行了简要地分析。

  • The watermark can be detected with zero error probability even if the quality of watermarked image is as poor as 26 dB in PSNR after corrupted by additive Gaussian noise .

    在水印图像信噪比受Gaussian加性噪声干扰下降到26dB时,仍实现了对嵌入水印 错误概率的检测。

  • Chapter three Introduce Hall temperature performance electromagnetic characteristic zero error frequency characteristic and these parameter commonly used compensation method and Hall simple application of component ;

    第三章介绍了霍尔元件的温度性能、电磁特性、 误差、频率特性以及这些参数常用的补偿方法和霍尔元件的简单应用;

  • The simulation results shows that it can meet zero error job action requirement of the space launch .

    经模拟试验验证,该结果能满足航天发射岗位操作 差错的要求。

  • Channel capacity in information theory is used to analysis how many characters can be embedded in a certain size image on the base of zero error probability .

    信息论中信道容量定理用于分析在 错误概率下一定尺度的图像中可以嵌入的字符数量。

  • The calibration can eliminate A / D zero error system channel error and drift error .

    此外,CS5532内部有一个完整的自校正系统,可进行自校准和系统校准,可消除A/D本身 零点增益和漂移 误差,以及系统通道的失调和增益误差。

  • A proportional resonant controller based on internal model theory is used in current tracking control of the rectifier by which the zero error tracking control of the VIENNA rectifier is realized .

    将基于内模原理的比例谐振控制算法应用到电流跟踪控制环节中,实现了VIENNA整流器的电流 误差跟踪控制。

  • A compensation technique for piezoresistive accelerometer 's zero error temperature excursion dynamic property is worked out in this paper . We give the theory and achieve method of compensation .

    对扩散硅压阻式加速度传感器的 零点 误差、温度漂移和动态特性等进行了分析研究,给出了它们的补偿原理及其实现方法。

  • For the feedforward controller design zero error characteristic of the step response of system with zero phase error tracking controller ( ZPETC ) is proved and its application is studied .

    对于前馈控制器设计,证明了零相位误差跟踪算法在阶跃输入下的 性并研究了该特性的应用。

  • The centers of community health service and the village health rooms bearing the basic public health service into the range of the implementation of national essential drug system and realize zero error rate sales work .

    全省所有政府举办的乡镇卫生院、社区卫生服务中心和承担基本公共卫生服务的村卫生室都纳入了国家基本药物制度的范围并实现 差率销售。

  • Introduce several methods of digital percolate ave nonlinear compensate and error correction as well as zero error and automatic trace processing method in this article .

    本文简要介绍了数字滤波的几种方法,非线性补偿及误差修正的几种方法以及 零点 漂移问题的自动跟踪处理方法。

  • Decreasing the zero error is a good way to improve the accuracy of instruments .

    零点 误差的处理是提高仪器测量精度的一个关键措施。

  • It is proved that the standard phase-stepping algorithms have perfect zero error response to nonlinear detectors and no effect on the accuracy of the device exists when the amplitude information of the wavefront is ignored .

    证明了在不考虑波前幅度信息时,标准相移算法对光电探测器的非线性 响应,不影响仪器精度。

  • The result of test showed in the same instruction time neural network fuzzy controller could achieve zero error measurement about angle instruction and neural network fuzzy controller remarkably minish overtop value compared with the general PID controller .

    结果证明,在同一指令时间内,模糊神经网络控制器能够很好地完成角度指令的 误差调节,与常规PID控制器相比较,模糊神经网络控制器的超调量显著减小。

  • The digital calibration of intelligent instruments imbedded with a microprocessor can realize the calibration of zero error and amplitude value of the instruments by the method of software .

    嵌入了微处理器的智能仪器的数字校准,是采用软件方法实现仪器的 零值 误差和幅值系数的校准。

  • An adaptive control strategy is presented for a class of nonlinear systems which is based on a state observer carefully designed and can realize stable follow up in a nonlinear system with zero error .

    提出一种带有状态观测器的非线性系统自适应控制策略,实现了非线性系统的镇定和 误差跟踪。

  • Zero error decrypted speech ensures the high quality of speech .

    解密的 误差,保证了良好的语音质量。

  • Experiment results indicate that this measure is of great help to constrain the zero error and increase precision of instruments .

    实验结果表明,该措施能够有效地抑制 零点 误差,提高仪器测量精度。

  • Calibrated parameters include full range error zero error and unlinear error .

    检定参数包括满码误差、 误差和非线性误差三部分,非线性误差可以不依赖专用的标准,足够准确地自校出来。

  • The proposed control algorithm was applied to the Duffing chaotic system and Chua 's chaotic circuit . Simulation results confirm that the control algorithm is feasible for practical application system has the characteristics of quick response and zero error .

    将该算法应用于Duffing和Chua's混沌系统,仿真结果证明了控制方法的有效性,系统具有快的响应和 稳态 误差

  • The system is designed by using state space theory to realize zero error output adjustment .

    系统采用状态空间理论进行设计,实现了输出的 调节;

  • In this thesis feature-based parameterized design system based on UG Secondary development Windows XP System and Microsoft Visual Studio . NET has been developed . A formed turning tool realizes zero error and high efficiency design .

    NET为开发环境的高精度、基于特征的参数化成形车刀CAD设计系统,实现了 误差设计 精度,而且大大提高了设计效率。

  • For frequency domain three point method straightness error will also not be affected by zero error .

    频域三点法的直线误差则不受 误差的影响。