


  • Laboratory and Clinical Study on Toad Venom in Fast Indolent Pulpotomy and Pulp Devitalization


  • Toad : prepare to meet you maker . your . ice maker .


  • I happened to grow the toad skin melons in summer .

    夏天我无意 间种出了 皮瓜。

  • I shall go and join the army or something and never see my dear Toad Hall again !

    我将离开这儿去参军或干别的什么,我将再也见不到我心爱的 宅第了!

  • Toad is a set of database administration development and performance optimization tools for major databases like Oracle DB2 SQL Server or MySQL .


  • No you don 't ! 'said the Mole . 'I know what Toad should do .

    “不,你不能!”鼹鼠说,我知道应该 怎麽做。

  • He says among the most curious on the list is the once abundant Golden Toad which lived in a protected area of Costa Rica and disappeared in a little over a year .

    他说名单上最 珍稀 过于曾经很常见的 金蟾了。 它们 栖息在哥斯达黎加的一个保护区,但在一年多时间内很快就销声匿迹了。

  • To the toad the garden is a worm that wiggles a bug that flies .


  • Toad was quite alarmed at this very serious and portentous style of greeting .


  • So far everything was going well for Toad .

    到目前为止,一切都很 顺利

  • South American toad ; incubates its young in pits in the skin of its back .

    南美洲 ;在其背部皮肤的凹坑里培育其幼子。

  • The fat toad gave him a hollowed out yellow turnip to which were harnessed six little mice .

    说着就将一个套着六只小老鼠的空心 萝卜交给他。

  • We propose and describe an all-optical prefix tree adder with the help of a terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer ( TOAD ) using a set of optical switches .

    提出一种基于 太赫兹光学非对称解复用器的全光前缀树加法器,在其中使用了多个光开关。

  • The Toad Extension does semantical and syntactical validation of the database related code .


  • I even block the daily email from the canteen telling me that its toad in the hole and spotted dick on the menu tonight .

    的信息了,我甚至屏蔽了每日来自食堂的邮件, 通常会告诉我晚餐的菜单 包括 香肠以及葡萄干布丁。

  • She often came to visit Toad bringing him nice things to eat and hot drinks .

    她时常来看 ,带给他好东西吃,热饮料喝。

  • This article discusses the process of the methanol extraction of toad skin in detail the use of reagents and equipments the methodology and operation of the main points .

    本文详细论述了 皮的甲醇提取工艺,所用到的试剂、仪器,采用的方法和操作要点。

  • The Forest Kingdom : Here you can learn about various kinds of animals and plants . The hummer the redeye tree toad and the butterfly warmly welcome your participation .

    在这里,你能认识许多的动物、植物。蜂鸟、红眼 雨蛙、蝴蝶等等都在热烈的欢迎 你的参加。

  • Are you talking about the education minister ? Oh he 's a toad isn 't he !

    你们在谈论教育部长吗?哦,他是个 可恶 家伙,不是吗。

  • A live common midwife toad is seen near two dead male toads in France 's Pyrenees National Park .

    这张摄于庇里牛斯山国家公园的照片,一只活的产婆 在两只死亡的雄性产婆蟾之间。

  • This way he can tie his actions and activities directly to the client 's overall business goals and easily illustrate how his activities toad value for his client 's clients .

    通过这种方式,他可以将自己的行动和活动直接与客户的整体商业目标 相连,并且很容易地说明他的活动如何为其客户的客户 带来价值。

  • This toad here is getting empty .

    也饿 了。

  • Small secretive toad with smooth tough skin of central and western North America .


  • Do I overwork ? What effect does my work toad have on my efficiency ? Should I force myself to take breaks or to reduce the pace of my activity ?

    我是否工作过度?我的工作 负担对我的工作效率产生了怎样的影响?我是否应该强迫我自己暂停工作或放慢工作步伐?

  • And what is worse the people recognized Toad .

    更糟糕的是,这些人也 认出

  • Developers can use Toad to build test and debug PL / SQL packages procedures triggers and functions .

    开发者可以使用 Toad来构建、测试以及调试PL/SQL包、过程、触发器和函数;