to go abroad

[tu ɡo əˈbrɔd][tu: ɡəu əˈbrɔ:d]


  • I refuse to go abroad ; I belong here .

    拒绝 出国,我的位置在这里。

  • Are you planning to go abroad too ?

    你也 打算 出国 留学吗?

  • If I were you I should seize the opportunity to go abroad .

    如果我是你的话,我会抓住这次 出国的机会的。

  • To go abroad was quite an adventure for me .


  • I 've decided not to go abroad . I 'm badly needed in the work .

    我已决定不 出国了。这工作非常需要我。

  • My sister was offered a good chance to go abroad for further study of English .

    我姐姐得到了一个 出国深造英语的好机会。

  • My only regret is that I have missed the chance to go abroad for further education .

    我唯一遗憾的是错过了 国外进修的机会。

  • When I am about to go aboard a plane to go abroad I often still think about this .

    当我准备上飞机 国外得时候,我还经常在想这个问题。

  • B : Yes I 've decided not to go abroad .

    可以,我决定不 出国了。

  • I have no plans to go abroad in the near future .

    我最近没有 出国 打算

  • I have a strong desire to go abroad .

    我有 出国的强烈愿望。

  • When I learnt my English well I also like to go abroad .

    等我的英语学好了,我 也想 出国 看看

  • Since I plan to go abroad before long I had to sell my house at a loss .

    因为我计划不久以后 出国,我不得不亏本出售我的房子。

  • Have you got any chance to go abroad ?

    你得到 出国的机会了吗?

  • You should exploit this opportunity to go abroad .

    你应该利用这机会 国外

  • It 's not easy for a girl to go abroad alone .

    对一个女孩来说,只身 出国很不容易的。

  • I mean to go abroad this .

    打算今年 出国

  • It 's a pity that she should miss the chance to go abroad .

    很遗憾她错过了这次 出国的机会。

  • If you have a chance to go abroad which country would you prefer to visit ?

    如果你有机会 出国,你会选择哪个国家呢?

  • If I were to go abroad I would go to America .

    假如我 出国,我就会去美国。

  • For this reason I have decided to go abroad .

    基于这个理由,我已经决定 出国

  • A : I plan to go abroad .

    我计划 出国

  • Want to go abroad I hope you can in my parents .


  • I would love to go abroad this year perhaps to the South of France .

    我今年很 出国,可能是去法国南部。

  • He threw away a chance to go abroad .

    他失掉了一个 出国的机会。

  • He evinced his desire to go abroad .

    他表示了 出国的愿望。

  • I could kick myself ! I lost the chance to go abroad .

    我恨自己错过了 出国的机会。

  • To go abroad you need to provide the products and service that the market requires .

    走向 海外,你必须提供市场所需的产品和服务。

  • It would advantage him to go abroad .
